15.A.考查交际用语.根据最后一句可知.这位顾客可能不急于点菜.还需要等一会儿. [完形填空] 查看更多



本单元的交际用语是ordering food,下面给大家一段对话,但是对话中的部分内容被挖掉,请你根据对话内容,从后面提供的句子中选出适当的句子补充对话,有一项多余。

At a Restaurant在餐厅

Waiter:  1  

Mr Wu:Well, it's very hard to decide.Is there any particular dish you would recommend(推荐)?

Waiter:  2  

Mr Wu:Anything else?

Waiter:  3  Fish is one of the house specialties(特色菜).We have filet of sole(鲽鱼片),flounder(鲆,鲽),and baked shad(西鲱).

Mr Wu:I'm not very fond of fish.  4  What is this castle steak on the menu?

Waiter:It's a small steak cooked on a grill(烤架).

Mr Wu:Oh!

Waiter:Maybe you'd like to try today's special-roast beef, which includes appetizer (饮品),soup, salad, choice of dessert, and tea or coffee.

Mr Wu:  5  

Waiter:What appetizer would you like?

Mr Wu:  6  

Waiter:And the soup?

Mr Wu:I'll have the cream of mushroom soup, and I'd like French dressing on my salad.

Waiter:Very well, sir.

Mr Wu:  7  

Waiter:Yes, of course.We have pumpkin layer pie, peach pie, rice pudding, ice cream, and chocolate cake.

Mr Wu:I'll have rice pudding and black coffee.

Waiter:Very well, sir.

A.I'll have the fruit cocktail.

B.Can I order my dessert(甜点心)now?

C.May I take your order, sir?

D.How about fish?

E.I think I'll try that.

F.The roast chicken is very good tonight.

G.I feel like a porterhouse steak(上等牛排)tonight.

H.That's enough.



IX. 根据短文内容,选择填入恰当的词语。(每空一词,每词1分,共6分)

Linda and Jenny are senior 3 students in our school. They are from Hong Kong. It is a busy city, and sometimes it is very n______ because of so many tourists. Different from that, Xiamen is more p           . Linda is a quiet girl so she likes to study here very much. But her sister Jenny p        Hong Kong because she loves shopping.

After g             next year, Linda will go to London for further education, and Jenny is going back to Hong Kong. Linda learns from a travel book that the w_________ there is rainy. She needs to prepare an umbrella and a raincoat. Jenny thinks that she will be reallyc___________ when she comes back to Hong Kong.


— Nancy, what classes are you taking this term?

  — _____ I want to take two English courses, or maybe Spanish. 【吉林省长春市2011届高三第二次模拟考试(东北三省四市联合调研)】【交际用语】

  A. What’s up?          B. It’s none of your business.

C. I’ve no idea.           D. I’m not sure yet.



—Sorry, Bill, I can’t go straight on and spend more time with you in Fuzhou.


A. You’re really a wet blanket.         B. Isn’t it as bad as that?

C. It was just like you.             D. Accidents will happen



—Is the experiment easy?

 — ________ . I’ll just do my bit. 【河南省漯河市九中2011届高考第一次模拟考试试题】【交际用语】

  A. I think so           B. Certainly

  C. Not a little           D. Anything but


