– Do you mind if I keep pets in the building? -- . A. Yes, I love pets B. No, you can’t do it C. Of course not, it’ s not allowed here D. I’d rather you didn’t 查看更多



——Do you mi nd if I open the window?   ——_______ . I feel a bit cold.

  A. Of course not    B. I'd rather you didn't

  C. Go ahead        D. Please close it


——Do you mi nd if I open the window?   ——_______ . I feel a bit cold.

  A. Of course not    B. I'd rather you didn't

  C. Go ahead        D. Please close it


——Do you mi nd if I open the window?   ——_______ . I feel a bit cold.

 A. Of course not   B. I'd rather you didn't C. Go ahead     D. Please close it


——Do you mi nd if I open the window? 

——_______ . I feel a bit cold.

A. Of course not  B. I'd rather you didn't C. Go ahead   D. Please close it



---Do you mi nd if I open the window?  

---_______ . I feel a bit cold

  1. A.
    Of course not
  2. B.
    I'd rather you didn't
  3. C.
    Go ahead
  4. D.
    Please close it

