B 提示:anything but=not at all"决不.一点也不". 查看更多




A:Excuse me, sir, but I'm writing a report on what people prefer to do on holiday.Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?

B:No, not at all.Please go a  1  

A:What do you prefer to do when you are on holiday?

B:Well, I don't usually visit my family.We live quite c  2   and I can see them any time.But I do like to visit museums, e  3   if there is a special exhibition on.I don't like to stay at home, though my parents do:I  4  , I prefer to get away from the city and just e  5   the peace of the country, sitting under a tree, listening to the birds in the morning, or maybe walking over the hills.

A:Have you ever t  6   abroad?

B:No, I haven't.It's too e  7   for me.But my wife loves to visit the coast, so if the w  8   is good, we often go swimming in the sea, or maybe just lie on the b  9   and bathe in the sun.

A:OK.Well, thank you very much for your time.

B:You are w  10  



1. We want to rent a bus which can a     (容纳) 40 people for out trip to Shanghai.

2. His political views are rather o     (可选择的).

3. He didn’t pay attention to his appearance, so he made a bad i      (印象) on his classmates.

4. When walking in the street, we should walk on the p     (人行道.)

5. China is striding ahead in her economic c     (建设).

6. Don’t be so s     (敏感的) – I was not criticizing you.

7. She has no p     (耐心) with time-wasters.

8. Most of the luggage was t     (运输) by sea..

9. This dictionary is of great b     (益处) to me.

10.I’m interested in one-bed room. Do you have any a    (可用的)?




A:Customer Service.Grant speaking, how can I help you?

B:I can’t believe this is happening.I called and ordered a 32-inch bag last Friday.But today I found that you sent the 24-inch one.I was planning to use the bag d  1   our vacation in Mexico, but it does not seem possible any more b  2   we are taking off on Saturday.It’s only two days a  3  .What am I supposed to do?

A:I’m really sorry, Madam.I’ll c  4   right away.Would you please tell me your o  5   number?

B:It’s CA29888.

A:Just a minute.I do apologize, Madam.There seems to be a mistake.I have the c  6   size bag sent to you by overnight mail right away.It will arrive in time for your Saturday trip.A  7   I apologize for any inconvenience c  8   by our mistake.I p  9   it won’t happen again.

B:OK, well, thank you.

A:Thank you, Madam, for c  10   Linch’s Mail.I hope you will have a wonderful vacation.



N=Nicola A=Annie

N:Hi,Annie.Did you have a good holiday??

A:Oh,yeah,I had a great (1) t   .But I have to tell you the most amazing thing happened.?

N:(2)R   ? What was that??

A:Well,I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and (3)k    my sunglasses into the water.I...?

N:Why were you swimming in your sunglasses??

A:Oh,I don't know.I'd just (4)l    them on top of my head.I'd forgotten they were there.Anyway,they were(5)g   .I was very upset.You know they were quite expensive.?

N:I remember—(6)n   100 pounds.?

A:Yeah.Anyway,the next day I was lying on the beach,sunbathing.Then suddenly another huge wave...?

N:Are you (7) s    this was a good holiday??

A:Yes—but listen! When I looked down,there on the sand,(8)r    next to me,were my sunglasses.I couldn't (9)b    my eyes!?

N:You're (10)j   ! That is amazing!?



  Mary:Jay, I know you and Adrian were two of the first foreigners who went to Lhasa by the famous Qinghai-Tibet Railway.

  Jay:Yeah, we were r  1   lucky, for there was a great d  2   for tickets and many people had missed out.

  Mary:So do tell me something about your trip!

  Jay:O  3   48-hour-long trip from Beijing to Lhasa was unforgettable t  4   it was long and a bit uncomfortable.The beautiful and breathtaking views of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau(高原)made u  5   for it.On the train people rushed to the windows to e  6   the scenery of snowy m  7  , blue lakes and fields of yaks(牦牛).We were very excited as the train was running p  8   the railway station on the Tanggula Mountain Pass of 5068 meters above sea level, the h  9   railway station in the world.

  Mary:I think the Qinghai-Tibet Railway b  10   much more opportunities for foreigners to see Tibet.I’d like to go there this summer.

