A. time B. food C. money D. life 查看更多



Ever since I was a small girl in school, I’ve been aware of what the school textbooks say about Indians. I am an Indian and, naturally, am interested in what the schools teach about natives of this land.
One day, I read that a delicacy(美味) of American Indian people was dried fish, which , according to the textbook, tasted “like an old shoe, or was like chewing on dried leather.” To this day I can remember my surprise, my anger and my sadness at reading these words. We called this wind-dried fish “sleet-shus”, and to us, it was our favorite delicacy and, indeed, did not  taste like shoe leather, and didn’t rot our teeth and bring about the various dietary problem that trouble Indian people in modern times. It took many hours of long and hard work to cure the fish in just this particular fashion. Early fur traders and other non-Indians must have agreed, for they often had this food as they traveled around isolated areas.
I brought the textbook home to show it to my father, leader of my tribe at that time. On this particular day, he told me in his wise and modest manner that the outside world did not understand Indian people, and that I should not let it prevent me from learning the good parts of education.
At a later time in my life, I had brought a group of Indian people to the country fairgrounds to sell Indian-made arts and crafts. My group was excited to make some money by selling Indian handicrafts. We thanked the man who showed us to our booth and told him it was nice of him to remember the people of the Indian community. The man expanded a little and remarked that he liked Indian people. “In fact,” he went on to state, “we are bringing some professional Indians to do the show!”
As we stood there in shock, listening to this uninformed outsider, I looked at my dear Indian companion, an eighty-year-old woman who could well remember the great chiefs of the tribe who once owned all the land of this country before the white man came bringing “civilization”, which included diseases and pollution. My friend said not a word, but took the hurt as Indian people have done for many years.
Of course, we all knew that the “professional Indian” were not Indians at all, but dressed in leather and dancing their own dances. And, anyway, how does one become a “professional Indian”?
45.Which of the following statements about “sleet-shus” is true?
A.It tasted like an old shoe.
B.Eating it was like chewing on dried leather.
C.It was delicious but bad for our teeth.
D.It must have brought pleasure to Indians as well as early business men.
46.What does the writer mean by saying “how does one become ‘a professional Indian’”?
A.Only the Indians know how to become professional Indians.
B.The outside civilization can help and Indian become a professional Indian.
C.An Indian is a born professional Indian.
D.The outside civilization can help white people become professional Indians.
47.After reading the passage, you don’t know __________.
A.what the writer’s profession is
B.what upset the writer and her friend at the county fair
C.why the writer went to the county fair
D.the writer’s attitude to the so-called civilization
48.This story is primarily about ___________.
A.customs of native Americans
B.how textbooks describe native Americans.
C.misunderstanding between people from different cultures
D.how an Indian becomes a “professional Indian”




       But I wonder about my Momma sometimes, and all the other Negro(blacks )mothers who got up at 6 a.m. to go to the white man’s house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold. I wonder how they made it .They worked very hard for the man, they made his breakfast and they scrubbed his floors and they took care of his babies. They didn’t have too much time for us.
I wonder about my Momma ,who walked out of a white woman’s clean house at midnight and came back to her own where the lights had been out for three months ,and the pipes were frozen and the wind came in through the holes in the wall. She’d have to make deals with the rats: leave some food out for them so the wouldn’t bite the doors or the babies. The roaches(蟑螂)?Oh ,they were just like part of the family!
I wonder how she felt telling those white kids she took care of to brush their teeth after they ate, to wash their hands after they finish bathroom. She could never tell her own kids because there wasn’t soap or water back home.
I wonder how my Momma felt when we came home from school with a list of vitamins and pills the school nurse said we had to have .Momma would cry all night , and then go out and spend most of the rent money for pills. A week later ,the white man would come for his eighteen dollars’ rent and Momma would beg him to wait until tomorrow . She had to lie to him that she had lost her wallet or the relief check was coming soon or the white people had some money for her. Tomorrow I’d be hiding in the closet because there was only supposed to be two kids in the flat ,and I could hear the rent man shout at my Momma and call her a cheat. And when he finally went away, Momma put the sacks on her shoes and went off to the rich white man’s house to dress the rich white kids so their mother could take them to a special baby doctor.
60.Mother got up at 6 a.m. every day ,because    .
A.she had to cook breakfast for her children
B.she had to catch the first bus to the factory
C.she had to work in the white man’s house
D.she had to go to see a special baby doctor
61.Mother never told us to brush our teeth or to wash our hands because    .
A.she though we didn’t need to                B.we didn’t like washing hands
C.we had done everything very well         D.there was no soap or water in our home
62.Why did the writer hide in a closet when the landowner came for rent?
A.The closet could only hold two kids.
B.Only two kids were allowed to live in the house.
C.They should pay more rent for two kids.
D.There was only one bedroom for the two kids.
63.What does the writer mainly tell us?
A.Black people lead a miserable life.       
B.Black people don’t have enough rent money.
C.White people lead an expensive life.     
D.White people have special baby doctors.


A Shelter for the Homeless

Last summer I was a volunteer (志愿者) at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasn’t working that summer and was  36  only two classes in summer school, so I had some  37  time.

Three nights a week, I  38  in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and  39  for 45 people hot meals  40  vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people  41  this good food because many of them usually didn’t eat well.

I  42  this volunteer work, making  43  with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student,   44  me.

I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories  45  me with sympathy (同情). Some of them had  46  with alcohol (酒) or drugs while others only had bad  47 . One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company, and  48  she lost her job. She looked for a  49  job,but couldn’t find one, for she was too  50  . She could do nothing but sell her furniture — sofas, chairs, and tables  51  she could pay for her food.The woman  52  on job hunting, but she 53 couldn’t find one.She had no money for her  54  and had to sleep in her car. Then she had to sell her car. Alone,   55  , and homeless, she finally came to the shelter.






























































































C.so that

D.in case





























       But I wonder about my Momma sometimes, and all the other Negro(blacks )mothers who got up at 6 a.m. to go to the white man’s house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold. I wonder how they made it .They worked very hard for the man, they made his breakfast and they scrubbed his floors and they took care of his babies. They didn’t have too much time for us.

I wonder about my Momma ,who walked out of a white woman’s clean house at midnight and came back to her own where the lights had been out for three months ,and the pipes were frozen and the wind came in through the holes in the wall. She’d have to make deals with the rats: leave some food out for them so the wouldn’t bite the doors or the babies. The roaches(蟑螂)?Oh ,they were just like part of the family!

I wonder how she felt telling those white kids she took care of to brush their teeth after they ate, to wash their hands after they finish bathroom. She could never tell her own kids because there wasn’t soap or water back home.

I wonder how my Momma felt when we came home from school with a list of vitamins and pills the school nurse said we had to have .Momma would cry all night , and then go out and spend most of the rent money for pills. A week later ,the white man would come for his eighteen dollars’ rent and Momma would beg him to wait until tomorrow . She had to lie to him that she had lost her wallet or the relief check was coming soon or the white people had some money for her. Tomorrow I’d be hiding in the closet because there was only supposed to be two kids in the flat ,and I could hear the rent man shout at my Momma and call her a cheat. And when he finally went away, Momma put the sacks on her shoes and went off to the rich white man’s house to dress the rich white kids so their mother could take them to a special baby doctor.

60.Mother got up at 6 a.m. every day ,because    .

A.she had to cook breakfast for her children

B.she had to catch the first bus to the factory

C.she had to work in the white man’s house

D.she had to go to see a special baby doctor

61.Mother never told us to brush our teeth or to wash our hands because    .

A.she though we didn’t need to                B.we didn’t like washing hands

C.we had done everything very well         D.there was no soap or water in our home

62.Why did the writer hide in a closet when the landowner came for rent?

A.The closet could only hold two kids.

B.Only two kids were allowed to live in the house.

C.They should pay more rent for two kids.

D.There was only one bedroom for the two kids.

63.What does the writer mainly tell us?

A.Black people lead a miserable life.       

B.Black people don’t have enough rent money.

C.White people lead an expensive life.     

D.White people have special baby doctors.




       But I wonder about my Momma sometimes, and all the other Negro(blacks )mothers who got up at 6 a.m. to go to the white man’s house with sacks over their shoes because it was so wet and cold. I wonder how they made it .They worked very hard for the man, they made his breakfast and they scrubbed his floors and they took care of his babies. They didn’t have too much time for us.

       I wonder about my Momma ,who walked out of a white woman’s clean house at midnight and came back to her own where the lights had been out for three months ,and the pipes were frozen and the wind came in through the holes in the wall. She’d have to make deals with the rats: leave some food out for them so the wouldn’t bite the doors or the babies. The roaches(蟑螂)?Oh ,they were just like part of the family!

       I wonder how she felt telling those white kids she took care of to brush their teeth after they ate, to wash their hands after they finish bathroom. She could never tell her own kids because there wasn’t soap or water back home.

       I wonder how my Momma felt when we came home from school with a list of vitamins and pills the school nurse said we had to have .Momma would cry all night , and then go out and spend most of the rent money for pills. A week later ,the white man would come for his eighteen dollars’ rent and Momma would beg him to wait until tomorrow . She had to lie to him that she had lost her wallet or the relief check was coming soon or the white people had some money for her. Tomorrow I’d be hiding in the closet because there was only supposed to be two kids in the flat ,and I could hear the rent man shout at my Momma and call her a cheat. And when he finally went away, Momma put the sacks on her shoes and went off to the rich white man’s house to dress the rich white kids so their mother could take them to a special baby doctor.

60.Mother got up at 6 a.m. every day ,because     .

       A.she had to cook breakfast for her children

       B.she had to catch the first bus to the factory

       C.she had to work in the white man’s house

       D.she had to go to see a special baby doctor

61.Mother never told us to brush our teeth or to wash our hands because     .

       A.she though we didn’t need to  B.we didn’t like washing hands

       C.we had done everything very well  D.there was no soap or water in our home

62.Why did the writer hide in a closet when the landowner came for rent?

       A.The closet could only hold two kids.

       B.Only two kids were allowed to live in the house.

       C.They should pay more rent for two kids.

       D.There was only one bedroom for the two kids.

63.What does the writer mainly tell us?

      A.Black people lead a miserable life.

       B.Black people don’t have enough rent money.

       C.White people lead an expensive life.     

       D.White people have special baby doctors.

