40.C.第二段集中阐述把个人成长视为过程的人的观点.从最后一句“this process, the journey never really ends; there are always new ways to experience the world, new ideas to try, new challenges to accept. 暗示C为正确答案. 查看更多



LONDON —A British judge on Thursday sentenced a businessman who sold fake (假冒的)bomb detectors (探测器) to 10 years in prison, saying the man hadn’t cared about potentially deadly consequences.

It is believed that James McCormick got about $77. 8 million from the sales of his detectors — which were based on a kind of golf ball finder — to countries including Iraq, Belgium and Saudi Arabia.

McCormick, 57,was convicted (判罪) of cheats last month and sentenced Thursday at the Old Bailey court in London.

“Your cheating conduct in selling a great amount of useless equipment simply for huge profit promoted a false sense of security and in all probability materially contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people,’’ Judge Richard Hone told McCormick. “You have neither regret, nor shame, nor any sense of guilt.”

The detectors, sold for up to $ 42,000 each, were said to be able to find such dangerous objects as bombs under water and from the air. But in fact they “lacked any grounding in science” and were of no use.

McCormick had told the court that he sold his detectors to the police in Kenya,the prison service in Hong Kong, the army in Egypt and the border control in Thailand.

“I never had any bad results from customers,” he said.

39. Why was McCormick sentenced to prison?

A. He sold bombs.                              B. He caused death of people.

C. He made detectors.                              D. He cheated in business.

40. According to the judge, what McCormick had done ________ .

A. increased the cost of safeguarding

B. lowered people’s guard against danger

C. changed people’s idea of social security

D. caused innocent people to commit crimes

41. Which of the following is true of the detectors?

A. They have not been sold to Africa.

B. They have caused many serious problems.

C. They can find dangerous objects in water.

D. They don't function on the basis of science.

42. It can be inferred from the passage that McCormick _________ .

A. sold the equipment at a low price

B. was well-known in most countries

C. did not think he had committed the crime

D. had not got such huge profit as mentioned in the text





第一部分(Para. 1-3)

McCormick, 57,was convicted of cheats last month and sentenced Thursday at the Old Bailey court in London

新闻案件的简介:57岁的McCormick上月被起诉诈骗并于周三在伦敦的Old Bailey court法庭被判刑。

第二部分(Para. 4)

cheating conduct, promoted a false sense of security, contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people


第三部分(Para. 5-7)

But in fact they “lacked any grounding in science” and were of no use, sold…to… , never had any bad results



39. D。细节理解题。难度:中等。问题是“为什么McCormick被判刑入狱”。根据问题中的关键词sentenced to prison定位原文第一段。第一段说到McCormick是一位商人,生产了假冒的炸弹探测器,这是一种商业欺骗。选项D和其对应,为正确答案。

40. B。细节理解题。难度:难。问题是“根据法官的说法,McCormick的所为导致了什么样的结果”。根据问题中的关键词according to the judge定位第四段的第一句:your cheating conduct … promoted a false sense of security and … contributed to causing death and injury to innocent people(你的欺骗行为提高了人们虚假的安全感并助推给无辜百姓带来死亡和伤害)。由此可见,McCormick的行为让人们有了安全感,但这种安全并不真实。B “降低了人们防范危险的安全意识”符合此意,为正确答案。

41. D。判断题。难度:难。问题是“下面哪种说法对探测仪来说是正确的”。

解题思路:根据问题中的关键词detectors,把四个选项具体对应到原文中一处。A对应文章倒数第二段的最后一句he sold his detectors to the police in Kenya,the prison service in Hong Kong, the army in Egypt and the border control in Thailand。该句中的Kenya是非洲的肯尼亚,否定了A的说法。B对应第一段第一句“the man hadn’t cared about potentially deadly consequences”,法官只说罪犯没有关注潜在的致命后果,而不是已经导致严重的问题。C对应第五段的第一句话“were said to be able to find such dangerous objects as bombs under water and from the air”提示,探测仪的功能只是据说,而不一定真的具备找到水中危险物品的功能。选项D定位第五段的最后一句“in fact they ‘lacked any grounding in science’ and were of no use可知,这种探测仪没有科学根据,也毫无用途,和D“没有科学根据的工作原理”相吻合,故最佳答案是D。

42. D。推理判断题。难度:中等。


本题主要考查第四段和第七段。A“以低价销售设备”与原文第四段第一句不符,因为该句提到法官指控McCormick通过卖一些无用的设备来巨额利润。B“在大多数国家很有名”与文中提到的区区几个国家和地区Iraq,Belgium,Saudi Arabia,Kenya,Hong Kong,Egypt和Thailand购买他的探测仪不符。C“认为他没有犯罪”和第七段对应,其中他所说的“I never had any bad results from customers”和C符合,C是正确答案。D“他没有赚取文中提到的那么大利润”在原文没有语言根据。


People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. They smile and they kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word“mouth.”

For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest(抗议)and say “Do not bad mouth me.” Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.”  If this should happen, the speaker might feel down in the mouth.  In other words, he might feel sad for saying the wrong thing.

Another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something.  The other person might protest: “I did not say that.  Do not put words in my mouth.”

Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family.  There is an expression for this, too. You might say such a person, “was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth.  This person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life, like food.

Parents might sometimes keep a child off sweet food as a form of punishment for saying bad things. For example, if a child says things she should not say to her parents, she might be described as a mouthy child. The parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off.. 

But enough of all this talk. I have been running my mouth long enough.

61. When will a person probably say“do not bad mouth me”?

A. When he feels down.               B. When he is regretful.

C. When he is spoken ill of.          D. When he gets angry.


【解析】根据第二段第一句if you say bad things about a person, the person might protest(抗议)and say “Do not bad mouth me.”“如果你说一个人的坏话,这个人可能会抗议说不要说我坏话。”

62.What will the person say if he feels sorry for what he has said?

A. Do not bad mouth me.

B. Stop mouthing off.

C. Do not put words in my mouth.

D. I really put my foot in my mouth this time.


【解析】根据第二段Sometimes, people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person. Or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell. The speaker might say: “I really put my foot in my mouth this time.”有时人们对家人和朋友说了一些他们后来会后悔的话因为这些话上海了那个人。。。。说话的人就会说“这次我真的说错话了。”

63.If a person lives from hand to mouth, it implies that__________.

A. he is badly-off                 B. he is hard-working

C. he has lots of money        D. he has enough to eat


【解析】根据第四段This rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth.与富人相对的是穷人。

64.By saying“I have been running my mouth long enough”,the speaker means“________”.

A. I have run a long way              B. I have talked too much

C. I have learned a lot           D. I have been a mouthy person



65.What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. Expressions about the word“mouth”.         B. Functions of the organ“mouth”.

C. Opinions about“mouthy people”.                D. Meanings of the word“mouth”.


【解析】第一段最后一句是主题句. In the English language, there are many expressions using the word“mouth.”



  At Patcham High School, all people are of equal value and therefore equally deserving(应受报答的,值得的)of our time, efforts, patience, support and respect.Our students' academic success and personal development lie at the heart of our educational practice.

  Patham High School is determined to be a school excellence(优秀)and wishes to be a learning school, a family school and a community school.

  Firstly, all students are of equal value and will have the opportunity to gain the fullest advantages from education to develop their skills.

  Secondly, we intend to keep in very close contact④ with the families of our students.We all encourage the families of the school to help and support us in the interests of all our students.

  Thirdly, as a community(社区)school we intend to help our students to understand, respect and live positively(积极地)with people in our local area.

  Above all, we aim to establish and encourage a friendly pattern of relationships between students and teachers based on mutual respect and trust.By the time they leave Patcham High School, all students will have received the best possible information and advice, designed for them as individuals(个人), to enable them to make information choice about their future education or careers and how to achieve their ambitions.

  We encourage our students to have high expectations and to understand that leaving Patcham is a launching off(开始,起飞)for further education and successful life-long learning.


What does the author want to tell us about Patcham High School?

[  ]


The education aims of the school.


The new term plan of the school.


The skill development of the students.


The good relationship between the school and the parents.


The students have the opportunity to develop their skills because ________.

[  ]


the teachers put all their efforts to the students


the school has the advantages of friendly relationship with the students


the school has close contact with the community and families


the school puts emphasis⑤ on both academic success and personal development


We may infer from the passage that ________.

[  ]


the students' learning interests are fully improved at school


the parents' contact with the school is very helpful to the students


the school has different plans for the students from different backgrounds


the school and parents trust each other in the students' development


The word“mutual”underlined in the last but one paragraph(倒数第二段)refers to“________”.

[  ]










信息匹配A. Happiness lies in persistent pursuit.
B. Happiness is in your own hand.
C. Self-knowledge is positively related to happiness.
D. Happiness is based on comparison.
E. There does not exist a guide to happiness.
F. Happiness is all about doing what you want to.
【小题1】 Heather Mccoy
 Entering a bookstore, one cannot help but notice entire shelves devoted to books boating knowledge of the true path to happiness.
 Whether this wave of commercials and books can actually make people happier is the question. Happiness cannot be found by sticking to a narrow set of steps or rules. Finding happiness is not as simple as following a how-to-do handbook. It’s something that every person must find in his or her own way.
【小题2】 Gary Russell
 Does happiness grow proportionally with wealth? Hardly.
 Experiences teaches us material satisfaction comes only when one finds himself wealthier than those around him; and, in a similar manner, one feels of being lowered when facing a billionaire, while a worker with a monthly salary of several hundred dollars becomes the envy of the villagers in remote mountainous regions.
【小题3】 David Niven
 True happiness is not a result from human action. Results are temporary while happiness is everywhere and can neither be created nor destroyed. With true happiness there is no place for disappointments! True happiness may mean pain and restraint in the beginning but will lead to everlasting joy and freedom. To achieve true happiness, we should separate and remove the negatives. True happiness is realized by understanding one’s own self.
【小题4】 Joshua Party
 Happiness is a state of mind. you can be happy in almost any situation. Likewise, you can be unhappy in an equal number of situations.In the end, it’s your decision.
 If one can control one’s unhappiness, then one must be able to control one’s happiness. As far as I know, the human genome project has not been able to identify a single part of any human chromosome(染色体) which is responsible for happiness.
【小题5】 Laura Johnson
 So what makes me a happy person? Studying to be a journalist because I loved to write, not because it pays a lot of money. Skiing in the winter snow and swimming in the summer sun. Spending time with my close friends from home. Being in a stable family. Reading romance novels and watching movies. Having a boyfriend who knows more about rock and roll history than I do.


Bob was a clever college student, but his family was poor, so he had to work after class and during his holidays to get enough money for his studies.
One summer he got a job in a butcher’s shop during the day time, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learned to cut and sell meat. He did so well that the butcher went into a room behind the shop to do all the accounts. In the hospital, of course, Bob was told to do only the easiest jobs. He helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the butcher’s shop and in the hospital, Bob had to wear white clothes.
One evening in the hospital, Bob had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the operating - room. The woman already felt frightened when she thought about the operation. When she saw Bob coming to get her, she felt even more frightened.
"No! No!" she cried. "Not a butcher! I won’t let a butcher operate on me!" with these words ,she fainted away.
【小题1】根据第一段Bob was a clever college student, but his family was poor, so he had to work after class and during his holidays to get enough money for his studies.描述,可知选C.
【小题2】根据第二段One summer he got a job in a butcher’s shop during the day time, and another in a hospital at night.描述,可知选B.
【小题3】根据In the hospital, of course, Bob was told to do only the easiest jobs. He helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. 描述,可知选D.
【小题4】Bob had to work after class and during his holidays because_________.

A.his father told him to make more friends
B.he wanted to become a rich man
C.he couldn’t go on with his studies without enough money
D.he had nothing to do at home.
【小题5】One summer Bob_________.
A.wanted to become not only a butcher but also a doctor.
B.got two different jobs at two places
C.was free only at night
D.worked only during the daytime
【小题6】In the hospital, Bob’s job was_________.
A.to take care of the wounded soldiers
B.to give the doctor’s advice
C.to find out what was wrong with the sick people
D.to carry the sick people from one place to another

