A. however B. whatever C. so much D. too much 查看更多



Eleven-year-old Angela was attacked by a rare  26  involving her nerve system.She was unable to walk and her movement was 27  in other ways as well.The doctors did not hold much  28  of her ever recovering from this illness.They 29  she'd spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.They said that few, if any, were able to come back to  30  after suffering from this disease.The little girl was 31  .There, lying in her hospital bed, she would swear that she was 32  going to be walking again someday.
She was moved to a specialized  33  hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.Whatever
34  could be applied to her case were used.The doctors were attracted by her undefeatable spirit.They taught her about imaging about seeing herself walking.If it would do 35  else, it would at least give her hope and something 36  to do in the long waking hours in her bed. Angela would work as hard as possible in physical treatment, and in exercise sessions.But she worked just as hard lying there faithfully doing her 37  , visualizing herself moving, moving, moving !
One day, 38  she was attempting, with all her might, to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though something 39  happened: the bed moved! It began to move around the room! She 40  out, "Look what I'm doing! Look! Look! I can do it”.I moved! I moved!"
Of course, at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming, too, and running for 41  .People were screaming, equipment was 42  and glass was breaking.You see, it was the recent San Francisco earthquake. 43  don't tell that to Angela.She's 44  that she did it.
And now only a few years later, she's back in school, on her own 45  .No crutches, no wheelchair.You see, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can defeat a little disease, can't they?

26.A.problem      B.disease      C.accident      D.error

27.A.reduced      B.avoided    C.limited        D.forced
28.A.thought      B.idea       C.opinion       D.hope
29.A.predicted      B.prepared   C.admitted      D.decided
30.A.active       B.normal      C.alive        D.confident
31.A.fearless       B.peaceful     C.patient       D.stainless
32.A.probably       B.approximately C.sincerely      D.certainly
33.A.recovery       B.experiment   C.practice       D.exercise
34.A.schedules     B.instructions  C.supports      D.treatments
35.A.something    B.anything     C.nothing       D.everything
36.A.admirable      B.interesting    C.optimistic      D.appropriate
37.A.training      B.imaging     C.expectation      D.performance
38.A.however      B.after       C.just        D.as
39.A.useful     B.regretful   C.surprising      D.disgusting
40.A.screamed     B.laughed     C.spoke       D.sang
41.A.ground       B.cover    C.ceiling        D.bed
42.A.accelerating    B.running    C.appearing      D.falling
43.A.For        B.So       C.But         D.Or
44.A.convinced     B.supposed    C.realized       D.accepted
45.A.parts        B.legs      C.body        D.role


People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they're paying for it by giving up their personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.

Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they're paying for Face book because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on, you keep everything private. That was the great thing about facebook-you could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things— your city, your photo, your friends' names—were set, by default (默认)to be shared with every one on the Internet.

According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don't share information, they have a "less satisfying experience".

Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the pages totally. Who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April. Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites. "I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them," Schrage admits.

I think that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it's only the beginning. That is why I'm considering deactivating (撤销)my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't trust. That's too high a price to pay.

1.Why do people give their personal information to Facebook according to Paragraph 1?

A.Because they can get some money from Facebook.

B.Because their information is not important.

C.Because they are promised to have a fun and free service.

D.Because they can also get other people's information.

2.What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A.They are unwilling to give up their personal information.

B.They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook.

C.They don't identify themselves when using the website.

D.They care very much about their personal information.

3.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A. To give better service to its users. B. To obey to the Federal guidelines.

C. To improve its users' connection.  D. To expand its business.

4.Why does Senator Charles Schumer support publicly?

A.Setting guidelines for advertising on websites.

B.Banning the sharing of users' personal information.

C.Making regulations for social-networking sites.

D.Removing ads from all social-networking sites.



People are being lured (引诱)onto Facebook with the promise of a fun, free service without realizing they're paying for it by giving up their personal information. Facebook then attempts to make money by selling their data to advertisers that want to send targeted messages.

Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening. Even if they know what the company is up to, they still have no idea what they're paying for Face book because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.

The biggest problem, however, is that the company keeps changing the rules. Early on, you keep everything private. That was the great thing about facebook-you could create your own little private network. Last year, the company changed its privacy rules so that many things— your city, your photo, your friends' names—were set, by default (默认)to be shared with every one on the Internet.

According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Schrage, the company is simply making changes to improve its service, and if people don't share information, they have a "less satisfying experience".

Some critics think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money. In original business model, which involved selling ads and putting them at the side of the pages totally. Who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?

The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington. In April. Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy. He also urged the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social-networking sites. "I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them," Schrage admits.

I think that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy, it's only the beginning. That is why I'm considering deactivating (撤销)my account. Facebook is a handy site, but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't trust. That's too high a price to pay.

43.  Why do people give their personal information to Facebook according to Paragraph 1?

A.  Because they can get some money from Facebook.

B.  Because their information is not important.

C.  Because they are promised to have a fun and free service.

D.  Because they can also get other people's information.

44.  What does the author say about most Facebook users?

A.  They are unwilling to give up their personal information.

B.  They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook.

C.  They don't identify themselves when using the website.

D.  They care very much about their personal information.

45.  Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?

A. To give better service to its users.  B. To obey to the Federal guidelines.

C. To improve its users' connection.   D. To expand its business.

46.  Why does Senator Charles Schumer support publicly?

A.  Setting guidelines for advertising on websites.

B.  Banning the sharing of users' personal information.

C.  Making regulations for social-networking sites.

D.  Removing ads from all social-networking sites.


How to Release Anger the Right Way

Anger is a feeling that many of us know all too well. Some of us experience it daily,   1   others hold on to it for years at a time. As you likely know, angry is not a healthy   2   . Over time it can become self-destructive,   3   relationships and even your health.

This is not to say that anger is always a   4   thing—anger is a natural part of living;it is a   5    that something is wrong. If anger is not a   6   normal and natural human emotion, it is   7   important to learn and understand how to   8   anger the right way.

You can release anger the right or the wrong way.    9     whether you have an anger problem yourself or not, it is   10    for everyone to understand what the right   11    of releasing anger are. Transforming anger is a powerful   12  to take that will create positive changes in our relationships. One of the best ways to   13   anger is to give yourself the   14   to express anger. In fact, it is quite   15   to express your anger as long as you do it   16   .  

Remember that anger management   17   both on mental and physical effort. Although mental therapy alone will help you   18    for releasing your anger, it can only take you so far. The same   19   for exercise too. However, if you   20   both mental therapy and exercising, you will then have   21   to an unbelievable positive solution. Do a particular physical activity   22    the mental intention of releasing your anger.

It might be   23   but the most important things of all to   24   is to never hurt others when you release your anger. Make sure you give yourself the   25   to express safely your anger, without hurting anyone else .

1.A.when                       B.while               C.but                  D.However

2.A.life                         B.feeling             C.happiness         D.emotion

3.A.reflecting                 B.ruining            C.limiting           D.satisfying

4.A.bad                          B.good               C.ordinary          D.especial

5.A.appearance               B.mark            C.signal              D.gesture

6.A.unbelievable            B.completely       C.incompletely    D.carefully

7.A.whatever                  B.how                C.much              D.however

8.A.release                     B.relax               C.obsorb             D.influence

9.A.Instead of                 B.Except for           C.Regardless of   D.As a consequence of

10.A.important               B.common          C.hard                D.easy

11.A.answers                  B.messages          C.ways               D.actions

12.A.step                      B.right                C.attitude            D.chance

13.A.shift                     B.change             C.transfer            D.transform

14.A.permission             B.application       C.affection          D.admission

15.A.painful                   B.happy              C.healthy           D.successful

16.A.confidently             B.correctly        C.gradually         D.separately

17.A.requires                  B.relies              C.lacks               D.decline

18.A.attentively              B.specially          C.absolutely     D.tremendously

19.A.arranges                 B.reaches            C.prepares           D.applies

20.A.control                   B.join                 C.separate           D.combine

21.A.access                    B.approach          C.admission     D.contact 

22.A.in conflict with       B.rather than           C.along with       D.in place of

23.A.simple                   B.obvious           C.unrealistic     D.appropriate

24.A.answer                   B.remember       C.repeat              D.listen

25.A.opportunity            B.necessity          C.probability       D.reality


A. School or work
B. Make small talks
C. Be fun to be around
D. Be reliable
E. Get out and meet people
F. Join people of common interests
In the world, many people want to make friends just as you do. Follow these steps to meet new people and build strong, lasting friendships with at least some of them. The following paragraphs are some steps.
【小题1】      . You don’t necessarily have to have a lot of common interests with people in order to make friends with them—in fact, some of the most rewarding friendships are between two people who don’t have much in common at all, but if you have something in common with people, it can make it a lot easier to talk to them. Whatever your age and whatever your interests, there is a club or an organization for you.
【小题2】      . Friends can talk about just anything, but you don’t want to get too personal when you first meet someone. Just make good, small talks at first.
【小题3】      . You don’t have to be a superstar to be fun. You do need to be positive and friendly, however, so that people feel good when they’re around you. From the very first conversation you have with someone, you should use body language. Smile frequently, laugh often, and make eye contact. In your words, be confident.
【小题4】      .The steps above are great for making acquaintances (认识的人), but how do acquaintances become lifelong friends? One important feature of a good friend is reliability. When you say you’ll do something, do it. Be someone that people know that they can depend on.
【小题5】      . If you want to make friends, you first need to meet people. No matter where you live, this should be very easy.

