A. found B. invented C. called D. bought 查看更多




  Each person sends out a special smell. It is 1 body smell by physiologists(生理学家). The 2 people have and the physical conditions of 3 are different from person to person. So is the body smell. For those who are fond of 4 , the body smell is strong .The Americans, 5 , have the body smell similar to that of buffaloes(水牛). The vegetarians(素食者) , on the other hand, have a 6 body smell.

  Scientific studies of the body smell 7 that it consists of hundreds of elements, 8 out from the human body. It is , therefore, 9 for doctors to discover the nature of 10 . Some people have 11 that soaps and perfumes(香水) with body smell of women be 12 by astronauts and explorers at the South Pole.

  It has been a custom for the 13 to find the criminal (罪犯) according to the 14 .The dogs are 15 to tell smell of different people.

  Body smell can 16 be used to make locks. Japanese scientists have 17 a lock that reacts to the specific smell. When the 18 of the house stands in front of the door, his smell will be 19 and checked by a certain sensor on the lock. 20 will soon be sent to the lock if the smell is 21 .

  A 22 body smell is found to be able to 23 her baby at ease. French physiologists have found that the baby will be very 24 and will fall into sleep quickly 25 put beside the mother's scarf.


































5Aof course


Bas well


Cfor example


Das a result


























































13Apolice dog
























































20AAn order


BA sound


CAn idea


DA call












































  In Sonoma County, California, growers are planting grapevines in a new way.As they plant the vines, they add a package of water called DRiWATER.This method of planting grapevines along with the water supply saves time and work.It gives the plant enough water to keep growing.The workers can go on to other chores.

  DRiWATER is a package of jelled(凝结的)water.It melts slowly, watering the plant for two or three months.DRiWATER is a 100% natural, non-poisonous product used for the long-term watering of plants.It was invented by a well-known food chemist who recognized the potential of a filler product he was using to thicken peanut butter.He tested and applied his theory that water could be released over time as naturally occurring microbes(微生物)in the soil fed on the filler and released the water into the soil.

  The inventor, Harold Jensen, tried for a long time to get the right recipe.He and his family worked nights and weekends testing different formulas.Jensen finally found the right formula and patented it.

  What are the ingredients in DRiWATER? It is made up of 97.85% water, 2% vegetable gum, and 0.15% aluminum sulfate.When the DRiWATER is planted in the soil, the water is released as bacteria eat the jell.

  Buchanan Vineyard Services has bought ten thousand packages of DRiWATER.They will plant the jelled water with their new grapevines.

  What about countries like Egypt that have large deserts? Maybe DRiWATER will help grow trees in the desert.Two million trees have been planted near a town in the Sahara Desert.Two quarts were planted with each tree.The tree must live on the water for months until its roots touch ground water.Harold Jensen hopes to see forests spring up in the deserts.This is the reason that he invented DRiWATER.Seedlings, DRiWATER, and desert may be the perfect fit.


How did Harold Jensen invent DRiWATER?

[  ]


He got the right recipe from the growers.


He succeeded by planting trees himself.


He found the right recipe in a short time.


He made it with the help of his family.


According to the passage, DRiWATER ________.

[  ]


consists mostly of water


has the function of killing bacteria


may harm the growth of plants


can help grapevines grow faster


What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


Growers have to change the jelled water once a month.


Growers in California have bought ten thousand packages of DRiWATER.


Egyptians will benefit a lot from the new method.


Buchanan Vineyard Services will grow trees in the desert


What is the best title for the passage?

[  ]


How to plant grapevines well.


A unique method to supply water to plants.


Harold Jensen:a great inventor.


DRiWATER and the Sahara Desert.


Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of years. It was said that the first thread was made from animal muscle and sinew (). And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency.

Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch (缝合) in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection. [来源:,Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine.

American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howe’s machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines.

Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to the design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle(脚踏板) to power his machine. This improvement left the sewer’s hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical, it could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire-purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals.

However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement(侵犯). Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties(版税). In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention.

1.Barthelemy Thimonnier’s garment factory was burned down because _____________.

A. people did not know how to put out the fire

B. Elias Howe thought Thimonnier had stolen his invention

C. the sewing machines was couldn’t work finally

D. workers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire

2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage???

A. Singer is an American inventor and manufacturer.

B. The Singer sewing company became more practical.

C. The foot treadle helped to make the sewer’s hands free.

D. Singer made improvements to the design of sewing machines.

3.Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elisa Howe a lifetime of royalties?

A. Because the judge was against Singer for his surly attitude.

B. Because Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.

C. Because Singer had borrowed money from Howe and never repaid it.

D. Because Singer and Howe had both invented the same machine.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

B. The Case between Howe and Singer

C. Patent Laws on the Sewing Machine

D. The Early History of the Sewing Machine



Humans have sewn by hand for thousands of years. It was said that the first thread was made from animal muscle and sinew (肌腱). And the earliest needles were made from bones. Since those early days, many people have been involved in the process of developing a machine that could do the same thing more quickly and with greater efficiency.

Charles Wiesenthal, who was born in Germany, designed and received a patent on a double-pointed needle that eliminated the need to turn the needle around with each stitch (缝合) in England in 1755. Other inventors of that time tried to develop a functional sewing machine, but each design had at least one serious imperfection.

Frenchman Barthelemy Thimonnier finally engineered a machine that really worked. However, he was nearly killed by a group of angry tailors when they burned down his garment factory. They feared that they would lose their jobs to the machine.

American inventor Elias Howe, born on July 9, 1819, was awarded a patent for a method of sewing that used thread from two different sources. Howe’s machine had a needle with an eye at the point, and it used the two threads to make a special stitch called a lockstitch. However, Howe faced difficulty in finding buyers for his machines in America. In frustration, he traveled to England to try to sell his invention there. When he finally returned home, he found that dozens of manufacturers were adapting his discovery for use in their own sewing machines.

Isaac Singer, another American inventor, was also a manufacturer who made improvements to the design of sewing machines. He invented an up-and-down-motion mechanism that replaced the side-to-side machines. He also developed a foot treadle (脚踏板) to power his machine. This improvement left the sewer’s hands free. Undoubtedly, it was a huge improvement of the hand-cranked machine of the past. Soon the Singer sewing machine achieved more fame than the others for it was more practical. It could be adapted to home use and it could be bought on hire-purchase. The Singer sewing machine became the first home appliance, and the Singer company became one of the first American multinationals.

However, Singer used the same method to create a lockstitch that Howe had already patented. As a result, Howe accused him of patent infringement (侵犯). Of course, Elias Howe won the court case, and Singer was ordered to pay Howe royalties (版税). In the end, Howe became a millionaire, not by manufacturing the sewing machine, but by receiving royalty payments for his invention.

1.Barthelemy Thimonnier’s garment factory was burned down because __________.

A. people did not know how to put out the fire

B. Elias Howe thought Thimonnier had stolen his invention

C. the sewing machines couldn’t work finally

D. workers who feared the loss of their jobs to a machine set fire

2.Why did the court force Isaac Singer to pay Elias Howe a lifetime of royalties?

A. Because the judge was against Singer for his unfriendly attitude.

B. Because Howe had already patented the lockstitch used by Singer.

C. Because Singer had borrowed money from Howe and never repaid it.

D. Because Singer and Howe had both invented the same machine.

3.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A. A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

B. The Case between Howe and Singer

C. Patent Laws on the Sewing Machine

D. The Early History of the Sewing Machine



McDonald's is the world single biggest food provider with annual sales of around $12.4bn. And the company's symbol Ronald McDonald is now (or so the company claims) the world's most recognized person after Santa Claus.

The first McDonald's restaurant was opened in San Bernardino, California, in 1948 by brothers Mac and Richard “Dick” McDonald. Mac ran the restaurant side; Dick was the marketing genius. He had already invented the drive-in laundry and had been the first person to use neon lights in advertising. Now he spotted the gap in the post-war, baby-boom market for cheap, family-orientated restaurants with simple menus, standardized food and efficient service.

After a slow start, business began to boom. By 1954, the brothers were joined by another entrepreneur, a kitchen equipment salesman called Ray A Kroc who owned the franchise to the Multimixer, milk shake maker used throughout the McDonald's chain. A year later, Kroc had bought the McDonald brothers' chain of 25 franchises for the equivalent of around $70m(£44m). Dick remained with the company until the Seventies, when he and Kroc fell out over Kroc's claim that the chain was his creation.

Today, an almost Stalinist cult of personality surrounds Kroc (who died in 1984) at McDonald's, while the brothers who gave the company its name have all but been written out of its history. But though Kroc did not found McDonald's, he was certainly responsible for the empire-building philosophy which led to its world domination. He ushered in such essential contributions to international cuisine as the Big Mac (1968) and the Egg McMuffin (1973); and helped launch Ronald McDonald —— “in any language he means fun” —— on to television in 1963.

Every three hours, a new McDonald's franchise opens somewhere in the world; it can be found in more than 100 countries including India (vegetarian-only to avoid offending the non-beef-eating populace) and Israel (non kosher, despite fierce local objection). McDonald's chain embodied the thrusting, can-do spirit of Fifties America with staff mottoes such as “If you've got time to lean, you've got time to clean.”

1.McDonald's was founded _____.

A. by a kitchen equipment salesman

B. in California

C. by a marketing genius called Dick McDonald

D. after the first World War

2.What do we know about McDonald's brothers?

A. They were not McDonald's founders although they named the restaurant.

B. Their business was still in depression after several years.

C. They had clear job separation on business.

D. They sold their restaurant to a salesman in 1954.

3.Which is not Kroc's contribution to McDonald's ?

A. He launched the restaurant image Ronald McDonald on to television.

B. Under his lead, international cuisine as the Big Mac and the Egg McMuffin earned worldwide fame

C. He spotted the gap in postwar market for cheap, family-orientated restaurants.

D. He built McDonald's empire with a philosophy which led to its world domination.

4.Which statement is true according to the passage?

A. The single biggest food provider was however, not named after its founder

B. The international cuisine as the Big Mac, a beef hamburger, is provided every chain restaurant in the world.

C. Employees in McDonald's have no time to lean.

D. The symbol Ronald McDonald, means fun in any language, is said to the world most recognized person after Santa Claus.


