A.created B. sold C. published D. bought 查看更多



When The Grapes of Wrath (愤怒) was published on March 14, 1939, it created a national sensation (轰动) for its description of the destructive effects of the Great Depression (大萧条) of the 1930s. By the end of April, it was selling 2,500 copies a day — a remarkable number considering the hard economic times. In May, the novel was a number-one best-seller, selling at a rate of 10,000 copies a week. By the end of 1939, close to a half million copies had been sold.

  John Steinbeck was shocked by the tremendous response to his novel. Almost overnight, he found himself involved in a great national debate over the migrant labor problem. Many people were shocked by the poverty and hopelessness of the story, and others denied that such circumstances could happen in America. Even people who had never read a book before bought a copy of The Grapes of Wrath. At $2.75 per copy, it was affordable and quickly sold out.

  However it was banned and burned in Buffalo, New York; East Saint Louis, Illinois; and Kern County, California, where much of the novel is set. In fact, the novel remains one of the most frequently banned books in the United States. The book was criticized sharply in Congress by Representative Lyle Boren of Oklahoma, who called the novel’s description of migrant living conditions a lie. Charges were made that “obscenity” (淫秽) had been included in the book in large part to sell more copies. Eventually, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt stepped in to praise the book and defend Steinbeck against his critics. In 1940, the novel won the Pulitzer Prize.

  The popularity of the novel has endured. It is estimated that it has sold fifteen million copies since its publication. For almost sixty years, Steinbeck’s novel has been a classic in American literature; it has been translated into several languages, including French, German, and Japanese. The Grapes of Wrath has also been a necessary part of the school curriculum in America since the end of World War II.

41. What does the underlined word “tremendous” probably mean?

  A. good      B. terrible     C. dull          D. great

42. Representative Lyle Boren of Oklahoma was     .

  A. a crazy supporter of The Grapes of Wrath  

B. among the group against John Steinbeck

  C. sympathetic to the migrant living conditions 

D. criticized by the first lazy of that time

43. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why The Grapes of Wrath sold well?

  A. It well describes people’s life during that time. 

B. The debate over it arose more readers’ interest.

  C. Readers were attracted by the obscenity in it.  

D. It was not expensive so people could afford it.

44.  Which of the following is TRUE about The Grapes of Wrath?

A. It is about the migrant workers in America during 1940s.

B. The story mainly happened on California’s grape farms.

C. Its description of the poor and hopeless life was a lie.

D. It remains a banned book in some places of the USA.

45. What can best prove the literature value of The Grapes of Wrath?

  A. It survives the time and remains a classic.

  B. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt praised it.

  C. It has won many important prizes in America.

  D. It was a number-one best-seller after its publication.


     When The Grapes of Wrath(愤怒) was published on March 14, 1939, it created a national
sensation(轰动) for its description of the destructive effects of the Great Depression(大萧条) of the
1930s. By the end of April, it was selling 2,500 copies a day-a remarkable number considering the
hard economic times. In May, the novel was a number-one best-seller, selling at a rate of 10,000
copies a week. By the end of 1939, close to a half million copies had been sold.
     John Steinbeck was shocked by the tremendous response to his novel. Almost overnight, he found
himself involved in a great national debate over the migrant labor problem. Many people were shocked
by the poverty and hopelessness of the story, and others denied that such circumstances could happen in
America. Even people who had never read a book before bought a copy of The Grapes of Wrath. At $2.75 per copy, it was affordable and quickly sold out.
     However it was banned and burned in Buffalo, New York; East Saint Louis, Illinois; and Kern
County, California, where much of the novel is set. In fact, the novel remains one of the most frequently
banned books in the United States. The book was criticized sharply in Congress by Representative Lyle
Boren of Oklahoma, who called the novel's description of migrant living conditions a lie. Charges were
made that "obscenity"(淫秽) had been included in the book in large part to sell more copies. Eventually,
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt stepped in to praise the book and defend Steinbeck against his critics. In
1940, the novel won the Pulitzer Prize.
     The popularity of the novel has endured(持久). It is estimated that it has sold fifteen million copies
since its publication. For almost sixty years, Steinbeck's novel has been a classic in American literature;
it has been translated into several languages, including French, German, and Japanese. The Grapes of
Wrath has also been a necessary part of the school curriculum in America since the end of World War II.
1. What does the underlined word "tremendous" probably mean?
A. good          
B. terrible          
C. dull      
D. great
2. Representative Lyle Boren of Oklahoma was__________. 
A. a crazy supporter of The Grapes of Wrath            
B. among the group against John Steinbeck
C. sympathetic to the migrant living conditions
D. criticized by the first lazy of that time
3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why The Grapes of Wrath sold well?
A. It well describes people's life during that time.
B. The debate over it arose more readers' interest.
C. Readers were attracted by the obscenity in it
D. It was not expensive so people could afford it.
4.Which of the following is TRUE about The Grapes of Wrath?
A. It is about the migrant workers in America during 1940s.
B. The story mainly happened on California's grape farms..
C. Its description of the poor and hopeless life was a lie.
D. It remains a banned book in some places of the USA.
5. What can best prove the literature value of The Grapes of Wrath?
A. It was a number-one best-seller after its publication.
B. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt praised it.
C. It has won many important prizes in America.
D. It survives the time and remains a classic.


     Rupert Murdoch, the Australian-born American media owner was voted Best of British by the
Sunday Express in London last week.
      He is the most famous    1   owner in the world and    2    newspapers and TV channels across the
world.      3    now he has been called the greatest     4   in Britain by one of his biggest rivals
(竞争对手) .
     The paper, which competes for _  5    with Murdoch's own papers, called him "the man who made
modem Britain" and it    6     Murdoch for his willingness to take risks.    7    said he had brought a
"revolution" to television and newspaper production.
      Rupert Murdoch、was born in Melbourne,    8   , in 1931. Today he is better _ 9   as the owner
of News Corporation Ltd., a media group that owns many different _10     of media: television, films,
books,  and the Internet.
         11    becoming the success he is today, Murdoch studied at Oxford University in Britain. He
returned to Australia in 1952, when he  12    The Adelaide News from  his father. His life since then
can be seen as a series of international jumps in which he's   13   more and more newspapers and TV
      In the 1960s, it was The Mirror in Sydney and the Sun, in London; in the 1970s, he bought the New
York Post; in the 1980s, he took on Hollywood when he bought 20th Century Fox and Fox TV. At this
time he also bought The Times and The Sunday; Times in  London. And most    14    in the 1990s, he
bought Star Television in Asia.
      His company has also formed a joint-venture(合资的) television company with the Chinese
Government, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Ltd(凤凰卫视控股有限公司 ). It     15   six  
channels-Xingkong weishi, Channel V, Star Movies, National Geographic Star Sports and ESPN-to
millions of Chinese   16    .
   One     17    how Murdoch could have found the time for love and relationships since he owns such a
big business. In 1967, he married Anna Troy, whom he met    18  _she was a reporter on The Sydney
Daily Mirror. The couple got    19   in 1998. The next year, he married Chinese-born Wendy Deng.
Deng, Murdoch's third wife, is 37 years younger than Murdoch and used to work    20    Star TV in
HongKong. The 71-year-old Murdoch is now father of five children after Deng gave birth to a baby
daughter last year.
(     )1. A. media      
(     )2. A. edits      
(     )3. A. However    
(     )4. A. editors    
(     )5. A. readers    
(     )6. A. elected    
(     )7. A . He        
(     )8. A. England    
(     )9. A. known      
(     )10. A. ways      
(     )11. A. Until      
(     )12. A. took out  
(     )13. A. created    
(     )14. A. recently  
(     )15. A. faced      
(     )16. A. readers    
(     )17. A. bores      
(     )18. A. while      
(     )19. A. married    
(     )20. A. on        
B. TV          
B. buys        
B. Until        
B. businessman  
B. media        
B. debated      
B. It          
B. America      
B. received    
B. areas        
B. After        
B. took up      
B. sold        
B. immediately  
B. related      
B. listeners    
B. concerns    
B. because      
B. separated    
B. among        
C. radio          
C. controls        
C. And            
C. reporters      
C. headlines      
C. praised        
C. Everyone        
C. Australia      
C. reflected      
C. forms          
C. Since          
C. took over      
C. published      
C. newly          
C. demonstrated    
C. viewers        
C. knows          
C. till            
C. disappointed    
C. for            
D. newspaper    
D. updates      
D. Since        
D. telegraphers  
D. journalists  
D. matched      
D. Who          
D. China        
D. informed      
D. fields        
D. Before        
D. took in      
D. bought        
D. yearly        
D. introduced    
D. media        
D. wonders      
D. once          
D. tolerated    
D. within        

