B 本题考查定语从句.The house ( which / that I grew up in ) , 主语后面紧跟的是定语从句. 查看更多



With his attention________on the shops along the roadside,he knocked an old man down while riding to school.

A  concentrating     B.concentrated     C.to concentrate      D.concentrates

答案 B

解析 考查词组,故选B项。



Do you think the reason ________ he gave is believable? 【河南省漯河市九中2011届高考第一次模拟考试试题】【定语从句】

A. for which   B. which    C. why      D. what



Your friend _____ doesn't work hard asks you to help him cheat in the exam by looking at your paper. 【安徽省2011届高考自主命题仿真卷(二)】【定语从句】

A. who       B. whom        C. which     D. whether



A man hurried in and asked, “Is there a hospital around     I can get some medicine for my wounded hand?” 【河南省商丘市第一高级中学2010-2011学年第二学期高三第一次考试卷】【定语从句】

A. that        B. which        C. where     D. what



The only one in our office that is familiar with the new system is Jimmy, in ______ absence, we had no choice but to wait. 【浙江省金华市艾青中学2011届高考模拟考试3】【定语从句】

A. whom    B. whose    C. who    D. which


