A. programs B. screen C. hours D. watching 查看更多



Spending a lot of time watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Web causes a lot of healthy problems to children such as overweight and smoking, US researchers said yesterday.

U.S. experts analyzed 173 studies on how media sources influence the physical health of children and adolescents (青少年). The studies, mostly carried out in the United States, largely focused on television, but some looked at video games, films, music, computer and Internet use. Three quarters of them found that increased media viewing was connected with poor health.

The studies offered strong evidence that children who get more media exposure are more likely to become overweight, start smoking and begin earlier sexual activity than those who spend less time in front of a screen, the researchers said. Studies also showed more media exposure is linked to drug and alcohol use and poorer school performance. “We were pretty surprised by the number of studies that showed these negative health results,” said one of the researchers in the report.

For decades, experts have worried about the effect on young viewers of the violence and sexual content in some TV programs, movies and video games. Another issue is that kids are spending time sitting on a couch(长沙发) watching TV or playing computer games when they could be running around outside.

One study found that children who spend more than eight hours watching TV per week at age 3 are more likely to be overweight at 7. And research showed that many US children watch far more. Another study showed TV and other media content can have a deep influence on children’s attitudes and beliefs, particularly among teens. A US study published in November showed that adolescents who watched more programs with sexual themes had a higher risk of becoming pregnant (怀孕的) or causing a pregnancy. Thirteen of 14 studies that evaluated (评估)sexual behavior found a connection between media exposure and earlier sexual behavior, the researchers said.


57. How did the experts carry out their research?

A. By examining health problems including overweight and smoking.

B. By analyzing 173 studies on influences of media sources.

C. By watching TV, playing video games and surfing the Web.

D. By offering strong evidence that children become overweight.

58. According to the passage, too much media exposure may cause the following EXCEPT _______.

A. drug and alcohol use                                    B. overweight, smoking, sexual problem

C. progress in school subjects                           D. poor health results and violence

59. By mentioning adolescent pregnancy, the author tries to tell us that _______.

A. we’d better get rid of TV, movies, and the Internet

B. the present generation of youths is hopeless

C. sexual themes are as bad as violent themes

D. some media contents have a bad effect on teens

60. What’s the best title for this passage?

A. What’s the Cause of Children’s Overweight?    

B. Violence and Sexual content in TV programs.

C. Lots of TV, Video, Web Harms Kids’ Health.

D. Media Exposure and Adolescent Pregnancy.



Let Them Watch It

  One hot night in July, when our new baby wouldn’t or couldn’t sleep, I tried everything I could think of:a warm bottle, songs, gentle rocking.Nothing would settle him.Guessing that I had a long night ahead of me, I brought a TV set into his room, figuring that watching the late movie was as good a way as any to kill off the hours until dawn.To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down, his little eyes focused brightly on the screen.Not to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tiptoed out of the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi’s forty-fifth birthday.

  My wife and I heard no more of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room, I found him still watching TV himself.

  I found in my baby’s behavior a metaphor(暗喻)for the new generation.My wife and I had given him some books to examine, but he merely spit upon them.When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable.And so it is in the schools.We find that our students don’t read, that they look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it.All they want to do is watching TV.After this experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion:“Let them watch it.If television is that much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want!”


Why did the author bring a TV set into his son’s room?

[  ]


To make his son stop crying.


To spend the night by watching TV programs.


To leave it to his son.


To make his son go to sleep as soon as possible.


The baby’s reaction to the TV program was ________.

[  ]










From the passage we know that the author is ________.

[  ]


a doctor


an editor


a writer


a teacher


What do you think is the author’s attitude towards TV expressed in the last two sentences?

[  ]






Not favorable


Not serious.


Shaping the Future of TV
Nobody can predict the future of TV with any certainty but some major figures in the industry have recently put forward their thoughts on what will shape TV of the future.
The shaping of a personalized television future is starting to take place, says Intel. The chip giant, who makes the processors found in most personal computers, states that by 2015 there will be just over 12 million devices using IPTV services that will be capable of connecting to over 500 billion hours of TV & video.
This supports the idea to make television a more social, personalized and readily accessible device available anywhere through IPTV services. As more and more people consume TV & video through various mediums, there is now a greater need to distribute and manage this content.
As such, companies like TV Genius are accepting this announcement made at Intel’s Developer Forum (IDF) in the USA by their chief technology officer, Justin Rattner.
With such a variety of content likely to become available, technology firms will need to assist in making personalized TV recommendations more readily accessible.
Mr. Rattner, speaking to the BBC said, “TV will remain at the centre of our lives and you will be able to watch what you want and where you want. We are talking about more than one TV-capable device for every man and woman on the planet. People are going to feel connected to the screen in ways they haven’t in the past.”
One way in which this will happen will also be assisted by a more united service of material combining including video content, internet content, broadcast content, and personal content.
This content will become much more accessible through remote devices like mobile phones using IPTV technology. This means that users will be able to watch their favorite programs away from the traditional media hub, the home.
63. The author uses the passage mainly to ________.
A. recommend a new type of TV          B. introduce a possible shape of future TV
C. describe the function of future TV    D. support the new type of TV
64. We know from the passage that the future TV might have major features like _______.
a. being capable of connecting to many more hours
b. changing the shape very easily        c. receiving programs at any place
d. displaying the advanced materials
e. using services accessing the Internet, video, radio, etc
A. a, b, c  B. c, d, e     C. a, c, e     D. b, c, e
65. The underlined word “this” in the third paragraph refers to __________.
A. Intel, the chip giant                  B. TV and video
C. readily accessible device            D. Widely used IPTV services
66. We can infer from the passage that _________.
A. the present TV will disappear in the near future
B. the future TV will have a beautiful look
C. people are developing the technology of TV very quickly
D. people will spend more time watching TV at home


                                                           Shaping the Future of TV
     Nobody can predict the future of TV with any certainty but some major figures in the industry have
recently put forward their thoughts on what will shape TV of the future.
     The shaping of a personalized television future is starting to take place, says Intel. The chip giant,
who makes the processors found in most personal computers, states that by 2015 there will be just over
12 million devices using IPTV services that will be capable of connecting to over 500 billion hours of TV
& video.
     This supports the idea to make television a more social, personalized and readily accessible device
available anywhere through IPTV services. As more and more people consume TV & video through various
mediums, there is now a greater need to distribute and manage this content.
     As such, companies like TV Genius are accepting this announcement made at Intel's Developer Forum
(IDF) in the USA by their chief technology officer, Justin Rattner.
     With such a variety of content likely to become available, technology firms will need to assist in making
personalized TV recommendations more readily accessible.
     Mr. Rattner, speaking to the BBC said, "TV will remain at the centre of our lives and you will be able to
watch what you want and where you want. We are talking about more than one TV-capable device for every
man and woman on the planet. People are going to feel connected to the screen in ways they haven't in the
     One way in which this will happen will also be assisted by a more united service of material combining
including video content, internet content, broadcast content, and personal content.
     This content will become much more accessible through remote devices like mobile phones using IPTV
technology. This means that users will be able to watch their favorite programs away from the traditional
media hub, the home.
1. The author uses the passage mainly to _____.
[     ]
A. recommend a new type of TV
B. introduce a possible shape of future TV
C. describe the function of future TV
D. support the new type of TV
2. We know from the passage that the future TV might have major features like _____.
    a. being capable of connecting to many more hours
    b. changing the shape very easily c. receiving programs at any place
    d. displaying the advanced materials e. using services accessing the Internet, video, radio, etc
[     ]
A. a, b, c
B. c, d, e 
C. a, c, e
D. b, c, e
3. The underlined word"this" in the third paragraph refers to _____.
[     ]
A. Intel, the chip giant
B. TV and video
C. readily accessible device
D. widely used IPTV services
4. We can infer from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. the present TV will disappear in the near future
B. the future TV will have a beautiful look
C. people are developing the technology of TV very quickly
D. people will spend more time watching TV at home


Shaping the Future of TV

Nobody can predict the future of TV with any certainty but some major figures in the industry have recently put forward their thoughts on what will shape TV of the future.

The shaping of a personalized television future is starting to take place, says Intel. The chip giant, who makes the processors found in most personal computers, states that by 2015 there will be just over 12 million devices using IPTV services that will be capable of connecting to over 500 billion hours of TV & video.

This supports the idea to make television a more social, personalized and readily accessible device available anywhere through IPTV services. As more and more people consume TV & video through various mediums, there is now a greater need to distribute and manage this content.

As such, companies like TV Genius are accepting this announcement made at Intel’s Developer Forum (IDF) in the USA by their chief technology officer, Justin Rattner.

With such a variety of content likely to become available, technology firms will need to assist in making personalized TV recommendations more readily accessible.

Mr. Rattner, speaking to the BBC said, “TV will remain at the centre of our lives and you will be able to watch what you want and where you want. We are talking about more than one TV-capable device for every man and woman on the planet. People are going to feel connected to the screen in ways they haven’t in the past.”

One way in which this will happen will also be assisted by a more united service of material combining including video content, internet content, broadcast content, and personal content.

This content will become much more accessible through remote devices like mobile phones using IPTV technology. This means that users will be able to watch their favorite programs away from the traditional media hub, the home.

63. The author uses the passage mainly to ________.

   A. recommend a new type of TV

   B. introduce a possible shape of future TV

   C. describe the function of future TV

   D. support the new type of TV

64. We know from the passage that the future TV might have major features like _______.

   a. being capable of connecting to many more hours

   b. changing the shape very easily

   c. receiving programs at any place

   d. displaying the advanced materials

e. using services accessing the Internet, video, radio, etc

   A. a, b, c  B. c, d, e     C. a, c, e     D. b, c, e

65. The underlined word “this” in the third paragraph refers to __________.

   A. Intel, the chip giant                  B. TV and video

   C. readily accessible device            D. Widely used IPTV services

66. We can infer from the passage that _________.

   A. the present TV will disappear in the near future

   B. the future TV will have a beautiful look

   C. people are developing the technology of TV very quickly

   D. people will spend more time watching TV at home

