A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. some day 查看更多




  When l was learning calligraphy(书法)my teacher told me a story.

  A calligrapher taught handwriting.One of his students who often practiced handwriting with old sheets of newspaper complained that he made very little progress though he had learned it with the calligrapher for a long time.His teacher said to him, “Try to use the best paper.Maybe you'll write better.”

  The student did as he was told.It really worked.He made headway not long afterwards and felt curious.He asked his teacher about the reason.The calligrapher answered, “When you used old newspaper to practice handwriting, you would think you were writing a draft.It didn't matter if you wrote badly as old newspaper was plenty in supply.In that case you wouldn't pay much attention to it.Now you use the best paper and you'll treasure it.Each time you write you feel strongly about the rarity of chances and you'll devote to it with all your heart and soul; you'll do the handwriting much more attentively than practicing.Of course you’ve made rapid progress.”

  Indeed, we spend our ordinary days just as they are worthless “old newspaper”.We don't care if we scrawl and waste it, thinking that it will come endlessly-the“old newspaper”is inexhaustible(用不完的).In such a mood we may each day pass by opportunities but fail to catch any of them.

  Life is not a military exercise but an actual war in which real weapons are used.In everyday life there's no chance for us to draft.That's because what we call “draft” actually is the answer sheet we write that cannot be changed.

  Every day of our life is something new.Let us take every day as a sheet of the best paper.


The calligrapher in the story told the student to write on the best paper because he thought ________.

[  ]


the student would practice more carefully on the best paper


it was comfortable to write on the best paper


the student had enough money to buy the best paper


the student could write more on the best paper


We learn from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the student finally gave up


the student made rapid progress by practicing more carefully


the calligrapher was strict with his students


old newspaper is not useful


Which of the following is true according to the passage?

[  ]


What teachers say is always true.


Success calls for attentiveness.


Handwriting is easy to practice.


New things are always better than old ones.


The writer wants to tell us that ________.

[  ]


there are some good ways to practice handwriting


1ife is like old newspaper


we should learn from the student in the story


1ife will not give us a chance to draw a draft


_____ 【小题1】 Miss Wang is now working in a joint venture (合资企业) as a business woman. Her major work is to contact the foreign businessmen through emails, calls and letters. She has no trouble communicating with the English-speaking people face to face. However, when it comes to business writing, she is not sure about the grammar and the form.
_____ 【小题2】Mr. Zhang taught himself English. Three months ago, when he was required to work as a sales representative in Britain, he had trouble in communicating with his English customers. The problem is with his pronunciation and intonation (语调). He wants to find some websites offering spoken English teaching with correct pronunciation and ideal sound effects.
____【小题3】Ms. Wilson is now teaching English in China. She has found that the major problem with her students’ reading comprehension lies with their limited vocabulary. However, memorizing a list of 10-20 new words every day is a boring task for the students. She wants to find some games from the internet, so that her students may have interest in learning and using the words.
_____ 【小题4】 Li Yue is not interested in reciting English texts. He says it is boring. He is more interested in practicing his newly learned English expressions in classroom activities. But when he is at home on holiday, he has no one to talk to in English. His mother suggests him looking for interactive websites from the Internet.
_____ 【小题5】Zhang Ming is going for his undergraduate study in America. His friend has rented a room for him from an old American couple. This is his first time to go abroad and stay with the natives. To get along well with them, Zhang Ming is eager to learn English idioms and everyday topics. So, he searches the Internet for some useful websites.
ELT Website Review
☆http: // www. putclub.com
PUT stands for postgraduate plus undergraduate plus teachers. It provides various listening materials for students of English at different levels, including news and articles for academic purposes. It also has some instruction on how to improve listening skill. There is also a forum (论坛) for you to share your English learning experiences with other.
☆http: // www. oup. Com / elt / products / students/
This site offers interactive games and exercises to help learners practice English in an entertaining way. Resources are organized at various levels and cover all the four basic skills. The exercises include three levels: primary, secondary and adult. You can choose an exercise of your own level.
☆http: // www. focusenglish. com / dia / co. html
Do you sometimes get upset when you’re unable to express yourself clearly? This website focuses on idiomatic and everyday expressions that can help learners deal with daily conversational situations. Each dialogue is accompanied by carefully designed exercises so you can follow the steps and practice at your own pace. From this you will know how native express things.
☆http: // writing. englishclub. com / s-talk / htm
You can find tips on how to start writing memos (备忘录), to send emails or to write business reports for your company. There are exercises at different levels and in different forms. If you register (注册) as our member, send us your writings. Our language experts will emails you in reply and offer free instructions within seven working days.
☆http: // esl. About. com / cs / pronu / a / astress. htm
English is considered a stressed language. This means we stress certain words while other words are quickly spoken. When you speak English, the words you stress can change meaning in a sentence. This website provides examples and exercises to help you improve your pronunciation through correct word stress.
☆http: // www. vocabulary. Com
This vocabulary puzzle and activities site helps you learn vocabulary in an interesting and innovation (有创意的) way. The activities come at 3 levels of difficulty, with 20 thematic topics on various subjects such as Wizards, Elections, Holidays, Character Education, Science Shakespeare, and Fitness.



_____ 1. Miss Wang is now working in a joint venture (合资企业) as a business woman. Her major work is to contact the foreign businessmen through emails, calls and letters. She has no trouble communicating with the English-speaking people face to face. However, when it comes to business writing, she is not sure about the grammar and the form.

_____ 2.Mr. Zhang taught himself English. Three months ago, when he was required to work as a sales representative in Britain, he had trouble in communicating with his English customers. The problem is with his pronunciation and intonation (语调). He wants to find some websites offering spoken English teaching with correct pronunciation and ideal sound effects.

 ____3.Ms. Wilson is now teaching English in China. She has found that the major problem with her students’ reading comprehension lies with their limited vocabulary. However, memorizing a list of 10-20 new words every day is a boring task for the students. She wants to find some games from the internet, so that her students may have interest in learning and using the words.

_____ 4. Li Yue is not interested in reciting English texts. He says it is boring. He is more interested in practicing his newly learned English expressions in classroom activities. But when he is at home on holiday, he has no one to talk to in English. His mother suggests him looking for interactive websites from the Internet.

_____ 5.Zhang Ming is going for his undergraduate study in America. His friend has rented a room for him from an old American couple. This is his first time to go abroad and stay with the natives. To get along well with them, Zhang Ming is eager to learn English idioms and everyday topics. So, he searches the Internet for some useful websites.

ELT Website Review


☆http: // www. putclub.com

   PUT stands for postgraduate plus undergraduate plus teachers. It provides various listening materials for students of English at different levels, including news and articles for academic purposes. It also has some instruction on how to improve listening skill. There is also a forum (论坛) for you to share your English learning experiences with other.


☆http: // www. oup. Com / elt / products / students/

This site offers interactive games and exercises to help learners practice English in an entertaining way. Resources are organized at various levels and cover all the four basic skills. The exercises include three levels: primary, secondary and adult. You can choose an exercise of your own level.


☆http: // www. focusenglish. com / dia / co. html

Do you sometimes get upset when you’re unable to express yourself clearly? This website focuses on idiomatic and everyday expressions that can help learners deal with daily conversational situations. Each dialogue is accompanied by carefully designed exercises so you can follow the steps and practice at your own pace. From this you will know how native express things.


☆http: // writing. englishclub. com / s-talk / htm

You can find tips on how to start writing memos (备忘录), to send emails or to write business reports for your company. There are exercises at different levels and in different forms. If you register (注册) as our member, send us your writings. Our language experts will emails you in reply and offer free instructions within seven working days.


☆http: // esl. About. com / cs / pronu / a / astress. htm

 English is considered a stressed language. This means we stress certain words while other words are quickly spoken. When you speak English, the words you stress can change meaning in a sentence. This website provides examples and exercises to help you improve your pronunciation through correct word stress.


☆http: // www. vocabulary. Com

  This vocabulary puzzle and activities site helps you learn vocabulary in an interesting and innovation (有创意的) way. The activities come at 3 levels of difficulty, with 20 thematic topics on various subjects such as Wizards, Elections, Holidays, Character Education, Science Shakespeare, and Fitness.



_____ 76. Miss Wang is now working in a joint venture (合资企业) as a business woman. Her major work is to contact the foreign businessmen through emails, calls and letters. She has no trouble communicating with the English-speaking people face to face. However, when it comes to business writing, she is not sure about the grammar and the form.
_____ 77. Mr. Zhang taught himself English. Three months ago, when he was required to work as a sales representative (代表) in Britain, he had trouble in communicating with his English customers. The problem is with his pronunciation and intonation (语调). He wants to find some websites offering spoken English teaching with correct pronunciation and ideal sound effects.
_____ 78. Ms. Wilson is now teaching English in China. She has found that the major problem with her students’ reading comprehension lies with their limited vocabulary. However, memorizing a list of 10-20 new words every day is a boring task for the students. She wants to find some games from the internet, so that her students may have interest in learning and using the words.
_____ 79. Li Yue is not interested in reciting English texts. He says it is boring. He is more interested in practicing his newly learned English expressions in classroom activities. But when he is at home on holiday, he has no one to talk to in English. His mother suggests him looking for interactive websites from the Internet.
_____ 80. Zhang Ming is going for his undergraduate study in America. His friend has rented a room for him from an old American couple. This is his first time to go abroad and stay with the natives. To get along well with them, Zhang Ming is eager to learn English idioms and everyday topics. So, he searches the Internet for some useful websites.

ELT Website Review



☆http: // www. putclub.com

    PUT stands for postgraduate plus undergraduate plus teachers. It provides various listening materials for students of English at different levels, including news and articles for academic purposes. It also has some instruction on how to improve listening skill. There is also a forum (论坛) for you to share your English learning experiences with other.

☆http: // www. oup. Com / elt / products / students/

    This site offers interactive games and exercises to help learners practice English in an entertaining way. Resources are organized at various levels and cover all the four basic skills. The exercises include three levels: primary, secondary and adult. You can choose an exercise of your own level.



☆http: // www. focusenglish. com / dia / co. html

    Do you sometimes get upset when you’re unable to express yourself clearly? This website focuses on idiomatic and everyday expressions that can help learners deal with daily conversational situations. Each dialogue is accompanied by carefully designed exercises so you can follow the steps and practice at your own pace. From this you will know how native express things.

☆http: // writing. englishclub. com / s-talk / htm

    You can find tips on how to start writing memos (备忘录), to send emails or to write business reports for your company. There are exercises at different levels and in different forms. If you register (注册) as our member, send us your writings. Our language experts will emails you in reply and offer free instructions within seven working days.



☆http: // esl. About. com / cs / pronu / a / astress. htm

    English is considered a stressed language. This means we stress certain words while other words are quickly spoken. When you speak English, the words you stress can change meaning in a sentence. This website provides examples and exercises to help you improve your pronunciation through correct word stress.

☆http: // www. vocabulary. Com

    This vocabulary puzzle and activities site helps you learn vocabulary in an interesting and innovation (有创意的) way. The activities come at 3 levels of difficulty, with 20 thematic topics on various subjects such as Wizards, Elections, Holidays, Character Education, Science Shakespeare, and Fitness.



  The heart of the American calendar is July 4. Americans have celebrated this date as Independence Day since 1776. On this holiday, parades, picnics and fireworks create a festive atmosphere. Red, white and blue ribbons mimic (模拟)the colors of the “stars and stripes”. Patriotic speeches remind Americans of their heritage. But July 4 is more than a national holiday. It represents the heartbeat of America: freedom.

  Ask the average American, “What is freedom?”You will probably hear, “It's being able to do what I want to do. ”When Americans think of freedom, they often think of individualism (个人). They see themselves more as individuals than as members of a family or social group. American-style democracy tries to protect individual rights. It also promises each person the freedom to make choices. People in other culture may not understand this emphasis in individuals. Stressing individual human rights seems strange to cultures where the rights of society are more important.

  Privacy is one good example of individual rights. Personal freedom in America often means the right to one's own space. In many American homes, each child has his or her own bedroom. Parents feel they should knock before entering. When Americans want to visit friends or relatives, they usually call first. They don't want to invade someone's privacy, even if they know the person quite well. Also, in some cultures people have strong ties to their extended family. They openly share time, money and information with their family members. Americans, on the other hand, prefer to keep many “family matters” private. For them, a “family unit”is just a husband and wife and their children. They dislike having relatives or outsiders meddle (干涉) in their affairs. Like wise, individuals may not want to share private information in everyday conversation. If a stranger asks about their salary, age, marital status or religion, Americans might feel embarrassed or un-comfortable.

1.“Stars and stripes” in the first paragraph refers to ________.

[  ]

A.the national flag of the USA

B.a certain pattern Americans like best

C.something used to celebrate the holiday

D.the most beautiful fireworks

2.July 4 is a special day to Americans because ________.

[  ]

A.it has something to do with freedom

B.it reminds Americans of the Civil War

C.they have a special chance to recall the history

D.there is a festive atmosphere

3.In the eyes of Americans freedom means ________.

[  ]

A.do whatever you like

B.the emphasis on human rights

C.care more about oneself

D.keep away from others

4.In America ________.

[  ]

A.people openly share time, money and information

B.only close friends share private information

C.every individual has his own space

D.only relatives talk about something private in everyday conversation

5.Americans always regard themselves as

[  ]


B.members of a family

C.members of a social group


