A . off B. down C. to D. on 查看更多




To be able to motivate oneself, or self-motivate, occurs when a person has the willingness to do something and is internally(内在地) motivated to do it.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to get ourselves moving.The natural tendency is to postpone.Life just seems to get in the way! There is a job to go to, groceries to do, television to watch—whoops! I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise routine or reading a new book.The fact is that we are creatures of routine and habit.So what can we do to motivate ourselves to accomplish our goals? 

Here are some tips on how to get moving:

Decide what you want.It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind.Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it.Then break it down into smaller sections so it’s easier to handle and less overwhelming.(势不可挡)

Keep track of your progress.Keep a log or journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished.Looking at it can also motivate you to keep pushing ahead.

Post motivating pictures or slogans within your sight.It is always inspiring to see pictures of people who have accomplished what you’re going for.It makes it attainable and realistic.Likewise, little slogans like “go for it” or “just do it” can give you the little support you need.    

Sometimes we forget what we set out to do and a little reminder is all we need to be revitalized (激活) and focus on the end result.If you remind yourself to go for the desired promotion, it will re-establish why you are doing what you’re doing.

Make it a habit.Once you have accomplished your objective, e.g.becoming an early riser, keep it up so that it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think about it anymore.

64.According to the author, some people fail to achieve their goals because ________.

       A.they don’t have enough desire

       B.their life is filled with routine work

       C.they benefit from the force of habit

       D.they naturally put off forming new habits

65.It can be inferred from the underlined sentence that ________.

       A.self-motivation needs repeated self-reminding of one’s goal

       B.in modern society people tend to become forgetful

       C.when we forget our goal, our life becomes meaningless

       D.we can achieve our goal only by focusing on the end result

66.To get moving on your goal, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.

       A.keep a diary to clearly judge your distance to your goal

       B.make self-improvement your second nature

       C.forget your aim and revitalize yourself with slogans

       D.support yourself by hanging inspiring pictures in your house

67.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

     A.Set Goals in Your Life    B.Get Yourself Motivated

     C.Get into Good Habits      D.Do Not Postpone




To be able to motivate oneself, or self-motivate, occurs when a person has the willingness to do something and is internally(内在地) motivated to do it.

Sometimes it’s very difficult to get ourselves moving. The natural tendency is to postpone. Life just seems to get in the way! There is a job to go to, groceries to do, television to watch—whoops! I guess we get pretty good at finding excuses to escape getting started on goals like an exercise routine or reading a new book. The fact is that we are creatures of routine and habit. So what can we do to motivate ourselves to accomplish our goals? 

Here are some tips on how to get moving:

Decide what you want. It’s hard to motivate an aimless mind. Set a goal and decide how you are going to go about it. Then break it down into smaller sections so it’s easier to handle and less overwhelming.(势不可挡)

Keep track of your progress. Keep a log or journal where you can measure how much you have accomplished. Looking at it can also motivate you to keep pushing ahead.

Post motivating pictures or slogans within your sight. It is always inspiring to see pictures of people who have accomplished what you’re going for. It makes it attainable and realistic. Likewise, little slogans like “go for it” or “just do it” can give you the little support you need.     

Sometimes we forget what we set out to do and a little reminder is all we need to be revitalized (激活) and focus on the end result. If you remind yourself to go for the desired promotion, it will re-establish why you are doing what you’re doing.

Make it a habit. Once you have accomplished your objective, e.g. becoming an early riser, keep it up so that it’s second nature to you and you don’t have to think about it anymore.

64. According to the author, some people fail to achieve their goals because ________.

A. they don’t have enough desire

B. their life is filled with routine work

C. they benefit from the force of habit

D. they naturally put off forming new habits

65. It can be inferred from the underlined sentence that ________.

A. self-motivation needs repeated self-reminding of one’s goal

B. in modern society people tend to become forgetful

C. when we forget our goal, our life becomes meaningless

D. we can achieve our goal only by focusing on the end result

66. To get moving on your goal, you can do the following EXCEPT ________.

A. keep a diary to clearly judge your distance to your goal

B. make self-improvement your second nature

C. forget your aim and revitalize yourself with slogans

D. support yourself by hanging inspiring pictures in your house

67. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

   A. Set Goals in Your Life                             B. Get Yourself Motivated

   C. Get into Good Habits                              D. Do Not Postpone


  To many web-building spiders, most of whom are nearly blind, the web is their essential window on the world: their means of communicating, capturing prey(猎物), meeting mates and protecting themselves. A web-building spider without its web is like a men cast away on an island of solid rock,totally out of touch and destined to

starve to death.

    So important is the web to an orb-web spider's survival that the animal will continue to construct new webs daily even if it is being starved. For 16 days the starving spider builds completely normal webs. Then, as the animal gets scrawnier(憔悴的), it constructs a wider-meshed web using fewer strands(线). Such webs would only trap larger prey, which is more economical from the perspective of a starving spider.

    The spider stores energy by recycling web protein. It simply eats its own web each evening and reuses it to produce new silk. In studies with radioactively,labeled materials, it was found that 95 percent of web protein reappears in the next day' web. Most of the energy needed for web-building is used in walking over the strands as they are laid down.

    Scientists are impressed by the adaptability of the spider's highly preprogrammed brain, which is larger for its size than the brain of any other invertebrate(无脊推动物).If web-building is interrupted, or if some of the existing strands are destroyed,the spider simply goes back to see where the web is left off and then finishes building a normal web. One spider will finish building the incomplete web of another. 

Which of the following best expresses the main ideas of the passage?

A. Secrets of Spiders' Adaptability                            B. Importance of Webs to Spiders

C. Secrets of the Spiders' Life                           D. Spiders' Highly Preprogrammed Brain

According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

    A. Most spiders will stop conducting webs when hungry.

    B. One Web-building spider usually conducts one web.

    C. Web-building spiders will probably die without their webs.

    D. Web-building spiders have good eyesight.

A spider conducts a wider-meshed web when____________.

A. it is 16 days old              B. it is getting weaker  

C. it has fewer wends           D. it hunts for food

A spider's ability to finish an incomplete web proves that___________.

    A. it has a highly preprogrammed brain    B. it reuses its web protein to reproduce new silk

    C. the web is everything for a spider   D. it is able to rebuild a destroyed web


A young man went to a town and worked there. He did not have a wife and a servant did the work in his house.

The young man liked laughing a lot. He nailed the servant’s shoes to the floor on Monday, and then laughed, because he put his feet in them and fell down. The servant was not angry, but smiled.

Then the young man put brushes in his bed on Tuesday. The servant got into bed and hit the brushes with his feet. He was afraid. The young man laughed loudly again. Again the servant was not angry, but smiled.

Then on Wednesday the young man said to his servant, “You’re a nice, kind man. I am not going to be unkind to you again.”

The servant smiled and said, “And I’m not going to put any more mud from the street in your coffee.”

He played a joke on the servant because     .

  A. he hated him

  B. he was not satisfied with the food the servant prepared for him

  C. he wanted to get pleasure

  D. he liked to show off himself

When the young man played a joke on him, the servant was not angry but smiled because _____.

  A. he liked the young man’s action         B. making the young man laugh is his job

  C. he was afraid to be fired            D. he thought he shouldn’t be angry with a child

What did the servant do in return to the young man?

  A. He stole something from the house.          B. He gave a smile to the young man.

  C. He had a fight with him.                    D. He put mud into the young man’s coffee.

Why did the young man stop playing jokes on the servant? Because ___.

  A. the servant showed kind and nice behavior to him

  B. the servant told him the truth

  C. he wanted to be a good man                    

D. his father told him to do so


A young executive was traveling down a neighborhood street.He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.As his car passed,no children appeared.Instead,a brick smashed into his door! He slammed on the brakes(make his car stop).The angry driver then jumped out of the car, caught the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car,shouting,“What was that all about and who are you?”

The young boy was apologetic.“Please,Mister...Please,I’m sorry…I didn’t know what else to do.I threw the brick because no one else would stop…”

With tears dripping down his face,the youth pointed to a spot just around a parked car.“It’s my brother,”he said.“He fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up.”

    Now sobbing(crying silently),the boy asked the executive,“Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me.’’

   Moved beyond words,the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his throat.He hurriedly lifted the boy back into the wheelchair,then took out his fancy handkerchief and dabbed(a light touch) at the fresh scrapes and cuts.A quick look told him everything was going to be okay.“Thank you and may God bless you.”the grateful child told the stranger.

Shaken up for words,the man simply watched the little boy push his wheelchair—bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home.

   God whispers in our souls and speaks to our hearts.Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen,he has to throw a brick at us.Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at you to get your attention!

The executive slowed down because______.        .

A.he saw a boy throw a brick to his car         B.he saw a boy rush out from between cars

C.he was afraid some boys suddenly rushed out  D.a brick smashed into his door

The boy threw the brick to the car in order to_________.

A. disturb the driver on purpose    B.destroy the car of the stranger

C.ask someone to drive him home D.stop someone to help him

Knowing the reason why the boy threw the brick at his car the executive must feel       .

A.sympathized and excited   B.regretful and sympathized

C.ashamed and regretful     D.angry and regretful

After the boy’s brother feIl off his wheelchair,        .

A.the boy threw bricks at several cars  B.the boy tried to stop several cars

C.the boy’s brother was hurt seriously  D.the boy’s brother wanted to stop a car

From the last paragraph we can learn that         .

A.you shouldn’t drive so fast that someone throws at you

B.it is common to throw a brick at a car running too fast

C.you can’t go through your life without a brick throwing at you

D.you should pay more attention to others and help them

