I'm badly in need your help. A. of B. for C. from D. at 查看更多



I'm badly in need ______ your help.

A. of          B. for          C. from        D. at


I'm badly in need ______ your help.

A. of      B. for    C. from    D. at


As we all know, getting benched in sports is usually a bad thing. But at one school in Florida, a girl has taken a bench and turned it into something entirely different – a place to find friends. It’s called the Friendship Bench. And it’s the brainchild of a sixth grader at Palm Bay Elementary – a girl named Acacia Woodley.

Acacia’s attitude toward life might be summed up best by a question she recently asked members of the Brevard County School Board – “what if we spend as much time putting the spotlight on kindness as we do on cruelty?” It’s a philosophy Acacias has learned to live her own life -despite having a lot of people would consider a handicap. She was born without a right hand. And her left hand did not form properly. But Acacia says that she has not stopped her from achieving her goals. “You need to believe in your dreams. If you don’t believe in you dreams, I can definitely tell you that they are not going to come true.” She said.

Acacia came up with the idea for the Friendship Bench after seeing kids getting bullied at school. She says she has also experienced bullying herself – kids whispering about her or picking on her because she is different. “Some people say they feel sorry for me. I tell them not to,” she said. “I don’t care that I’m different. I like being different.”

The Friendship Bench looks like a lot of other benches. It has arm sets and a place to lean on. But there are also words painted on it – words such as “hope”, “respect”, “listen” and “dream”. Acacia put the benches together with the help from her mother and brother.

Any time a kid feels he or she needs a friend, all that kid needs to do is sit on the bench. It is then up to the other kids – or grown-ups – to fill that need. “It’s a perfect idea,” Palm Bay Elementary Principal Lori said. “It’s something we’ve needed so badly.”

The Friendship Bench has been such a success at Palm Bay Elementary that other schools are now interested in installing one too. “There’s a saying in my teacher’s classroom,” Acacia said. “It says, ‘it you can dream it, you can achieve it.’”

1.What is the function of the first sentence in Paragraph One?

A. To explain the meaning of getting benched is sports.

B. To introduce the important role “bench” plays in sports.

C. To introduce what the author wants to say in the text to us.

D. To tell us that the passage is connected with the word “bench”.

2.What can be learned about Acacia from the passage?

A. She is disabled but leads an active life.

B. She has a deep understanding of life.

C. She finds it difficult to achieve her goals.

D. She finds herself always in need of help.

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Acacia has also suffered from other kids’ bullying.

B. The kids who sit on the bench feel they need friends.

C. Grown-ups are allowed to offer their help to the one in need.

D. The Friendship Bench is different from others in the arm sets.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. More Friendship Benches will be installed in other schools soon.

B. Students stop bullying other schoolmates at Palm Bay Elementary.

C. The students at Palm Bay Elementary have become more friendly.

D. Acacia has become a very important figure at Palm Bay Elementary.

5.What is the best title of this passage?

A. Acacia’s New Invention

B. The Friendship Bench

C. Help from a Special Bench

D. Getting Benched in School




  The people below are all willing to offer help to those who needs help.After the description of these people, there is information about six voluntary jobs(A-F).Decide which place would be most suitable for the person(s)mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct number on your answer sheet.There is one extra paragraph about one job which you don’t need to use.

1.________ Stephen:Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer.When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.

2.________ Ben:After graduation, I don’t want to apply for a job at once Instead, I plan to spare one year to help those who need help most and try my best to improve their lives.You know, education is essential to poverty relief and at the same time I’ll get valuable experience for my future career.

3.________ Susan:I’m a girl from England and has studied French for years.I’m here in Beijing University studying Chinese.I like China as it is full of mysteries.So I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China.Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.

4.________ Tim:Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people’s problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice.I’m working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.

5.________ Lisa:I burst into tears when I saw those children in a TV programme.What a sight.They are only bone and skin left.What’s worse, every day the children are dying because of lack of food.I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education.The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them.

A.As we know, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and many people from other countries will come to visit China.The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages.They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy.

B.Tim is so addicted to on-line games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before.Now he often misses school in order to play games, thus telling lies to his teachers and parents again and again.Though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just can’t stop it.How badly he needs someone’s help.

C.Marie, a 44-year-old single mother of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesn’t know which bus to take.What’s worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list.Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will not recognize it as the product she wants.

D.“Helping hand”organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa.The event starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours.In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children.

E.“Green Earth”cares a lot for the animals in danger.Still many people in the world don’t know much about the importance of animal protecting.This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth.

F.A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers.Because of the low salary, many teachers came and then went.The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a difference to the children’s future.





W:It’s ten to four.In another half an hour, we’ll be home.

M:I’m glad we’ll be home soon.

1.When will they be home?

A.At 4∶10.

B.At 4∶20.

C.At 4∶40.

M:Good morning.I’m here to see Mr Smith.

W:Mr Smith went to Washington last Monday for a meeting and he will be back on Thursday night.If you like, you may come again on Friday morning.

2.When will Mr Smith return?

A.On Thursday night.

B.On Friday morning.

C.On Monday night.

M:Could you please tell me where I can find tennis shoes?

W:Yes.You can get them in the sportswear department on the right side of the store.

3.What does the man want to do?

A.To find his lost shoes where he played tennis.

B.To change the tennis shoes in the sportswear department.

C.To buy himself a pair of tennis shoes.

M:Press eleven, please.(Pause.)Thank you.

W:You’re welcome.That’s where I’m going, too.

4.Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a lift.

B.In a library.

C.In a computer room.

W:I’m such a terrible typist that I can never finish this report.

M:Would you like me to take over for a while?

5.What does the man offer to do?

A.Type the report for her.

B.Repair the typewriter.

C.Find her a typist.




M:What can I do for you?

W:I want a skirt.Would you show me some?

M:What do you think of this expensive one?

W:I am sorry but I am afraid I don’t like it.

M:How about that one?

W:Good! How much does it cost?

M:65 dollars.

W:Only 65 dollars! That’s very cheap.

M:How many do you want?

W:I’ll take two.

6.What did the woman want to buy?

A.A cheap skirt.

B.An expensive skirt.

C.A secondhand skirt.

7.How much did the woman pay for what she bought?




8.What are the two speakers’ relationship?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Salesman and customer.

C.Boss and secretary.


W:Good morning, sir.I’m Susan Smith.I saw your job advertisement in the newspaper.It seemed very interesting.I’d like to know if the position is still open.

M:Yes, we need a secretary.Did you study shorthand?

W:Yes, I studied at a secretarial college several years ago.

M:What did you do after that?

W:I got a job at the ABC company.

M:What did you do there?

W:I was a receptionist.I answered phone calls, greeted visitors, and did some typing.

M:How long did you work there?

W:A little more than 2 years.And I liked working there.

M:Why did you leave, then?

W:There wasn’t any chance for advancement.

M:I see.Well, Miss Smith, I think we’ve covered about everything.We’ll let you know our decision by letter within a week.

W:Thank you and good-bye.

9.What job does the woman want to take?

A.She wants to work as a secretary.

B.She wants to work as a receptionist.

C.She wants to work as a typist.

10.How long did she work at the ABC company?

A.Over 2 years.

B.No more than 2 years.

C.Several years.

11.Why did she leave ABC company?

A.She didn’t like working there.

B.There wasn’t any chance for advancement.

C.The company fired her.


W:Travel International, can I help you?

M:Yes, can you tell me the times of flights to Munich on the evening of the fifteenth, please?

W:One minute, sir.There’s one at 4:45, again at seven o’clock.

M:Could you book me one on the 4:45 flight?

W:Single or return, sir?

M:Single, please.

W:What’s your telephone number?


W:We’ll make the booking for you, and phone you back to make sure.

M:Thank you very much, good-bye.

W:Good-bye, sir, and thank you.

12.How many flights to Munich are there on the evening of the fifteenth?




13.Which flight does the man want to take?




14.What does the woman promise him to do?

A.Phone to tell him about the booking.

B.Send him the ticket he has booked.

C.Pick him up and take him to the airport.


W:Can I help you, sir?

M:I come to see what kind of insurance there is?

W:Welcome! Insurance is quite good.Pay a little money each year and you will be paid the costs if anything bad happens to you.OK.Now let me tell you what we have.We offer insurance against fire, accident fire, accidents and damage for houses, cars and so on.

M:But I’m interested in your medical insurance.

W:That’s included, too.You can have anything insured with us.

M:I’d like to know more about your medical insurance.

W:OK.How many persons do you want to cover the insurance?

M:Just myself.

W:Well, you pay only 350 dollars for the whole year.How does that sound?

M:It sounds good, but how is it going to work?

W:We pay 80 percent of the medical expenses for you.Here are some papers with explanations on payments.


15.Why does the man come to see the woman?

A.Because he is badly ill and wants to have medical insurance.

B.Because he wants to see who will pay his medical expenses.

C.Because he wants to know something about insurance, especially medical insurance.

16.How much should the man pay for the whole year if he wants to have the medical insurance for himself?




17.How much should the insurance company pay if his medical expense is $800?





  Parents, teachers, and fellow students,

  This is the day of our graduation.Today marks the end of our studies and the beginning of a new life for all of us.We are supposed to feel happy on a day such as this, and we are supposed to be full of hope for the future.

  We all do feel these things, but we feel much more, too.There is a great feeling of sadness among us today as we realize that this is the last time that we will all be together as members of this school.

  However, the thing we feel most, I think, is our feeling of thanks.We have some idea of what you, our parents, have done for us, and we have some idea of all the efforts that you, our teachers, have made for us.No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day.

  We will always remember this day and we will always remember you.Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

18.What was the speaker?

A.A student who was about to graduate.

B.A student who graduated years ago.

C.A student who had just entered the school.

19.What made the speaker feel sad as well?

A.To have no chance to learn.

B.To begin a new life.

C.To be separated from each other.

20.What was the main purpose of the speech?

A.To say good-bye to their school.

B.To thank their parents and teachers.

C.To encourage all the schoolmates.

