A. need to have B. don’t need C needn’t D. in need of 查看更多



To make new friends, the first thing you need to do is to meet up with new people, this should be quite      , as your neighborhood should have a club, school or some other small organizations.

Go there and talk to people.       you get into a social circle or group, making friends is not hard at all.

Look easygoing. You needn’t       in fancy clothes or wear loud make-ups to attract people. Make eye       and smile often; don’t look too nervous and listen to what others have to say.

Accept people the way they are. Nobody is      ; you are not either. Everyone has faults and the way to make friends is by looking at the positive aspects of people. In case you don’t like someone’s behavior, it is better to       them than to create a rivalry (对抗).

Don’t forget old friends. If they have moved away or if you have moved away, be in       through phone calls and emails. Don’t leave old friends for the sake of new ones.

1.A. embarrassing        B. available                     C. amazing                      D. simple

2.A. Once                    B. Although          C. While                                D. Since

3.A. try on                      B. dress up                            C. put on                    D. have on

4.A. contact                   B. movement                   C. control                D. connection

5.A. intelligent                    B. organized             C. fluent                D. perfect

6.A. avoid                       B. abandon                           C. bother                D. blame

7.A. need                    B. touch                           C. trouble                    D. danger



 A restaurant owner in Nuremberg, Germany has figured out a way to remove bad service forever. How did he do it? He just removed service completely. Michael Mack has opened the world’s first restaurant to feature fully automated ordering and table service. Instead of tie-wearing waiters, each table is connected to the kitchen by spiraling metal rails. Meals are ordered using a touch screen. Food is then delivered to the customers using the rails that run down from the kitchen, which is above the dining room. The computer system also tells guests how long their food will take to prepare.

How do the customers pay? Their credit cards are taken first. Mack believes that there is a global market for his new invention. Mack said, "It’s very simple. I’m surprised that it’s not done elsewhere." His rail system is patented2 in Germany. Now he is seeking protection for the invention internationally so that he can license it to restaurants abroad. Mack would like to do business with fast food chains.

"Billions of euros in labor costs could be saved using this system," Mack said. "We don’t need service at the table."
     The strange mechanism certainly attracts a large number of curious people. Whether or not the guests will like the restaurant, which opened earlier in August, is unclear. "We prefer a nice friendly waiter to this cold steel system you can’t talk to," one visitor complained. Another visitor said that the spiraling steel rails reminded her of the automated feeding system used to feed pigs on large farms.

41. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. A restaurant owner.

B. The world’s first restaurant.

C. An automated table service.

D. A computer system

42. Many people go to the restaurant mainly because they

A. have a strong desire to experience it

B. feel it quick and convenient to eat  there

C. needn’t pay by cash

D. needn’t talk to any waiter

43. If Mach brings his invention to the international market

A. hundreds of people will lose their jobs

B. it will be popular among customers

C. more waiters will serve for the customers

D. more pigs can be fed on farms by the system

44. Which of the following words best describes the new system’s future?

A. Bright    B. Unfair      C. Uncertain      D. Attractive


       Recently, in the hope of getting both money and social experience I became a door-to-door salesman.I once read a saying: “If somebody wants something of yours, you will be treated as warmly as spring, but if they don’t, you may be treated as coldly as winter.” You may consider this an exaggeration(夸张), but if you are a salesman, it is clearly correct.

       You would never have found it to be so true if you hadn’t been a salesman.You needn’t stand doubtful looks and unfriendly comments; you needn’t listen to something completely wrong and nod to say that it was quite right; you needn’t always keep patience and a smile; you needn’t repeat the same sentence over again; you needn’t talk to somebody you dislike…….

       I did this work for a month; then I decided to give it up.Apart from the above reasons, I found I was paying too much attention to the job and thus sacrificing my study time.The latest test result proved that my grades are getting lower.Even worse, I hadn’t enough time to join my classmates in college activities.Sometimes I felt lonely and unhappy because of both my study and my part-time job.Now I don’t think it is worth doing such a thing even though I was earning money at great cost.

       Newspaper and magazines often publish stories about good students who do part-time work and keep high scores in class.But according to my experience, part-time work can have some strong ban effects on study.

       Most students don’t see the relationship between study and work in a correct way.In my opinion, if it isn’t a must for financial reasons, students should be cautious about taking up a part-time job.

1.What caused the author to give up his part-time job?

       A.Too much attention to it and his grades getting lower.

       B.He often miss some colleges activities.

       C.Sometimes he felt tired an unhappy.

       D.All the above.

2.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “sacrificing”?

       A.Losing.                B.Saving.                 C.Using.                  D.Getting.

3.The writer thought            

       A.to do part-time job is unnecessary

       B.part-time job had good effects on study

       C.it was hard to plan study and work correctly

       D.part-time jobs were good for students

4.Who should take part-time jobs according to the text above?

       A.Every college students.                      B.Those who want to get study experience.

       C.Those in great need of money.            D.Those from very rich families.

5.What kind of person is salesman according to the write?

       A.Those who are treated as warmly as spring.

       B.Those who only nods to the customers.

       C.Those who are strong-willed and satisfy the customers.

       D.Those who only purpose is to earn enough money.


For most students, school is over and summer fun is here. Even kids who are going to summer school don't need to be cooped up indoors during these bright sunny days. Why? Thanks to technology, many kids now have the option of attending "virtual" summer schools online.

These "virtual" classes are not new. Many colleges and universities offer online courses where the students never meet; they correspond with their teachers and classmates on the web. Even some traditional schools add to daily classes with internet-based assignments and feedback.

There are a lot of benefits to online schooling, and that's why public schools have started participating in this non-traditional type of education. Instead of students riding the bus, going to class, eating lunch at school, and going home in the early afternoon, they can now log on(登录)at any time of day or night and learn. This flexible online option requires just as much work and participation as normal summer school. However, the timing is different.

Online summer school is not for all students, just like it isn’t for all adults. The student needs to be an excellent reader in order to obtain as much information as possible from the lectures. In addition, students must understand computers and be self motivated(激发)in order to complete the class successfully.

If the students meet these requirements, then online summer school has many advantages. Written lectures can be read and reread until the student understands them. The students can email each other and the teacher if they need help. Students who participate in online summer school often earn higher grades because the teachers can answer more questions without slowing down the entire class progress. And because of this new technology, summer school students can still go to the beach, travel around the world, and take family vacations!

Online schooling has the following advantages and benefits EXCEPT ____. 

A. Students needn’t have as much work or participation as in traditional schools.

B. Students don’t have to go to school in crowded buses.

C. Students can have more time to understand the lessons.

D. Teachers and students have more time to arrange their own things flexibly.

What does the underlined word “option” probably mean? 

A. chance of expressing opinion           B. chance of expressing wishes

C. right of demanding                       D. right of choosing

Online summer school is not suitable for ____.  

A. adults or children who are too old                    

B. students who are poor in reading

C. those who don’t master good computer technology  

D. students who can’t finish homework on their own

Which of the following people is most supposed to choose online schooling?  

A. A child in the kindergarten.            B. A primary school student.

C. A government office clerk.            D. A child whose parents are working.


For most students, school is over and summer fun is here. Even kids who are going to summer school don't need to be cooped up indoors during these bright sunny days. Why? Thanks to technology, many kids now have the option of attending "virtual" summer schools online.
These "virtual" classes are not new. Many colleges and universities offer online courses where the students never meet; they correspond with their teachers and classmates on the web. Even some traditional schools add to daily classes with internet-based assignments and feedback.
There are a lot of benefits to online schooling, and that's why public schools have started participating in this non-traditional type of education. Instead of students riding the bus, going to class, eating lunch at school, and going home in the early afternoon, they can now log on(登录)at any time of day or night and learn. This flexible online option requires just as much work and participation as normal summer school. However, the timing is different.
Online summer school is not for all students, just like it isn’t for all adults. The student needs to be an excellent reader in order to obtain as much information as possible from the lectures. In addition, students must understand computers and be self motivated(激发)in order to complete the class successfully.
If the students meet these requirements, then online summer school has many advantages. Written lectures can be read and reread until the student understands them. The students can email each other and the teacher if they need help. Students who participate in online summer school often earn higher grades because the teachers can answer more questions without slowing down the entire class progress. And because of this new technology, summer school students can still go to the beach, travel around the world, and take family vacations!
【小题1】Online schooling has the following advantages and benefits EXCEPT ____. 

A.Students needn’t have as much work or participation as in traditional schools.
B.Students don’t have to go to school in crowded buses.
C.Students can have more time to understand the lessons.
D.Teachers and students have more time to arrange their own things flexibly.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “option” probably mean? 
A.chance of expressing opinionB.chance of expressing wishes
C.right of demandingD.right of choosing
【小题3】Online summer school is not suitable for ____.  
A.adults or children who are too old
B.students who are poor in reading
C.those who don’t master good computer technology
D.students who can’t finish homework on their own
【小题4】Which of the following people is most supposed to choose online schooling?  
A.A child in the kindergarten.B.A primary school student.
C.A government office clerk.D.A child whose parents are working.

