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Ⅴ. 第二节书面表达:(满分30分)
3、参考词汇:调查 survey 图表 chart
减压 relieve pressure/ stress 放松 get relaxed

Hi everyone,I have recently made a survey among 100 students in our school about how
they relieve pressure in their daily school life.



    第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


    Jade means a lot in Chinese culture and is highy valued by the Chinese people.

Many people begin to wear one when they are young till they die, believing that it

will bring them good luck.

    Every time I stop to think about which possession of mine means the most to me,

I find myself looking at my left wrist, around which is a simple jade bracelet. And this bracelet will always remind me of my culture and the individual that I am.

   I remember very clearly the night my parents gave me the bracelet. It was in mysophomore (二年级)  year of high school, and I had stayed out at midnight. When Ifinally got home, my parents gave me a lecture on responsibility. I expected to beplaced on restriction, but instead they gave me a jade bracelet. I was totally

shocked...but when I went to bed that night I was supremely happy.

    The next morning my father told me that because they had gone shopping for the

bracelet, he had not gone to the racetrack(赛马场), and had missed out on winning

$20,000 because of me. However, he said that I was worth it.

    The bracelet will always remind me of those two days and the love that exists in my relationship with my parents, even though nothing is ever said. I know that no matter what I may do, my parents will always love me and accept me the way I am.

Since I got the bracelet, I have not taken it off--mostly because I don't want to. My bracelet means so much to me that if it should ever break, I would be enormously

upset, But then. I could always save the pieces for good luck.


















Jade means a lot in Chinese culture and is highy valued by the Chinese people.
Many people begin to wear one when they are young till they die, believing that it
will bring them good luck.
Every time I stop to think about which possession of mine means the most to me,
I find myself looking at my left wrist, around which is a simple jade bracelet. And this bracelet will always remind me of my culture and the individual that I am.
I remember very clearly the night my parents gave me the bracelet. It was in mysophomore (二年级)  year of high school, and I had stayed out at midnight. When Ifinally got home, my parents gave me a lecture on responsibility. I expected to beplaced on restriction, but instead they gave me a jade bracelet. I was totally
shocked...but when I went to bed that night I was supremely happy.
The next morning my father told me that because they had gone shopping for the
bracelet, he had not gone to the racetrack(赛马场), and had missed out on winning
$20,000 because of me. However, he said that I was worth it.
The bracelet will always remind me of those two days and the love that exists in my relationship with my parents, even though nothing is ever said. I know that no matter what I may do, my parents will always love me and accept me the way I am.
Since I got the bracelet, I have not taken it off--mostly because I don't want to. My bracelet means so much to me that if it should ever break, I would be enormously
upset, But then. I could always save the pieces for good luck.


    第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


    Jade means a lot in Chinese culture and is highy valued by the Chinese people.

Many people begin to wear one when they are young till they die, believing that it

will bring them good luck.

    Every time I stop to think about which possession of mine means the most to me,

I find myself looking at my left wrist, around which is a simple jade bracelet. And this bracelet will always remind me of my culture and the individual that I am.

   I remember very clearly the night my parents gave me the bracelet. It was in mysophomore (二年级)  year of high school, and I had stayed out at midnight. When Ifinally got home, my parents gave me a lecture on responsibility. I expected to beplaced on restriction, but instead they gave me a jade bracelet. I was totally

shocked...but when I went to bed that night I was supremely happy.

    The next morning my father told me that because they had gone shopping for the

bracelet, he had not gone to the racetrack(赛马场), and had missed out on winning

$20,000 because of me. However, he said that I was worth it.

    The bracelet will always remind me of those two days and the love that exists in my relationship with my parents, even though nothing is ever said. I know that no matter what I may do, my parents will always love me and accept me the way I am.

Since I got the bracelet, I have not taken it off--mostly because I don't want to. My bracelet means so much to me that if it should ever break, I would be enormously

upset, But then. I could always save the pieces for good luck.


















Time spent in talking with parents             与父母缺乏交流的原因











根据上图信息,请以“Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents”为题,用英语写一篇150词左右的短文。要求如下:

1. 简要描述图中信息;

2. 说明原因;

3. 谈谈你的看法(至少两点)。

注意: 文章的标题和开头已给出(不计词数)

Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents

Our research team conducted a survey among the local children on how much time they usually spend per week talking with their parents.



