A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. laugh 查看更多



For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed very busy with business,and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough,he rode out a great deal.
During this time,all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house,when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me,because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.
One evening,several days later,I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair,and looked not quite so severe,and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright,probably with wine. As I was looking at him,he suddenly turned, and asked me,“Do you think I am handsome,Miss Eyre? ”
The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: “No,sir.” “Ah,you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.” “Sir,I'm sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn't matter,or something like that,” “No,you shouldn't! I see,you criticize my appearance,and then you stab (刺) me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance (抵消) your few good points.”
I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind,and said quickly,“Yes,you're right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one,and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man,take my word for it,but I have done wrong. It wasn't my character,but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”
It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly,as was the case for the first time.
“Don't be afraid of me, Miss. Eyre,”he continued. “You don't relax or laugh very much,perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me,and laugh, and speak freely. You're like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high. Good night.”
【小题1】At the beginning Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr. Rochester were all except_________.   

【小题2】The underlined sentence means___________.
A.Only by meeting him around the house sometimes did I know a little about him.
B.Only by coming to the house could I know about him.
C.I occasionally met him but my knowledge about him was poor.
D.What I knew about him was limited in the house.
【小题3】From what Mr. Rochester told Miss Eyre,we can conclude that he wanted to ___________.   
A.tell her all his troubles
B.tell her his life experience
C.blame her for misunderstanding him
D.change his circumstances
【小题4】At the end of the passage,Mr. Rochester sounded __________.
【小题5】According to the passage,which of the following statements is WRONG? 
A.Miss Eyre was atLowoodSchoolbefore she came to Mr. Rochester’s house.
B.Miss Eyre didn’t see Mr. Rochester often.
C.Miss Eyre was honest,brave and confident.
D.Miss Eyre was brave,polite and warm-hearted.


For several days I saw little of Mr. Rochester. In the morning he seemed very busy with business,and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighborhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him. When his foot was well enough,he rode out a great deal.

During this timeall my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house,when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile. His changes of manner did not offend me,because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.

One evening,several days later,I was invited to talk to Mr. Rochester after dinner. He was sitting in his armchair,and looked not quite so severe,and much less gloomy. There was a smile on his lips, and his eyes were bright,probably with wine. As I was looking at him,he suddenly turned, and asked me,“Do you think I am handsome,Miss Eyre? ”

The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it: “No,sir.” “Ah,you really are unusual! You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.” “Sir,I'm sorry. I should have said that beauty doesn't matter,or something like that,” “No,you shouldn't! I see,you criticize my appearance,and then you stab (刺) me in the back! You have honesty and feeling. There are not many girls like you. But perhaps I go too fast. Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance (抵消) your few good points.”

I thought to myself that he might have too. He seemed to read my mind,and said quickly,“Yes,you're right. I have plenty of faults. I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one,and have never found the right path again. I might have been very different. I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser. I am not a bad man,take my word for it,but I have done wrong. It wasn't my character,but circumstances which were to blame. Why do I tell you all this? Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”

It seemed he had quite a lot to talk to me. He didn't seem to like to finish the talk quickly,as was the case for the first time.

“Don't be afraid of me, Miss. Eyre,”he continued. “You don't relax or laugh very much,perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you. But in time you will be more natural with me,and laugh, and speak freely. You're like a bird in a cage. When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high. Good night.”

1.At the beginning Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr. Rochester were all except_________.   

A.busy             B.sociable           C.dull              D.changeable

2.The underlined sentence means___________.

A.Only by meeting him around the house sometimes did I know a little about him.

B.Only by coming to the house could I know about him.

C.I occasionally met him but my knowledge about him was poor.

D.What I knew about him was limited in the house.

3.From what Mr. Rochester told Miss Eyre,we can conclude that he wanted to ___________.   

A.tell her all his troubles

B.tell her his life experience

C.blame her for misunderstanding him

D.change his circumstances

4.At the end of the passage,Mr. Rochester sounded __________.

A.rude             B.cold              C.polite            D.encouraging

5.According to the passage,which of the following statements is WRONG? 

A.Miss Eyre was atLowoodSchoolbefore she came to Mr. Rochester’s house.

B.Miss Eyre didn’t see Mr. Rochester often.

C.Miss Eyre was honest,brave and confident.

D.Miss Eyre was brave,polite and warm-hearted.




  For several days I saw little of Mr.Rochester.In the morning he seemed much occupied with business, and in the afternoon gentlemen from the neighbourhood called and sometimes stayed to dine with him.When his foot was well enough, he rode out a great deal.

  During this time, all my knowledge of him was limited to occasional meetings about the house, when he would sometimes pass me coldly, and sometimes bow and smile.His changes of manner did not offend me, because I saw that I had nothing to do with the cause of them.

  One evening, several days later, I was invited to talk to Mr.Rochester after dinner.As I was looking at him, he suddenly turned, and asked me,“Do you think I'm handsome, Miss Eyre?”

  The answer somehow slipped from my tongue before I realized it:“No, sir.”

  “Ah, you really are unusual!You are a quiet, serious little person, but you can be almost rude.”

  “Sir, I'm sorry.I should have said that beauty doesn't matter, or something like that.”

  “No, you shouldn't!I see, you criticize my appearance, and then you stab me in the back!You have honesty and feeling.There are not many girls like you.But perhaps I go too fast.Perhaps you have awful faults to counterbalance your few good points.”

  I thought to myself that he might have too.He seemed to read my mind, and said quickly,“Yes, you're right.I have plenty of faults.I went the wrong way when I was twenty-one, and have never found the right path again.I might have been very different.I might have been as good as you, and perhaps wiser.I am not a bad man, take my word for it, but I have done wrong.It wasn't my character, but circumstances which were to blame.Why do I tell you all this?Because you're the sort of person people tell their problems and secrets to, because you're sympathetic and give them hope.”

  “Don't be afraid of me, Miss Eyre.”He continued.“You don't relax or laugh very much, perhaps because of the effect Lowood school has had on you.But in time you will be more natural with me, and laugh, and speak freely.You're like a bird in cage.When you get out of the cage, you'll fly very high.Good night.”


At the beginning Miss Eyre's impressions of Mr.Rochester were all except ________.

[  ]










Why did Mr.Rochester say“…and then you stab me in the back!”(the seventh paragraph)?

[  ]


Because Jane had intended to kill him with a knife.


Because Jane had intended to be more critical.


Because Jane had regretted having talked to him.


Because Jane had said something else to correct herself.


From what Mr.Rochester told Miss Eyre, we can conclude that he wanted to ________.

[  ]


tell her all his troubles


tell her his life experience


change her opinion of him


change his circumstances


At the end of the passage, Mr.Rochester sounded ________.

[  ]










     Mr. and Mrs. King have lived in our town for nearly twenty years. They have a bookshop by the bus
station. They're   1   to everybody and have a lot of friends. They often   2   the poor students and sell them
some books cheaply. So there're many young men in their shop. Of course people   3   them and their friends
often call on them and talk with them. We can always hear their rooms are full of   4  .
     It was a Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. King were going to have a picnic on the island the next   5  . It was
a little far from our town. So they had to   6   earlier than usual to catch a six o'clock train. After   7   a few
friends came to see them while they were preparing some food and drinks for the picnic. Mr. King and his
wife had to stop   8   them. They talked a lot and few of them looked at the   9   on the wall. Mr. and Mrs.
King were anxious (焦急) but they couldn't tell the visitors about it. The woman thought for a few  10  and
had an idea. She said to her husband, "Oh, it's eleven o'clock! You'd better stop talking, dear! Our guests are
anxious to  11 !  
     Mr. king heard this and stood up and said  12  to the visitors and they left soon.
(     )1. A. rude      
(     )2. A. help      
(     )3. A. deserve   
(     )4. A. cry     
(     )5. A. morning   
(     )6. A. go to work  
(     )7. A. breakfast  
(     )8. A. accepting  
(     )9. A. phone    
(     )10. A. minutes   
(     )11. A. go home   
(     )12. A. hello    
B. friendly   
B. hurt     
B. understand  
B. shout    
B. afternoon  
B. get up    
B. lunch    
B. to receive 
B. photo    
B. hours   
B. go to bed  
B. goodbye   
C. cold     
C. select    
C. achieve   
C. laugh    
C. evening   
C. go to sleep 
C. supper    
C. receiving  
C. clock    
C. days     
C. go shopping  
C. sorry    
D. distant      
D. respect      
D. like         
D. noise        
D. day          
D. open the shop            
D. meal         
D. to accept    
D. picture      
D. months       
D. have a rest  
D. good night   


     When I was a little girl, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.And I
remember one__1__when my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely__2__toast (土司面
包) in front of my dad.I remember__3__to see if anyone noticed!__4__all my dad did was reach for his
toast, __5___at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.
     When I__6__from the table that evening, I remember hearing my mom__7__to my dad for burning
the toast.And I'll__8__forget what he said, "Baby, I love burnt toast." Later that night, I went to__9__
Dad good night and I asked him if he really__10__his toast burnt.He wrapped me up in his__11__and
said, "Debbie, your mom had a__12__day at work today and she's really tired.And besides, a little burnt
toast never__13__anyone!" In bed that night, I thought about the scene at dinner and the__14__my dad
showed to my mom.
     To this day, it's a cherished (珍贵的)__15__from my childhood that I'll never forget.And it's one that
came to__16__just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.
     As I__17__the plate in front of Jack, I waited for a(n)__18__about the burnt toast.But all I got was,
"Thank you, dear!This is__19__.I know you had a hard day!" Just then, I thought about my parents, and was quietly thankful for having a__20__where burnt toast wasn't a dealbreaker either!
(     )1. A. noon              
(     )2. A. expected          
(     )3. A. being encouraged  
(     )4. A. Yet              
(     )5. A. laugh            
(     )6. A. got up            
(     )7. A. report            
(     )8. A. almost            
(     )9. A. ask              
(     )10. A. liked            
(     )11. A. head            
(     )12. A. boring          
(     )13. A. hurts            
(     )14. A. interest        
(     )15. A. feeling          
(     )16. A. life            
(     )17. A. set down        
(     )18. A. answer          
(     )19. A. possible        
(     )20. A. condition        
B. afternoon    
B. burnt        
B. being allowed
B. Although    
B. smile        
B. got back    
B. shout        
B. never        
B. greet        
B. got          
B. heart        
B. hard        
B. comforts    
B. surprise    
B. story        
B. mind        
B. took away    
B. question    
B. true        
B. future      
C. morning        
C. sweet          
C. waiting        
C. So            
C. shout          
C. broke away    
C. apologize      
C. often          
C. tell          
C. cooked        
C. arms          
C. disappointing  
C. invites        
C. kindness      
C. choice        
C. an end        
C. finished up    
C. comment        
C. terrible      
C. situation      
D. night          
D. delicious      
D. refusing        
D. Until          
D. stare          
D. put forward    
D. complain        
D. hardly          
D. kiss            
D. made            
D. hands          
D. sad            
D. hates          
D. satisfaction    
D. memory          
D. a conclusion    
D. washed up      
D. suggestion      
D. great          
D. marriage        

