A. show B. say C. talk D. speak 查看更多




A. Allow for personal space

B. Show willingness to negotiate

C. Learn from conflict

D. Keep yourself calm

E. Focus on finding a solution

F. Talk about the mistakes

Ways to Deal with Conflict


In heated situations, we have a tendency to speak first and think after. This results in aggression which aggravates (使恶化) the conflict. Instead, pause before you speak, think about what the person has said to you, and respond appropriately. By giving yourself this time to think, you cool down, and you are less likely to speak with anger. A lot of the time, the other people may want to argue for the sake of arguing.


Everyone knows that people make mistakes because it’s human nature. However, it also seems to be human nature to fight acceptance of those mistakes. Conflicts often arise from mistakes, so it’s best to be upfront and honest about them. Identify the mistake that led to the conflict.


In conflict, if someone walks away, allow him to do that. Don’t follow the person you’re in conflict with into another room because you haven’t said all you want to say. You wouldn’t want him following you if you felt the need to leave the situation. Also, don’t hover too close to the person you’re in conflict with. Allow him room to breathe. Don’t make him feel as if you’re backing him into a corner.


It is very easy to point the finger or play the blame game when trouble arises. As easy as it is, it is not useful or productive. The main concern is to find a solution to the problem, not to determine who was wrong. If the problem is related to the work itself, keep the conversation focused on exactly what is wrong, and what can be done to fix it.


Be open to the idea of compromise and let the other person know this. Before you approach the conversation, be confident in your stance and know what you are willing to negotiate on and what you feel strongly should not be compromised. Do your best to be flexible. Look for a way to come to a conclusion that satisfies both parties.


Once upon a time there was a great man who married the woman of his dreams. With their love, they created a little girl. She was a bright and cheerful little girl and the great man loved her very much.
When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, “ I love you, little girl.” The little girl would shout and say, “ I’m not a little girls anymore.” Then the man would laugh and say, “ But to me, you’ll always be my little girl.”
The little girl who- was- not- little- anymore left her home and went into the world. As she learned more about herself, she learned more about the man. She saw that he truly was great and strong, for now she recognized his strengths. One of his strengths was his ability to express his love to his family. It didn’t matter where she went in the world, the man would call her and say, “ I love you, little girl.”
The day came when the little girl who-was- not- little-anymore received a phone call. The great man was damaged. He had had a stroke(中风 ). He couldn’t talk anymore and they weren’t sure that he could understand the words spoken to him.
And so she went to the side of the great man. When she walked into the room and saw him, he looked small and not strong at all. He looked at her and tried to speak, but he could not.
The little girl did the only thing she could do. She climbed up on the bed next to the great man. Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the useless shoulders of her father.
Her head on his chest, she thought of many things. She remembered the wonderful times together and how she has always felt protected. And then she heard from within the man, the beat of his heart. The heart where the musid and the words had always lived. The heart beat on, steadily unconcerned about damage to the rest of the body. And while she rested there, the magic happened. She heard what she needed to hear.
His hear beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say…
I love you
I love you
I love you
Little girl
Little girl
Little girl
And she was comforted.
【小题1】 In the 2nd paragraph, the little girl showed her ____ by pouting.

【小题2】 The following except ____ can be inferred as the consequences of the father’s stoke.
A.the loss of speaking abilityB.the inability to move around
C.that his arms could no longer function properlyD.the beat of his heart
【小题3】 The girl felt _____ when she returned home and saw her father in bed.
A.she was protected just as beforeB.she could never have left home
C.the difficulty of being old and sickD.the need to show him her love
【小题4】 Which statement is true according to the story?
A.The daughter left her home because she had a fight with her father.
B.The girl returned home when she got a letter from his father about his illness.
C.The father recovered as if by magic soon after the daughter’s return.
D.From the father’s example, the daughter learned how to express her love.


There was a time when I thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father. I couldn’t   36  him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “  37  ” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a   38 . Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their driver’s licenses. Not my dad ---- he said that I’d have to get a job and buy my own.

So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and   39  every penny I could and   40  I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to   41  to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, I’ll only   42 you five dollars.” I offered with a smile.

“I see,” was all he said.

One day, there was something wrong with my father’s truck. So he needed a   43  to work. The sun wasn’t even up when we left the house ,   44  it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a(n)   45  day. As I dropped my dad off, I   46  him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his   47  from the truck (车尾箱) of my car. Watching his sun-weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were   48  lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).

In that instant, it  49  to me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,   50  hot it got. Never, not once, had I hear him   51  about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he “charge” us for it.

When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to   52  me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. It’s my   53 . Don’t work too hard. I love you.”

His   54  met mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he   55  his throat and said, “Oh, and… me, too.”

1.                A.like            B.remember      C.forget    D.care


2.                A.Sorry          B.Yes            C.No  D.Well


3.                A.car            B.friend          C.job  D.present


4.                A.spent          B.earned         C.kept D.saved


5.                A.when          B.if              C.because D.though


6.                A.pay it back      B.hand it over     C.turn it up D.show it off


7.                A.pay            B.charge         C.offer D.provide


8.                A.ride           B.leave           C.trip  D.hurry


9.                A.as             B.although        C.but  D.since


10.               A.ordinary        B.hot            C.work D.special


11.               A.helped         B.followed        C.left   D.watched


12.               A.tools           B.clothes         C.luggage    D.bag


13.               A.fewer          B.more          C.longer D.deeper


14.               A.happened      B.seemed        C.occurred  D.appeared


15.               A.whatever       B.whenever       C.wherever  D.however


16.               A.talk            B.complain       C.ask   D.speak


17.               A.hand          B.pass           C.lend  D.take


18.               A.help           B.advice         C.treat D.reply


19.               A.hands          B.smile          C.voice D.eyes


20.               A.cleaned        B.wiped          C.cleared   D.felt




There was a time when I thought my dad didn’t know a thing about being a good father. I couldn’t   1   him ever saying the words “I love you.” It seems to me his only purpose in life was to say “  2  ” to anywhere I wanted to go and anything I wanted to do, including getting a   3  . Some parents bought their kids cars when they got their driver’s licenses. Not my dad ---- he said that I’d have to get a job and buy my own.

So that is what I did. I got a job at a very nice restaurant and   4   every penny I could and   5  I had enough to buy my car, I did! The day I brought that car home, my dad was the first one I wanted to   6   to. “Look, dad, a car of my own. If you ever want a ride, I’ll only   7  you five dollars.” I offered with a smile.

   “I see.” was all he said.

One day, there was something wrong with my father’s truck. So he needed a   8   to work. The sun wasn’t even up when we left the house,   9   it was already getting warm out. It was going to be a(n)   10  day. As I dropped my dad off, I   11   him, dressed in his work clothes, getting his   12   from the trunk (车尾箱)of my car. Watching his sun weathered face, and even from a distance I could tell there were   13   lines than I ever remembered being there before. I realized how hard my dad works for the family. My father is a cement finisher(水泥修整工).

In that instant, it   14   to me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to sweat over hot concrete to make a living for his family. And he did this day in and day out,   15  hot it got. Never, not once, had I heard him   16   about it. To him we were “worth” it. And never once did he “charge” us for it.

When he closed the trunk, his tools set off to the side, he walked over to my window to   17   me five dollars. I rolled down the window and said “Good-bye, dad. Keep your five dollars. It’s my   18  . Don’t work too hard. I love you.”

His   19   met mine, then glanced away in the direction of his waiting tools, he   20   his throat and said, “Oh, and… me, too.”

1.A.like                       B.remember         C.forget                   D.care     

2.A.Sorry                    B.Yes                    C.No                       D.Well     

3.A.car               B.friend                 C.job                       D.present

4.A.spent                   B.earned                C.kept                     D.saved   

5.A.when          B.if                         C.because                D.though 

6.A.pay it back        B.hand it over        C.turn it up              D.show it

7.A.pay              B.charge              C.offer                   D.provide

8.A.ride                      B.leave                  C.trip                    D.hurry   

9.A.as                     B.although             C.but                       D.since   

10.A.ordinary          B.hot                  C.work                    D.special 

11.A.helped           B.followed             C.left                     D.watched

12.A.tools               B.clothes        C.luggage             D.bag

13.A.fewer              B.more          C.longer          D.deeper

14.A.happened       B.seemed               C.occurred              D.appeared

15.A.whatever            B.whenever           C.wherever              D.however

16.A.talk                 B.complain        C.ask               D.speak

17.A.hand               B.pass            C.lend               D.take

18.A.help             B.advice          C.treat                     D.reply

19.A.hands              B.smile                  C.voice                   D.eyes

20.A.cleaned              B.wiped               C.cleared                D.felt


What makes a good teacher? Generally speaking, you need some of the gifts of a good actor: you must be able to  36 the attention and interest of your students; you must be a  37 speaker, with a good, strong,  38 voice which is fully under your control; and you must be able to  39 what you are teaching in order to make its meaning clear.  40 a good teacher and you will see that he does not sit still  41 his class: he stands the whole time when he is teaching; he walks about, using his  42  , hands and fingers to help him in his explanations, and his face to express feelings. Listening to him, you will  43 the loudness, the quality and the musical note of his voice always  44 according to what he is  45 about. The fact that a good teacher has some of the gifts of a good actor doesn’t  46 that he will indeed be able to act  47 on the stage, for there are very important  48 between the teacher’s work and the actor’s. The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart; he has to repeat exactly the  49 words each time he plays a certain part;  50 his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually  51 before hand. What he has to do is to make all these carefully learnt words and actions seem  52 on the stage. A good teacher  53 in quite a different way. His students take an active part in his 54 : they ask and answer questions; they obey orders; and if they don’t understand something, they will say so. The teacher therefore has to suit his act to the needs of his students. He cannot learn his part by heart, but must  55 it as he goes along.

36. A. pay          B. give       C. hold         D. know

37. A. slow         B. clear       C. quick        D. loud

38. A. frightening      B. fearing      C. surprising    D. pleasing

39. A. say          B. talk        C. act           D. repeat

40. A. Watch         B. Change     C. Respect      D. Love

41. A. for          B. before      C. behind     D. with

42. A. tongue        B. words      C. arms        D. sound

43. A. hear         B. see         C. think       D. guess

44. A. making       B. changing     C. expressing   D. giving

45. A. worrying      B. thinking   C. hearing     D. talking

46. A. tell          B. express     C. mean        D. show

47. A. good         B. well       C. badly        D. actively

48. A. things        B. jobs       C. points       D. differences

49. A. different       B. same        C. above       D. following

50. A. Even         B. Only        C. Still         D. Just

51. A. read             B. known     C. fixed        D. found

52. A. natural            B. frequent      C. false        D. clear

53. A. argues        B. works       C. walks       D. speaks

54. A. group        B. party        C. class        D. play

55. A. continue      B. discover      C. teach        D. invent

