20.A.slow down指雨下得缓和一点.不能说stop a bit.停止不存在程度上的一点. 查看更多



The world economy has run into a brick wall. Despite countless warnings in recent years about the need to address a potential hunger crisis in poor countries and an energy crisis worldwide, world leaders failed to think ahead. The result is a global food crisis. Wheat, corn and rice prices have more than doubled in the past two years. And oil prices have increased more than three times since the start of 2004. These food-price increases, combined with increasing energy costs, will slow if not stop economic growth in many parts of the world and will even affect political stability. Practical solutions to these problems do exist, but we'll have to start thinking ahead and acting globally.
Here are three steps to ease the current food crisis and avoid the potential for a global crisis. The first is to promote the dramatic success of Malawi, a country in southern Africa, which three years ago established a special fund to help its farmers get fertilizer and seeds with high productivity. Malawi’s harvest doubled after just one year. An international fund based on the Malawi model would cost a mere $10 per person annually in the rich world, or $10 billion altogether.
Second, the U.S. and Europe should abandon their policies of paying partly for the change of food into biofuels (生物燃料). The U.S. government gives farmers a taxpayer-financed payment of 51 cents per gallon of ethanol (乙醇) changed from corn. There may be a case for biofuels produced on lands that do not produce foods — tree crops, grasses and wood products — but there’s no case for the government to pay to put the world’s dinner into the gas tank.
Third, we urgently need to weather-proof the world’s crops as soon and as effectively as possible. For a poor farmer, sometimes something as simple as a farm pond — which collects rainwater to be used in dry weather — can make the difference between a good harvest and a bad one. The world has already committed to establishing a Climate Adaptation Fund to help poor regions climate-proof vital economic activities such as food production and health care but has not yet acted upon the promise.
【小题1】 An international fund based on the Malawi model would______.

A.cost each of the developed countries $10 billion per year
B.give poor farmers access to fertilizer and highly productive seeds
C.decrease the food prices as well as the energy prices
D.aim to double the harvest in southern African countries in a year
【小题2】With the second step, the author expresses the idea that ______.
A.we should get alternative forms of fuel in any way
B.it is misleading to put tree crops into the gas tank
C.it is not wise to change food crops into gas
D.biofuels should be developed on a large scale
【小题3】Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.The world has made a serious promise to build farm ponds.
B.A Climate Adaptation Fund has been established to help poor.
C.A rain-collecting pond is a simple safeguard against dry weather.
D.It makes a great difference whether we develop wood products or not.
【小题4】In the passage, the author calls on us to______.
A.slow down but not to stop economy
B.act now so as to relieve the global food shortage
C.achieve economic growth and political stability
D.develop tree crops, grasses and wood products


It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadn’t healed(痊愈) from a(n)_________(21) injury. I had_________(22) whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was,__________(23) for the 3,000-metre run.

“Ready… set…”. The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed________(24) me. I felt_________(25) as I fell farther and farther behind.

“Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest________(26) I had ever heard at a meet. The first-place runner was two laps(圈))ahead of me when she

crossed the finish line.

“Maybe I should________(27).” I thought as I moved on. _______(28), I

decided to to keep going. During the last two laps, I ran _______(29) and decided not to_______(30) in track next year.It wouldn’t be worth it, ______(31) my foot did heal.

When I finished, I heard a cheer--- ________(32) than the one I’d heard earlier. I turned around, _________(33) the boys were preparing for theirs.  “They must be cheering for the boys.”

I was leaving________(34) several girls came up to me. “Wow, you’ve got courage!” one of them told me.

“Courage? I just __________(35) a race!” I thought.

“I would have given up on the first lap,” said another girl. “We were cheering for you. Did you hear us?”

Suddenly I regained _________(36). I decided to ________(37) track next year. I realized strength and courage aren’t always__________(38) in medals and victories, but in the _________(39) we overcome. The strongest people are not always the people who win, _________(40) the people who don’t give up when they lose.




















A.from behind

B.ahead of

C.next to

D.close to













A.slow down

B.drop out

C.go on

D.speed up







A.with delight

B.with fear

C.in pain

D.in advance







A.even if

B.only if











A.well enough

B.sure enough

C.surprising enough

D.strangely enough

















A.hold on

B.turn to

C.begin with

D.stick with




















The clock rules our lives. The more we try to save time, the less time we seem to have. In every area of our lives we are doing things faster. And many of us live in towns and cities which are getting noisier and more stressful as each day passes. But now a worldwide movement, whose aim is to slow life down, has started. Its supporters are people who believe that a happier and healthier way of life is possible.
The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonald’s had opened a restaurant in a beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was sad that many people today live too quickly to sit down for a proper meal and only eat much fast food. He decided that he had to try to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food movement. Slow Food has become a global organization ever since and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries.
Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to use local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook with traditional recipes.
The idea of Slow Cities was inspired by the Slow Food movement. The aim of Slow Cities is to improve people’s quality of life. Towns which want to become a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, plant trees, build pedestrian zones, and promote local businesses and traditions. Now it has spread to other countries all over the world, from the UK to Japan and Australia. There are now 135 Slow Cities in 24 countries across the world that have been named since founding of the organization in 1999. Gao Chun County, in east China’s Jiangsu Province, is expected to be named the first “Slow City” in China next year.
“Slow Cities are about having a community life in the town,” said a local resident. “It is not ‘slow’ as in ‘stupid’. It is ‘slow’ as in the opposite of ‘worried’ and ‘stressful’.”
But not everybody is happy. For teenagers, who have to go 25km to Norwich, the nearest city, to buy CDs, living in a Slow City is not very attractive. “It’s all right here,” says Lewis Cook, 16. “But if you want excitement, you have to go to Norwich. We need more things here for young people.”
【小题1】What’s the aim of the Slow Food movement?

A.To call on people to eat out.
B.To make people enjoy cooking.
C.To drive McDonald’s out of Rome
D.To encourage people to slow down.
【小题2】All the following are necessary to be a Slow City EXCEPT ______.
A.reducing traffic and noise
B.increasing the number of green areas
C.building more department stores
D.promoting local businesses and traditions
【小题3】From the fourth paragraph, we know that ______.
A.the Slow Food was founded in 1999
B.there is no Slow City in China now
C.Slow Cities are mainly in the UK
D.there are about 24 Slow Cities in the world
【小题4】What’s Lewis Cook’s attitude to living in a Slow City?
【小题5】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Slow down and you’ll move fast
B.Time flies never to be recalled.
C.Eat slowly and you’ll be healthy.
D.Pay attention to the quality of life.


The clock rules our lives. The more we try to save time, the less time we seem to have. In every area of our lives we are doing things faster. And many of us live in towns and cities which are getting noisier and more stressful as each day passes. But now a worldwide movement, whose aim is to slow life down, has started. Its supporters are people who believe that a happier and healthier way of life is possible.

The Slow Food movement was founded the day that an Italian journalist, Carlo Petrini, saw that McDonald’s had opened a restaurant in a beautiful square in Rome. He thought it was sad that many people today live too quickly to sit down for a proper meal and only eat much fast food. He decided that he had to try to do something about it and so he started the Slow Food movement. Slow Food has become a global organization ever since and now has more than 80,000 members in 100 countries.

Slow Food also encourages people to eat local and regional food, to use local shops and markets, to eat out in small family restaurants, and to cook with traditional recipes.

The idea of Slow Cities was inspired by the Slow Food movement. The aim of Slow Cities is to improve people’s quality of life. Towns which want to become a Slow City have to reduce traffic and noise, increase the number of green areas, plant trees, build pedestrian zones, and promote local businesses and traditions. Now it has spread to other countries all over the world, from the UK to Japan and Australia. There are now 135 Slow Cities in 24 countries across the world that have been named since founding of the organization in 1999. Gao Chun County, in east China’s Jiangsu Province, is expected to be named the first “Slow City” in China next year.

“Slow Cities are about having a community life in the town,” said a local resident. “It is not ‘slow’ as in ‘stupid’. It is ‘slow’ as in the opposite of ‘worried’ and ‘stressful’.”

But not everybody is happy. For teenagers, who have to go 25km to Norwich, the nearest city, to buy CDs, living in a Slow City is not very attractive. “It’s all right here,” says Lewis Cook, 16. “But if you want excitement, you have to go to Norwich. We need more things here for young people.”

1.What’s the aim of the Slow Food movement?

A.To call on people to eat out.

B.To make people enjoy cooking.

C.To drive McDonald’s out of Rome

D.To encourage people to slow down.

2.All the following are necessary to be a Slow City EXCEPT ______.

A.reducing traffic and noise

B.increasing the number of green areas

C.building more department stores

D.promoting local businesses and traditions

3.From the fourth paragraph, we know that ______.

A.the Slow Food was founded in 1999

B.there is no Slow City in China now

C.Slow Cities are mainly in the UK

D.there are about 24 Slow Cities in the world

4.What’s Lewis Cook’s attitude to living in a Slow City?





5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Slow down and you’ll move fast

B.Time flies never to be recalled.

C.Eat slowly and you’ll be healthy.

D.Pay attention to the quality of life.





A. Slow Down Your Life

B. Escape Now and Then

C. Separate Your Actions

D. Allow Yourself to Be Weak

E. Relieve Pressure by Firmly Saying “ No”

F. Stop Expecting Everything to Be Perfect

How to Simplify Your Life

Less is more.This is why we say: reduce things by half instead of doubling them, get rid of junk instead of piling it up, relax instead of stressing, slow down instead of speeding up.Apply these principles in your everyday life in a conscious way.You will then find yourself well along on your journey to simplification.

1.___ _______.

When you concentrate on one task, you find you have energy that you didn't even know you had.Just imagine: you are at a fair and you have to carry two heavy pigs over 100 yards.If you keep grabbing one and then the other, it will take forever, because one of them will keep slipping out from under your arm and running off.But if you tie one pig in a place, pick up the other, gather all your strength and make a dash for the finish line, pause for a moment, run back and get the other one, and with great determination, carry the second pig to the finish line, then you can be sure of success.


The pressure at work is on the increase in all occupations.In the modern nuclear family, the expectations that formerly would have been shared among all the relatives are now concentrated on the individual partner.

If you have the feeling that 24 hours per day are not enough for all the things you need to do, then it’s not because the day has too few hours, but because you have too many activities.A simple fact that overloaded people often tend to forget.The solution is equally simple: refuse to accept so many work assignments in your private life or your working life.

3. ______.

“I can handle stress” is regarded as a positive statement in the world of work.People who can handle stress are given more and more to cope with — until one day they break.

Pay careful attention to the signs that tell you that you are under more stress than you can cope with.These signals came from various areas of life.You become ill, or your work efficiency decreases.

If you have any of these symptoms, change your life goals and decrease your tolerance of stress.Say quite openly, "I can't manage that."

4. _____.

"If only I were slimmer, more beautiful, richer, cleverer, then I would be happier." This is a dream that makes a lot of people ill, depressed, and unhappy.Life has its flaws, defects, comets, and edges.Only those who accept this reality can lead a really full life.

Of course there are activities in which errors are dangerous; driving a car, crossing the road.But life doesn't consist entirely of these things.In among them there is a lot of room for small and large mistakes.


Successful people all have their own places where they can withdraw in order to work.Find out which places improve your creativity.For me it's the train.When I know that I'm going to be traveling for four hours without phone calls and people knocking on my door, I find my mind is free and I can read or write complex articles.There can be problems working on the train, of course: if the person sitting opposite you keeps talking away, or if train trips make you tired (some people fall asleep after a few miles).


