A. make B. mend C. wash D. drive 查看更多



Many people think that Americans   1   their cars almost more than anything else. When   2__ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their __3_  cars. They don’t ask for a car from their   4__. So many of them work in  _5_  time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to   6 _ and getting a driver’s license may be one of the most exciting things in a young person’s life.

Some people almost   7 _ go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will __8_  their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a   9  . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may   10   most of their time washing and repairing their cars.

1. A. prefer            B. love           C. drive          D. play

2. A. little               B. big           C. old          D. young

3. A. new                     B. own         C. expensive D. cheap

4. A, friends           B. teachers     C. parents     D. brothers

5. A. free               B. busy          C. study       D. good

6. A. make             B. mend         C. wash        D. drive

7. A. always           B. never         C. often       D. usually

8. A. take               B. carry          C. pull        D. lift

9. A. question         B. wrong        C. mistake     D. problem

10. A. cost             B. get             C. spend      D. use

