What are the two steps before he can help? 查看更多



What Makes Anxiety Happen?

Well, because we can't outlaw tests, we might as well figure out how to ease test anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling a person gets when he or she expects something stressful to happen.

______71_____ A kid might think, “What if I forget everything I know?” or “What if the test is too hard?” Too many thoughts like these don't leave much room in your mind to concentrate on remembering the answers to the test questions.

People with test anxiety can also feel stressed out by the physical reaction and think things like “What if I throw up?” or “Oh no, my hands are shaking.”

These thoughts can get the person even more upset, making the anxiety even stronger. Now, the person feels worse and is even more distracted and unable to concentrate.

What Can You Do?

You might be reading this article and saying, “Hey! That sounds just like me!” If so, we’re glad you recognize that this happens to you. ______72_____ Here are some ways to do that;

☆Ask for help

Talk to your mom or dad, your teacher, or your school guidance counselor (辅导员). Just talking to someone about test anxiety can make you feel better. Describe what happens to you when you're taking a test and these people can help you figure out some solutions. For instance, learning study skills can boost your test-day confidence.


Pay attention in class. Do your homework.

☆Expect the best

______74_____ Say to yourself, “I studied and I'm ready to do my best.”

☆Block bad thoughts

Watch out for any negative messages (“I'm no good at taking tests” or “I'm going to freak out if I get a bad grade”). These thoughts can make anxiety worse and make it harder for you to do well in the test.

☆Accept mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes and be more forgiving of your own mistakes, especially if you prepared for the test and are set to do your best.

☆Take care of yourself

You'll feel your best if you get enough playtime, sleep, and nutritious food. This is important all the time, but be extra-sure you get all three the day before a test.

☆Breathe better

Did you know that breathing exercises can help calm you down? (Just try not to take in too much air because it might make you feel dizzy.) Here is how to do it. ______75_____ Do this two to four times and you just might breathe easier the next time you're taking a test!

A. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose, and then breathe out slowly through your mouth.

B. Be prepared

C. Take food and nutrition into consideration.

D. Once you have prepared, think positively.

E. Focusing on the bad things that could happen can make a kid feel more worried.

F. He might often think about what would happen to him.    

G. Now you can start taking steps to lessen your test anxiety.


Summer is a busy time for travel. For years, people have wondered whether they are safe from viruses when they travel in small, enclosed areas. They worry about close contact with others who may be sick.

The current spread of a swine flu(猪流感) virus has added to these concerns. Recently, the World Health Organization raised its warning about the new H1N1 virus to its highest level. W.H.O. Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic–a disease that has spread to many nations. Given this information, many people want to know how safe it is to travel?

The answers people are getting may seem conflicting. For example, a W.H.O. statement urged nations not to close their borders or limit trade and travel. Director-General Chan said cases are generally not that serious for most people. Still, W.H.O. officials continue to report new cases across the world.

In the past, the W.H.O. and experts noted guidance for disease spread on airplanes. The experts said you could get infected only if you sit within two rows of someone who is sick. That would be a distance of up to three meters from the sick person. And this was true only if you sat there for more than eight hours.

But a travel-health expert says this guidance may not be helpful for swine flu. He suggests steps that could help prevent getting swine flu on an airplane. His advice includes keeping the airflow over your seat on the “low” position. The doctor says you should point the equipment so the flow of air is just in front of your face.

Doctors say anyone with pain, swelling(肿胀) or red skin on a leg during or after a long trip may have a blood clot(凝块). Anyone with such signs should see a doctor as soon as possible. The condition many times can be treated with drugs that thin the blood and stop the clot from moving through the body.

68.The underlined word “conflicting” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. in disagreement        B. not true                           C. the same                          D. unbelievable

69.According to Director-General Chan, the swine flu is ________.

A. a disease spread on airplanes                                B. a very dangerous disease

C. a disease requiring limit travel                              D. a widely spread disease

70.Which of the following is the travel-health expert’s opinion on traveling in an airplane?

A. It’s safe to sit within two rows of a sick person.

B. It’s helpful to keep air flowing right before your face.

C. It’s important for a passenger to stay in a plane within 8 hours.

D. It’s certain that a passenger will have a blood clot after a long flight.

71.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Stop Traveling in Case of Swine Flu                  B. Experts’ Arguments Over Swine Flu

C. Prevention of Swine Flu on the Trip                   D. No News Is the Best News




Summer is a busy time for travel. For years, people have wondered whether they are safe from viruses when they travel in small, enclosed areas. They worry about close contact with others who may be sick.

The current spread of a swine flu(猪流感) virus has added to these concerns. Recently, the World Health Organization raised its warning about the new H1N1 virus to its highest level. W.H.O. Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic–a disease that has spread to many nations. Given this information, many people want to know how safe it is to travel?

The answers people are getting may seem conflicting. For example, a W.H.O. statement urged nations not to close their borders or limit trade and travel. Director-General Chan said cases are generally not that serious for most people. Still, W.H.O. officials continue to report new cases across the world.

In the past, the W.H.O. and experts noted guidance for disease spread on airplanes. The experts said you could get infected only if you sit within two rows of someone who is sick. That would be a distance of up to three meters from the sick person. And this was true only if you sat there for more than eight hours.

But a travel-health expert says this guidance may not be helpful for swine flu. He suggests steps that could help prevent getting swine flu on an airplane. His advice includes keeping the airflow over your seat on the “low” position. The doctor says you should point the equipment so the flow of air is just in front of your face.

Doctors say anyone with pain, swelling(肿胀) or red skin on a leg during or after a long trip may have a blood clot(凝块). Anyone with such signs should see a doctor as soon as possible. The condition many times can be treated with drugs that thin the blood and stop the clot from moving through the body.

1.The underlined word “conflicting” is closest in meaning to ________.

    A. in disagreement      B. not true             C. the same             D. unbelievable

2.According to Director-General Chan, the swine flu is ________.

    A. a disease spread on airplanes                    B. a very dangerous disease

    C. a disease requiring limit travel                 D. a widely spread disease

3.Which of the following is the travel-health expert’s opinion on traveling in an airplane?

    A. It’s safe to sit within two rows of a sick person.

    B. It’s helpful to keep air flowing right before your face.

    C. It’s important for a passenger to stay in a plane within 8 hours.

    D. It’s certain that a passenger will have a blood clot after a long flight.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

    A. Stop Traveling in Case of Swine Flu              B. Experts’ Arguments Over Swine Flu

    C. Prevention of Swine Flu on the Trip              D. No News Is the Best News



Summer is a busy time for travel. For years, people have wondered whether they are safe from viruses when they travel in small, enclosed areas. They worry about close contact with others who may be sick.

The current spread of a swine flu(猪流感) virus has added to these concerns. Recently, the World Health Organization raised its warning about the new H1N1 virus to its highest level. W.H.O. Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic–a disease that has spread to many nations. Given this information, many people want to know how safe it is to travel?

The answers people are getting may seem conflicting. For example, a W.H.O. statement urged nations not to close their borders or limit trade and travel. Director-General Chan said cases are generally not that serious for most people. Still, W.H.O. officials continue to report new cases across the world.

In the past, the W.H.O. and experts noted guidance for disease spread on airplanes. The experts said you could get infected only if you sit within two rows of someone who is sick. That would be a distance of up to three meters from the sick person. And this was true only if you sat there for more than eight hours.

But a travel-health expert says this guidance may not be helpful for swine flu. He suggests steps that could help prevent getting swine flu on an airplane. His advice includes keeping the airflow over your seat on the “low” position. The doctor says you should point the equipment so the flow of air is just in front of your face.

Doctors say anyone with pain, swelling(肿胀) or red skin on a leg during or after a long trip may have a blood clot(凝块). Anyone with such signs should see a doctor as soon as possible. The condition many times can be treated with drugs that thin the blood and stop the clot from moving through the body.

68.The underlined word “conflicting” is closest in meaning to ________.

    A. in disagreement        B. not true                           C. the same                          D. unbelievable

69.According to Director-General Chan, the swine flu is ________.

    A. a disease spread on airplanes                                B. a very dangerous disease

    C. a disease requiring limit travel                              D. a widely spread disease

70.Which of the following is the travel-health expert’s opinion on traveling in an airplane?

    A. It’s safe to sit within two rows of a sick person.

    B. It’s helpful to keep air flowing right before your face.

    C. It’s important for a passenger to stay in a plane within 8 hours.

    D. It’s certain that a passenger will have a blood clot after a long flight.

71.What would be the best title for the text?

    A. Stop Traveling in Case of Swine Flu                   B. Experts’ Arguments Over Swine Flu

    C. Prevention of Swine Flu on the Trip                    D. No News Is the Best News


Now that America has declared a state of swine flu (猪流感) public health emergency, you may be asking yourself ― what am I supposed to do? Here is a list of practical steps you can take to prepare and protect yourself and your family.

1) Know the symptoms ― Here are some of the symptoms that sound like swine flu ― fevers over 100 degrees (37.8℃), body aches, cough, runny nose, and sometimes, nausea (恶心) and diarrhea (腹泻). It’s also useful to know if you might have had an exposure (暴露) either by recent travel to Mexico, or to the areas of known cases so far in America ― specific areas of California, Texas, New York, Ohio and Kansas. Or you may have been exposed to a sick person who came from those areas.

2) Don’t panic ― If you have symptoms that sound like swine flu, do not rush to hospitals. Not only is this difficult for the healthcare system, it can also be potentially dangerous for everyone. Call your doctor or local public health clinic before going in.

3) Contain the illness ― Hand-washing works. Wash, wash and wash. Invest in some hand sanitizer (消毒洗手液) for the whole family. Avoid hugs and kisses of well-wishers, and do not share telephone handsets or computers. Be especially careful to always cough into the elbow of your arm (yes! the elbow, not your hand!). Cover your cough and sneeze to protect others.

4) What about a mask? ― The data shows that masks do work ― as long as there is a tight seal (密封) about the mouth and nose.

5) Eat the pork (if you want) ― Swine flu gets its name because pigs can get the infection and spread it to each other ― as well as to humans. This latest virus contains pieces that indicate it evolved (演变) from swine flu virus, and can now spread from person to person. Swine flu is not spread by properly prepared and cooked pork products. So if you want to eat pork, you can.

6) Getting sick? Stay home! In our go-go-go culture and these severe economic times, it can be very hard to call a boss and cancel a day’s work. Now, however, if you or your loved ones are feeling like there’s a flu coming on, stay home.

7) Stockpile? ― Right now, it’s too early for any of us to become a Swine Flu Shut-In, but the public health department recommends that each home have two weeks of supplies, in case we must stay home ― either for illness or to help contain transmission. That means two weeks of food for everyone in your home, two weeks of all medications, and, if you’re like most people, two weeks of books and DVDs.


52. The purpose of the writer is mainly to __________.

   A. analyze the possible causes of swine flu

   B. tell people how to protect themselves from swine flu

   C. give people some information about the present situation of swine flu

   D. suggest some treatments for swine flu

53. According to the passage, which of the following is one of the reasons why the disease is called “Swine flu”?

   A. Some patients have eaten some not-so-well-cooked pork.

   B. Some patients have contact with pigs in their life.

   C. The virus is probably developed from swine flu virus.

   D. The disease is mostly passed from pigs to humans.

54. Suppose Mr Fernando has just been back from Mexico and he’s got a high fever and runny nose, what shall he do?

   A. Go to hospital as soon as possible.

   B. Ask a day off and stay at home.

   C. Call his doctor to ask for directions.

   D. Take some medicine and have a good rest.

55. Which of the following is NOT a suggestion given by the writer?

   A. Cough and sneeze into your hands.

   B. Wash your hands and wear a mask.

   C. Go on eating pork if you like.

   D. Store some food and medicine at home.                  

