A. better B. well C. vest D. worse 查看更多



—Did you have a good night’s sleep,sir?

—Oh,exactly.It was such a comfortable bed.I could never have________sleep.

A.a good   

B.the best

C.a better   

D.a best



When I was young, my father used to grow carnations (康乃馨).His carnations were red, pink and white. Everyone who saw them admired them for their beauty.

 He took care of them with so much love and     36     . Every day he came home from work, he went   straight    to see them. He  37  watching them every day. We the kids did too. But he used to tell us, “No one should touch my flowers.”

One day my younger sister, who loved my dad very much, had wanted to help him and she     38      the carnations from their stems (枝干) one by one and arranged them    39       . She believed that he would be very     40     to see them that way.

When mom and I realized what my sister had done, we became completely hopeless. However, my sister had no idea why no one showed her any appreciation. When my dad arrived he went,  41 , straight to see the flowers. When he saw his flowers    lying     on the floor like dead animals, he was  42  at first. He looked towards the street, to see if it was any of the    43     children who could have done it. Then he entered the living room and looked at mom in silence.

Finally mom, who always taught us to     44     no matter what, looked at dad and said: “We have no bad neighbors in our area”. Then with a nice tone she continued: “No outsider did this great job, only your lovely daughter Clémence.” My dad’s face   changed     into  45  and then he said: “Do I have a better     46      than my lovely daughter?” My younger sister smiled and    47     dad tightly.

A. devotion     B. spirits          C. gratitude       D. expectation

A. hated        B. approved       C. enjoyed        D. committed

A. divided      B. watered         C. cut            D. cleaned

A. by the window B. in the vase      C. on the desk      D. on the floor

A. surprised     B. pleased         C. disappointed     D. worried

A. as usual      B. at first          C. as well          D. at last

A. frightened    B. relieved         C. disappointed     D. shocked

A. enemies’     B. friends’         C. families’         D. neighbors’

A. say the truth  B. behave ourselves  C. follow the rules   D. keep secret

A. sadness     B. smiles          C. anger           D. depression

A. kid        B. flower          C. helper           D. gift

A. hugged     B. kissed          C. grasped         D. patted


I stood by and watched her and her mother busily decorating her college dormitory.Everything was in place,__1__ boxes under the bed and photos of her dearest friends on the wall.I closely monitored that this time things were __2__.I began to accept that her room at home is no longer __3__.It is now ours,our room for her when she visits.

I __4__ myself thinking of when I held her in my arms sitting in a chair by my wife's hospital __5__.One day old.So small,so beautiful,so perfect,so totally reliant on her new,untested parents.My life changed from the day I drove this little baby home from the __6__.I saw myself different that day,__7__.

The last few days __8__ she left for college,I touched her face—anything—__9__ that when my wife and I returned home,she would not be with us and there would be __10__ to touch.I had so much to say,but no words with which to say it.

Suddenly she looked up,__11__ me staring at her,which caused her to say to her mother,“Mom,Dad's looking at me funny.” She then said,“It'll be __12__,Dad.I'll be home from school soon.” I told her she would have a __13__ year.But I said little else.I was __14__  that I would say something too small for what I was feeling,__15__ I only held onto our goodbye hug a little longer,a little __16__.

My wife's eyes followed her as she left us.Mine did not.I __17__ she hadn't gone.I knew that the life she was going __18__ was exciting and wonderful.I remembered what the world looked like to me when everything was __19__.

On the way back home,my eyes were wet and my heart was sore,and I realized that my __20__ was changed forever.

1.A.with       B.in

C.by         D.on

2.A.important      B.enjoyable

C.convenient     D.different

3.A.mine        B.hers

C.ours        D.theirs

4.A.sent         B.stopped

C.found       D.set

5.A.desk         B.wall

C.room        D.bed

6.A.kindergarten     B.hospital

C.school       D.park

7.A.neither       B.either

C.other       D.too

8.A.before        B.after

C.since       D.when

9.A.wondering       B.saying

C.knowing      D.showing

10.A.nothing       B.everything 

C.anything     D.something

11.A.observing      B.catching 

C.watching     D.keeping

12.A.bad       B.wrong 

C.fine        D.right

13.A.whole        B.comfortable 

C.difficult       D.great

14.A.aware        B.afraid 

C.sure        D.sorry

15.A.but        B.for 

C.so         D.and

16.A.better       B.tighter 

C.happier      D.nearer

17.A.imagined      B.thought 

C.guessed      D.expected

18.A.across       B.by  

C.towards      D.over

19.A.good        B.bright 

C.new        D.perfect

20.A.life        B.heart

C.dream       D.belief



This is my third story. When I was 17,I read a quote that 1 something like,“If you live each day 2 it was your last,someday you'll most certainly be right.”Since then,for the past thirty?three years,I've looked 3 the mirror every morning and asked myself:“If today were the last day of my life,would I want to do what I am about to do today?”And whenever the answer has been“No”for too many days in a 4 ,I know I need to change something.

  About a year ago I was  5 with cancer. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable,and that I should  6 to live no longer than three to six months. They advised me to go home and get my 7 in order,which is doctors' code for“prepare to 8 ”. Later that evening when the doctors  9 the cells taken from my pancreas(胰腺)under a microscope,they started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is  10 with surgery. I had the surgery and,11 ,I'm fine now.

  This was the closest I've been to facing death,and I hope it's the closest I get for a few more decades. Death is the 12 we all share. No one has  13 escaped it. And that is 14 it should be,because death is very likely the single 15 invention of life. It's life's change agent. It clears out the old to make  16 for the new. Your time is  17 ,so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma(信条)—which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of  18 opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly,have the courage to  19 your heart and intuition(直觉). They 20 already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

(1)A. said     B. described  C. went     D. expressed

(2)A. unless    B. as if     C. even if    D. as long as

(3)A. in      B. at     C. through    D. On

(4)A. row     B. minute    C. sense    D. word

(5)A. connected  B. infected   C. affected  D. diagnosed

(6)A. want    B. dream    C. expect   D. imagine

(7)A. duties    B. businesses C. affairs   D. life

(8)A. work    B. start     C. talk    D. die

(9)A. looked   B. viewed   C. realized   D. noticed

(10)A. curable   B. possible    C. acceptable D. suitable

(11)A. carefully  B. thankfully   C. anxiously  D. hopefully

(12)A. possession B. destination  C. expectation D. position

(13)A. ever     B. even     C. never    D. still

(14)A. when    B. while     C. as      D. since

(15)A. better   B. worst     C. worse    D. best

(16)A. use    B. a difference  C. sense     D. way

(17)A. endless  B. repeated   C. countless   D. limited

(18)A. others'   B. others    C. anyone's    D. some others

(19)A. listen   B. follow     C. take      D. accept

(20)A. however B.whatever  C.somehow  D.Somewhat


When I was young, my father used to grow carnations (康乃馨).His carnations were red, pink and white. Everyone who saw them admired them for their beauty.
He took care of them with so much love and    36     . Every day he came home from work, he went   straight    to see them. He  37  watching them every day. We the kids did too. But he used to tell us, “No one should touch my flowers.”
One day my younger sister, who loved my dad very much, had wanted to help him and she    38      the carnations from their stems (枝干) one by one and arranged them   39       . She believed that he would be very    40     to see them that way.
When mom and I realized what my sister had done, we became completely hopeless. However, my sister had no idea why no one showed her any appreciation. When my dad arrived he went, 41 , straight to see the flowers. When he saw his flowers    lying     on the floor like dead animals, he was  42  at first. He looked towards the street, to see if it was any of the   43     children who could have done it. Then he entered the living room and looked at mom in silence.
Finally mom, who always taught us to    44     no matter what, looked at dad and said: “We have no bad neighbors in our area”. Then with a nice tone she continued: “No outsider did this great job, only your lovely daughter Clémence.” My dad’s face   changed     into  45  and then he said: “Do I have a better    46      than my lovely daughter?” My younger sister smiled and   47     dad tightly.

A.by the windowB.in the vaseC.on the deskD.on the floor
A.as usualB.at firstC.as wellD.at last
A.say the truth B.behave ourselvesC.follow the rules D.keep secret

