完成句子 查看更多



完成句子 ( 共7小题,每空0.5分,满分10分)

71. 如果你想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典。

If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you had better ______  ______ a dictionary.

72. 努力提高工人的工作条件是值得做的事情。

It is _______ to_______ working _______ for factory workers.

73. 很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸。

It was _______ that he was trying to ______ his ______.

74. 他已经负债很久。对他来说,如何谋生成了个大问题。

He has been ______ ______ for a long time. How to earn ______ _______   is a big problem.

75. 既然我们已经完成了设计,就该轮到公司进行建设了。

_______ _______ we have finished the design, the company in its turn, will do the _______.

76. 她的衣着和行为证实了我的猜想——她确实很富有。

Her clothes and behavior _______ my guess ______ she was quite wealthy.

77. 使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题。

_______ too much chemical fertilizer ______ ______ serious problems.



76.(一般来说)__________ __________ girls can learn English better than boys.

77. He needs a _________ ____________.(稳定的工作)

78. This is a speech _________ ___________ ___________.(极为重要)

79. He _________ __________ __________ (一直写作)for five years.

80. In the team ,young people are ________ __________ __________.(占多数)



       1. 她盯着我看了一会儿,突然笑了起来。

She stared at me for a moment, then ________ ________ ________.

       2. 他并没有我们想得那么穷

He is not ________ ________ ________ ________ we thought.

       3. 如果你想去这个饭馆吃饭餐,就不得不提前预定。

If you want to dine at this restaurant, you have to book for a table _______ _________.

       4. 我们的地铁系统仿效了美国的。

Our subway system _______ ___________ ________ that in the United States.

       5. 你说他很容易相处,但是我感觉和他在一起不自在。

You say he is easy-going, but I never feel ________ ________ with him.

       6. 我今晚要待在家里,她可能给我打电话。

I will stay at home this evening; she _______ _______ _______ ring me tonight.

7. 我对目前的状况完全不满意。

I am not at all ________ ________ the present situation.

8. 没人能阻止他娶他爱的那个女孩。

Nobody can _________ him _________ _________ the girl he loves.

9. 不要看不起那些经常考试失败的人。相反的,我们应该帮助他们。

Don’t _________ ________ ________ those who often fail in the exam. On the contrary, we should help them with their studies.

10. 我要去书店买那本你刚刚提到的书。

I will go to the bookstore to buy the book that you __________ ________ just now.



The non-profit organization made a project to help the poor children                  

                             (暴露在被污染的空气中) to live a healthier life. (expose)

The people in the demonstration in support of reoccupying Diao Yu Island are said        

                  (由……组成) a mainly part of angry college students.             (consist)

____________________________ (他一被抓住) for the terrible car accident, the rude driver shouted, “My father is Li Gang!”                                                             (instant)

Only one conclusion that your computer was attacked by virus                        

              (我们可以得出) according to the symptom.                                 (draw)

The government                                (发现权力受到挑战) and the people demanding a more caring Party.                                                                           (challenge)

                              (是非常值得赞扬的) that Arthur gave back the money he found.                                                                                                          (credit)

So                                       (可怜的工人们被压榨) that they took up weapons to defend their rights.                                                                           (squeeze)

                               (把它分成几个部分), the movie Inception can hardly be well understood.                                                                                           (divide)

It was                               (直到我被告知) the lack of water that I realized the importance to value every drop of it in our life.                                                (inform)

Don’t be far too optimistic since                                  (你可能受到责备) had you not been assisted.                                                                                       (blame)


完成句子 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

__________                             (到现在为止), we have achieved what we would never expect to achieve.

                                      (这很有可能) that he would succeed in his career.

A lot of new states in America  ________                      (模仿了) the English fashion at that time.

You can’t ___________ _____________ _______________(得出结论) without enough evidence.

There must be a major  _____________(误会) , for I can’t understand her at all.

