A. wrote B. called C. moved D. returned 查看更多



A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maliyuwa, a nearby village. They lived with the man’s big family—his parents, his brothers, their wives and children. The family kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar.
Three months later the woman went back to her parents’ home, having quarreled with her husband. Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.
It went to the woman’s home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved (感动) by the act of the animal that she returned to her husband’s home.
【小题1】The writer wrote the story in order to ______.

A.show that elephants are very clever
B.tell how a woman trained a wild animal
C.show that women care more for animals than men do
D.tell how an animal reunited (团圆) a husband and wife
【小题2】The woman left her new home ______.
A.to visit her own parents in Maliyuwa
B.to see if the elephant would follow her
C.because she was angry with her husband
D.because she was tired of the large family
【小题3】After the young woman left her husband’s home, the elephant ______.
A.returned to the forestB.was sad because it missed her
C.went to look for a new homeD.was sick because nobody fed it
【小题4】The young wife went back to her husband because ______.
A.she knew he had sent the animal to her
B.the elephant had come to look for her
C.her parents told her to
D.she missed her new home


A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maliyuwa, a nearby village. They lived with the man’s big family—his parents, his brothers, their wives and children. The family kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit and sugar.

Three months later the woman went back to her parents’ home, having quarreled with her husband. Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.

It went to the woman’s home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it. The young woman was so moved (感动) by the act of the animal that she returned to her husband’s home.

1.The writer wrote the story in order to ______.

A.show that elephants are very clever

B.tell how a woman trained a wild animal

C.show that women care more for animals than men do

D.tell how an animal reunited (团圆) a husband and wife

2.The woman left her new home ______.

A.to visit her own parents in Maliyuwa

B.to see if the elephant would follow her

C.because she was angry with her husband

D.because she was tired of the large family

3.After the young woman left her husband’s home, the elephant ______.

A.returned to the forest                    B.was sad because it missed her

C.went to look for a new home               D.was sick because nobody fed it

4.The young wife went back to her husband because ______.

A.she knew he had sent the animal to her

B.the elephant had come to look for her

C.her parents told her to

D.she missed her new home



     A young man from a village called Nawalapitiya married a young woman from Maliyuwa, a nearby
village. They lived with the man's big family-his parents, his brothers, their wives and children. The family
kept an elephant, in which the young woman soon took a great interest. Every day she fed it with fruit
and sugar.
     Three months later the woman went back to her parents' home, having quarrelled with her husband.
Soon the elephant refused to eat and work. It appeared to be ill and heart-broken. One morning after
several weeks the animal disappeared from the house.
     It went to the woman's home. On seeing her, the elephant waved its trunk and touched her with it.
The young woman was so moved (感动) by the act of the animal that she returned to her husband's home.
1. The writer wrote the story in order to _______.
A. show that elephants are very clever
B. tell how a woman trained a wild animal
C. show that women care more for animals than men do
D. tell how an animal reunited a husband and wife
2. The woman left her new home _______.
A. to visit her own parents in Maliyuwa
B. to see if the elephant would follow her
C. because she was angry with her husband
D. because she was tired of the large family
3. After the young woman left her husband's home, the elephant _______.
A. returned to the forest
B. was sad because it missed her
C. went to look for a new home
D. was sick because nobody fed it
4. The young wife went back to her husband because _______.
A. she knew he had sent the animal to her
B. the elephant had come to look for her
C. her parents persuaded her to
D. she missed her new home


Like that of her own character, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling’s life is like a fairy tale. Divorced, living on public assistance in a tiny Edinburgh flat with her infant daughter, Rowling  1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone  2 a table in a café during her daughter’s naps – and it was Harry Potter  3 rescued her.

Rowling  4 that she always wanted to write and that the first  5 she actually wrote down, when she was five or six, was a story about a rabbit  6 Rabbit. Many of her favorite  7 center around reading – hearing The Wind in the Willows  8 aloud by her father when she had the measles(麻疹), enjoying the fantastic adventure stories of E. Nesbit, and her favorite story of all, The little White Horse.

At Exeter University Rowling took her degree in French and  9 one year studying in Paris. After college she moved to London to  10 as a researcher and bilingual secretary. The best thing about working in an office, she has said, was  11 up stories on the computer when no one was  12 . During this time, on a particularly long train ride from Manchester to London in the summer of 1990, the idea  13 her of a boy who is a wizard and doesn’t know it. He  14 a school for wizardry – she could see him very plainly in her mind. By the time the train  15 into Kings Cross station four hours later, many of the characters and the early stages of the plot were fully  16 in her head. The story took further shape as she continued working on it in  17 and cafes over her lunch hours.

After her marriage to a Portuguese TV journalist ended in divorce, Rowling returned to Britain with her infant daughter and a suitcase full of Harry Potter notes and  18 . She settled in Edinburgh to be near her sister and  19 to finish the book before looking for a teaching job. Wheeling her daughter’s carriage around the city to escape their  20 , cold apartment, she would duck into coffee shops to write when the baby fell asleep. In this way she finished the book and started sending it to publishers.

1.   A. read           B. recited         C. wrote          D. copied

2.   A. on            B. in             C. around         D. at

3.   A. what          B. that           C. which          D. who

4.   A. remembers      B. thinks          C. reminds        D. supposes

5.   A. book          B. story          C. novel          D. fiction

6.   A. naming         B. published       C. called          D. replaced

7.   A. songs          B. sports          C. things          D. memories

8.   A. spoken         B. said           C. told           D. read

9.   A. cost           B. spared         C. took           D. spent

10.  A. regard         B. consider        C. work          D. treat

11.  A. searching       B. reading         C. listening        D. typing

12.  A. noticing        B. watching       C. observing       D. seeing

13.  A. came to        B. struck to        C. stuck to        D. hit on

14.  A. studies         B. attends         C. builds          D. goes

15.  A. entered         B. pulled          C. reached         D. arrived

16.  A. organized       B. taken          C. formed         D. appeared

17.  A. theatres        B. pubs           C. cinemas        D. concerts

18.  A. chapters        B. books          C. magazines       D. newspapers

19.  A. set about        B. set off         C. set up          D. set out

20.  A. splendid        B. large           C. comfortable      D. tiny




It was a winter morning, just a couple of weeks before Christmas.While most people were  1their cars, Trevor, my husband, had to  2early to ride his bike four kilometers away from home to work.On arrival, he  3his bike outside the back door as he usually does.After  410 hours of labor, he returned to find his bike  5.

The bike, a black Kona 18 speed, was our only tool.Trevor used it to get to 6, putting in 60-hour weeks to  7his young family.And the bike was also used to get groceries, 8us from having to walk long distances from where we live.

I was so  9that someone would steal our bike that I wrote to the newspaper and told them our story.Shortly after that, several people in our area   10to help.One wonderful stranger   11bought a bike, then called my husband to pick it up. 12my husband had a way to get to and from his job.It really is a(an)  13that a complete stranger would go out of their way for someone they have never met before.People say that a smile can be  14from one person to another, but acts of kindness from  15are even more so.This experience has had a spreading effect in our lives because it  16our faith in humanity as a whole.And it has   17us to be more mindful of ways that we, too, can  18with others.No matter how big or how small, an act of kindness shows that someone  19.And the results can be   20.  

1.A.cooling down     B.warming up    C.speeding up    D.slowing down

2.A.get up           B.wake up        C.turn up        D.rise up

3.A.piled            B.pushed         C.parked         D.paused

4.A.putting in       B.putting on     C.putting off      D.putting away

5.A.broken           B.robbed         C.hidden         D.gone

6.A.study            B.shop           C.work           D.deliver

7.A.live             B.support        C.serve          D.protect

8.A.getting          B.protecting     C.saving         D.allowing

9.A.surprised        B.thrilled       C.puzzled        D.sad

10.A.offered         B.supported      C.provided       D.supplied

11.A.still          B.finally        C.even           D.yet

12.A.Now and then    B.Once in a while C.Once again    D.Sooner or later

13.A.honor           B.pity          C.sympathy       D.respect

14.A.thrown          B.passed        C.sent           D.got

15.A.friends         B.strangers      C.relatives      D.parents

16.A.weakened        B.spread         C.reduced        D.strengthened

17.A.moved           B.forced         C.urged          D.influenced

18.A.share           B.connect        C.deal           D.work

19.A.likes           B.cares          C.worries        D.wonders

20.A.short           B.promising      C.permanent      D.temporary


