含 as 的短语 ① as usual 像平常一样 ② as if / as though 好像 ③ as long as 长达--,只要 ④ as soon as possible 尽可能早地.尽快 ⑤ as well 也.又.同样地 ⑥ as often as 每次.每当 ⑦ as a / the result of 作为--的结果 ⑧ as well as 也.还.和--一样好 ⑨ as soon as 一--就--.和--一样快 ⑩ as far as 和--一样远.就--.尽-- ⑪ may / might as well 不妨 ⑫ as a result 结果.因此 [例句] As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked around. 她仿佛茫然不知身在何处.犹犹豫豫向 四周张望./ As long as it doesn't rain tomorrow, we'll go fishing. 只要明天不下雨.我们就去钓鱼./ The flight was delayed as the result of fog. 因为有雾该 航班误点./ She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. 她不但是摄影师还是个天才音乐家./ His parents supported him as far as they could. 他父母竭尽全力抚养他./ As often as I tried to phone him, the line was engaged. 每次我给他打电话都占线. [考例] I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. A. Even though B. Unless C. As long as D. While [考查目标]此题主要考查四个单词或短语的意思及用法. [答案与解析]C even though / if 即使,unless 如果 不,as long as 只要,while 当--时候.本句话意思是 “只有我知道这些钱是安全的.我就不担心了 . [考例] The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him I did. A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as [考查目标]此题主要考查四个短语的意思及用法. [答案与解析] A A项as much as 符合题意:“我越想他就越发现有更多的理由让我像从前一样地爱他. 查看更多



1. As soon as he      _________(看到)the policeman, the thief ran away.
2. I have been known to faint________________(一看见……就……) blood.
3. He fell in love with her_________________(第一眼看到).


补全句子 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 每个短语或词组1分, 满分10分)

阅读下列句子,使用适当的短语或词组将句子补全, 将每一题的答案写在答题卷相应的横线上。

66. 昆明四季如春, 换句话说, 每个人都不难适应那里的气候。

The climate in Kunming is year-round spring.(1)____ ____ ____, it is not difficult for anyone to(2) ____ ____ ____ the climate there.

67. 当小男孩感到过山车突然翻转时, 他吓得要死。

The little boy(1) ____ ____ ____ ____ when he felt the roller coaster was suddenly turned(2)____ ____ .

68. 第一次到上海我就对它印象深刻, 所以, 我很想毕业后在那儿找工作,终于做到了。

As I (1)____ ____ ____ by Shanghai on my first visit, I (2) ____ ____ finding a job there after graduation. And so I did.

69. 演讲前最需要的是: 你必须树立自信心。

What is badly(1)____ _____ before the speech is that you must (2)____ ____ your confidence.

70. 深圳使用提供高薪水的方式, 从全国各地引进了各种各样的有识之士。

Shenzhen (1)____ ____ varieties of intelligent people from all over China (2)____ ____ ____ offering them high salary.



【小题1】After the earthquake , the town lay in         (废墟)
【小题2】I felt very         (紧张的)when the competition started.
【小题3】As a famous saying goes, a friend in         (需要)is a friend indeed.
【小题4】How many players does a baseball team         (组成)of?
【小题5】The         (第五)month of a year is May.
【小题6】Come on.! Don’t be         (谦虚). You have done this a thousand times before!
【小题7】As soon as you send us your plan, we’ll send you a reply         (立刻).
【小题8】Is Qi Gong         (相似的)to Indian Yoga exercise?
【小题9】All visitors to this village are treated with         (善意).
【小题10】       (判断)from his accent, he must come from the north.


We are so used to having a cup of tea before heading off to work, during work or after getting back from work. Tea breaks are more like a custom that takes place regularly several times a day. This tea break tradition has been happening during the past 200 years or so. Tea just happens to be a wonderful drink for most of us. The day simply feels incomplete without a hot cup of tea. However, is tea good for you?
In 2006, the papers were flooded with the news of research showing that drinking 2-3 cups of tea a day is as beneficial as drinking water, with even some additional health benefits. Another report published in November 2009, stated that drinking up to eight cups of tea a day is good for you. The research conducted by nutrition expert Dr. Carrie Ruxton, debunked (揭示…的真相)the popular stories about caffeinated(含咖啡因的)drinks like tea, coffee and cocoa. According to Dr. Ruxton, the caffeine present in tea tends to lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. She says that drinking 8 cups of tea a day gives the drinkers “the best levels of health-giving substances” present in tea and other caffeinated drinks.
Contrary to popular belief that tea does not contain more caffeine than coffee, it actually contains almost half the amount. Caffeine is a natural thing found in many types of food and drink. It’s also something that can give you a much needed lift for a demanding and tiring afternoon ahead. Research shows that proper amounts of caffeine are safe for most people.
So why not take full advantage of your tea breaks at work, or make time for afternoon tea while out shopping at the weekend? And remember that tea is not just a great drink, but it helps to keep you looking and feeling healthy.
59. What is mainly talked about in the first paragraph?
A. The types of tea.  B. The tea custom     C. How to drink tea    D. When to drink tea.
60. Reports in the newspapers show that ______.
A. drinking tea is a healthy habit                 B. new ways of drinking tea appear
C. drinking tea is harmful to health             D. people don’t like to drink tea any more
61. Caffeine in tea ____.
A. can make you energetic                       B. gives you a good rest
C. may cause heart attacks                       D. is more than that in coffee
62. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. Tea and disease                                   B. Tea—a healthy drink 
C. Tea, coffee and cocoa                          D. Drink tea or coffee


补全句子 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 每个短语或词组1分, 满分10分)





















阅读下列句子,使用适当的短语或词组将句子补全, 将每一题的答案写在答题卷相应的横线上。

66. 昆明四季如春, 换句话说, 每个人都不难适应那里的气候。

The climate in Kunming is year-round spring.(1)____ ____ ____, it is not difficult for anyone to(2) ____ ____ ____ the climate there.

67. 当小男孩感到过山车突然翻转时, 他吓得要死。

The little boy(1) ____ ____ ____ ____ when he felt the roller coaster was suddenly turned(2)____ ____ .

68. 第一次到上海我就对它印象深刻, 所以, 我很想毕业后在那儿找工作,终于做到了。

As I (1)____ ____ ____ by Shanghai on my first visit, I (2) ____ ____ finding a job there after graduation. And so I did.

69. 演讲前最需要的是: 你必须树立自信心。

What is badly(1)____ _____ before the speech is that you must (2)____ ____ your confidence.

70. 深圳使用提供高薪水的方式, 从全国各地引进了各种各样的有识之士。

Shenzhen (1)____ ____ varieties of intelligent people from all over China (2)____ ____ ____ offering them high salary.

