Have you got a ticket? Yes, I’ve got . a. it b. the one c. one d. the ones 52.There’s the doorbell; I hope Tom. a. its b. it’s c. is d. he’s 53.It’s cheaper to buy old furniture than to have new made. a. one b. ones c. furniture d. furnitures 54.Those of us who are over fifty years old should get blood pressure checked regularly. a. their b. their’s c. our d. ours 55.Every man and woman eighteen years of age or older is eligible to vote for the candidate of . a. his choice b. their choice c. the choice of him d. the choice of theirs 56.I bite my nails. I must break . a. the habit of me b. the habit with myself c. myself of the habit d. of the habit myself 57. of them shared my opinions, so we have in common to discuss. a. Nobody/a little b. Few/little c. A few/little d. None/many 58.When science, business and art learn something of methods and goals, the world will have come closer to cultural harmony. a. one and the other’s b. each and the other’s c. one another’s d. the one’s and the other’s 59.The boy is of a musician. a. anyone b. anything c. someone d. something 60.For interested in nature, the club offers hikes and overnight camping each week during the summer. a. them b. whom c. themselves d. those 查看更多



     My husband has been ill in hospital for two months and I have learned to make do with very little
(凑合过日子). One Sunday afternoon, I went to buy a   1   for my daughter with my friend.  A woman
who was also buying books in the bookstore saw me and said, "I  2    you must be having a hard time." I
just smiled and said, "I'm okay. I have eight dollars and I have food at home, so I'll be   3  ."
     About ten   4   later she came up to me and said, "Can I take a look at the book that you've   5  ? It
seems very interesting!" I said all right and gave it to her. Just then   6  called me and I immediately went
out.   7   I returned she thanked me and   8  my book.
      On my way home my friend who was driving said, "You told me you didn't had much   9  ?"  I replied, "I don't."
     She said, "Oh yes, you do!" I assured (向……保证) her I   10   had two dollars left, but still she
insisted I   11   plenty of money.
     "Look at your book in your bag," she   12  . "There's a hundred dollar bill in it." I turned over the
page and got so   13  ! There actually was a hundred dollar   14   that seemed to have fallen out of my
     I   15   her, very surprised, and said, "I don't know   16   that came from. I have no idea because I
certainly did not have a hundred   17  !"
     I thought and thought about the money for days after that. Then I realized it must have come from
   18   who asked to borrow my book in the bookstore. How   19   of her! And what a wonderful gift
to   20   when I am down to my last two dollars!
(     )1. A. storybook
(     )2. A. suggest
(     )3. A. sad       
(     )4. A. hours    
(     )5. A. written  
(     )6. A. someone  
(     )7. A. Since  
(     )8. A. threw away
(     )9. A. wisdom  
(     )10. A. never  
(     )11. A. had    
(     )12. A. said  
(     )13. A. worried
(     )14. A. letter
(     )15. A. looked at
(     )16. A. why    
(     )17. A. bags    
(     )18. A. the lady
(     )19. A. foolish
(     )20. A. make  
B. toy bear    
B. wish        
B. upset      
B. minutes    
B. chosen    
B. nobody      
B. When      
B. asked for  
B. money      
B. always    
B. spent    
B. cried    
B. satisfied    
B. card      
B. quarreled with
B. how        
B. books      
B. the writer  
B. kind        
B. refuse    
C. birthday cake  
C. hear        
C. fine        
C. days          
C. hidden      
C. everyone      
C. Before      
C. looked into  
C. water        
C. only          
C. lost          
C. ordered      
C. surprised    
C. picture    
C. believed in  
C. what          
C. stores        
C. my friend     
C. energetic    
C. invent        
D. concert ticket    
D. think              
D. honest            
D. weeks              
D. finished          
D. anybody            
D. Because            
D. gave back          
D. patience          
D. once              
D. won                
D. shouted            
D. relaxed            
D. bill              
D. laughed at        
D. where              
D. dollars            
D. my daughter        
D. proud              
D. receive            



(Wang goes to Boston by train. Now he is at the inquiry咨询 offices.)

  Clerk: May I help you, Sir?

  Wang: Yes, I’d like some information about the trains to Boston.

  Clerk:   1.Wang: Tomorrow. I have to be there well before lunch time.

Clerk: There’s a train at 6 am.  It’ll get you there at 11am.  2..

  Wang: And I have to get up very early too.  3.

Clerk: Yes, There’s one at 8:30 am train. That arrives in Boston at 11:40 am.

  Wang: I think the 8:30 train will be my best choice.  4.

  Clerk: Do you want to buy a single fare(车费) or round trip ticket?

  Wang: What’s the difference?

  Clerk: A round trip ticket saves you about 15 percent of the fare.  5.

  Wang: A second class.

A. Where do we pay the fare?

B. But there are many stops along the way.

C. What’s the fare?

D. When do you want to go?

E. Do you prefer a first class ticket or a second class?

F. Are there any non-stops to Boston?

G. I’ve got plenty of pocket money.



     My husband has been ill in hospital for two months and I have learned to make do with very little (凑合过
     One Sunday afternoon, I went to buy a   1   for my daughter with my friend. A woman who was also
buying books in the bookstore saw me and said, "I   2   you must be having a hard time." I just smiled and
said, "I'm okay. I have eight dollars and I have food at home, so I'll be   3   ."
      About ten   4   later she came up to me and said,"Can I take a look at the book that you've   5   ? It seems
very interesting!" I said all right and gave it to her.
      Just then   6   called me and I immediately went out.   7   I returned she thanked me and   8   my book.
     On my way home my friend who was driving said, "You told me you didn't had much   9   ?" I replied,"I
      She said, "Oh yes, you do!" I assured (向—保证) her I   10   had two dollars left, but still she insisted I 
  11   plenty of money.
      "Look at your book in your bag," she   12   ."There's a hundred dollar bill in it." I turned over the page and
got so   13   ! There actually was a hundred dollar   14   that seemed to have fallen out of my book!
     I   15   her, very surprised, and said, "I don't know   16   that came from. I have no idea because I certainly
did not have a hundred   17   !"
     I thought and thought about the money for days after that. Then I realized it must have come from   18   
who asked to borrow my book in the bookstore. How   19   of her! And what a wonderful gift to   20   when
I am down to my last two dollars!
(     )1. A. storybook  
(     )2. A. suggest   
(     )3. A. sad        
(     )4. A. hours     
(     )5. A. written    
(     )6. A. someone   
(     )7. A. Since    
(     )8.A. threw away 
(     )9. A. wisdom    
(     )10. A. never    
(     )11. A. had      
(     )12. A. said    
(     )13. A. worried   
(     )14. A. letter   
(     )15. A. looked at 
(     )16. A. why      
(     )17. A. bags     
(     )18. A. the lady  
(     )19. A. foolish   
(     )20. A. make  
B. toy bear   
B. wish       
B. upset     
B. minutes  
B. chosen    
B. nobody   
B. When    
B. asked for  
B. money     
B. always   
B. spent    
B. cried    
B. satisfied  
B. card      
B. quarreled  with  
B. how       
B. books     
B. the writer 
B. kind       
B. refuse  
C. birthday cake    
C. hear               
C. fine               
C. days           
C. hidden               
C. everyone       
C. Before                
C. looked into    
C. water              
C. only               
C. lost               
C. ordered                    
C. surprised    
C. picture                
C. believed in     
C. what            
C. stores             
C. my friend         
C. energetic       
C. invent           
D. concert ticket             
D. think                      
D. honest                     
D. weeks                      
D. finished                   
D. anybody                    
D. Because                     
D. gave back                 
D. patience                  
D. once                      
D. won                       
D. shouted                   
D. relaxed                    
D. bill                      
D. laughed at               
D. where                     
D. dollars                    
D. my daughter              
D. proud                     
D. receive               



(Wang goes to Boston by train.Now he is at the inquiry咨询offices.)

Clerk:May I help you, Sir?

Wang:Yes, I'd like some information about the trains to Boston.

Clerk:  1   Wang:Tomorrow.I have to be there well before lunch time.

Clerk:There's a train at 6 am.It'll get you there at 11am.  2  

Wang:And I have to get up very early too.  3  

Clerk:Yes, There's one at 8∶30 am train.That arrives in Boston at 11∶40 am.

Wang:I think the 8∶30 train will be my best choice.  4  

Clerk:Do you want to buy a single fare(车费)or round trip ticket?

Wang:What's the difference?

Clerk:A round trip ticket saves you about 15 percent of the fare.  5  

Wang:A second class.

A.Where do we pay the fare?

B.But there are many stops along the way.

C.What's the fare?

D.When do you want to go?

E.Do you prefer a first class ticket or a second class?

F.Are there any non-stops to Boston?

G.I've got plenty of pocket money.


Jane raced onto the train platform and asked a porter, “Is this the train to Rochester?”

    “Yes,” said the porter. “but only the …Hey! Wait.” He was too   21 .Jane had raced off

  22    he had finished speaking.

   She had just   23    herself in a seat when the train    24  out of the station. Jane got out her book and settled down to read. After about an hour or so, she looked  25   and glanced out of the window. “That’s  26     .” she thought . “the landscape(景色)doesn’t look  27    ,and it should; I’ve   28   this route so many times.” She was getting increasing  29    when the big, red-faced conductor walked up and asked for her  30    .

   One glance was enough. He  31  his head in friendly reproach(责备) and said, “Now, young lady, what did you do a fool thing like that for? This is the  32  ticket. You  33  have sat at the back of the train. The Rochester-bound(开往) section was  34    at the last station.

   Jane’s face grew red. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I guess I was in too much of a   35     to find out…”  “Well,” said the conductor, “don’t   `36    . You shouldn’t have been in such a hurry, but I dare say we can  37    you a train going in the right  38    at Syracuse. You’ll be a couple of hours late  39   ,though .”

   When Jane finally stepped onto the Rochester platform, her mother  40  up to her . “Oh, Jane, we have been so worried. What on earth happened?”

“Well, Mom,” said Jane, “it’s a long story.”

1.A. busy              B. early            C. late            D. quick

2.A. when             B. then             C. after           D. before

3.A. settled             B. took             C. made          D. gave

4.A. pushed            B. pulled           C. left            D. started

5.A. around             B. about            C. up            D. down

6.A. exciting           B. interesting        C. strange         D. right

7.A. familiar           B. beautiful         C. nice            D. alike

8.A. walked             B. gone            C. followed        D. traveled

9.A. uneasy             B. calm            C. angry           D. unhappy

10.A. money            B. ticket            C. book           D. name

11.A. put              B. shook            C. raised          D. nodded

12.A. wrong            B. used            C. only            D. right

13.A. would             B. must            C. should          D. could

14.A. joined            B. turned           C. connected       D. separated

15.A. hurry             B. trouble          C. worry           D. difficulty

16.A. sorry             B. worry           C. hurry            D. regret

17.A. make             B. give            C. find             D. get

18.A. time               B. place           C. station           D. direction

19.A. arriving           B. leaving          C. going           D. returning

20.A. called              B. picked          C. rushed          D. pushed


