weigh.weight.weighty weigh vt. 称--,vi. 重 weight n. 重量,重要性 weighty adj. 重的 They weighed the apples they picked from the trees. 他们把从树上摘下来的苹果过了秤. The goods were carefully weighed before they were shipped off. 货物在用船运走之前仔细过了称. -- Howmuch doesthe boxweigh? -- It weighs six pounds. “这个箱子重多少? “重六磅. What is your weight? = How much do you weigh? 你的体重有多少? [短语归类] 查看更多



In ancient times,people couldn't find any ________machine to find the ________of an elephant.

[  ]




Their round bodies, round flat noses and large ears often remind us of bears every time we see koalas. Probably that’s why these animals are often referred to as koala bears. Koalas are natives of Australia. However, they aren’t found all over the continent. The habitat of koala bears spans (横越) over eastern regions of Australia that include states like Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria and also in the state of South Australia.

   Koalas are found where are enough forests of eucalyptus(桉树) trees. The association of koalas and eucalyptus trees is due to the fact that these animals feed on the leaves of eucalyptus trees. But that’s not all. In addition, the trees also serve as the homes of the koalas.

   Koalas grow around 27 to 36 inches tall and weigh 5 to 9 kilograms on average. Male kaolas are larger than the females. Life expectancy can stretch up to 17 years.

   Like many other animals, the habitat of koala bears is fast decreasing due to deforestation and quick urbanization(都市化). However,efforts by some scientists and animal lovers have successfully introduced these creatures back in certain parts of Australia.

Why do Koalas look like bears?      (no more than 12 words)

Where is the main habitat of koala bears in the world?     (no more than 8 words)

How do eucalyptus trees benefit kaola bears?        (no more than 8 words)


SECTION B (18 points)
Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked with A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the words or phrases that best fits the context.
People have always enjoyed laughing, and there has always been humor. One of the most well-known and well-loved types of comedy is called   36 . Stand-up comedy is special   37   the comedian is right there in front of the audience and may talk directly to audience members. A stand-up comedian may make fun of an audience member, or he or she might decide to tell different jokes   38  the reactions of an audience.
There are different styles of stand-up comedy. The main four are observational(观察评论类), prop(道具使用类), physical(形体动作类) and impressionist(印象模仿类) . In observational comedy, the comedian makes jokes about humorous things he or she    39   in everyday life. If you hear a comedian telling jokes about the way   40   people behave when they queue up in lines, or asking why it only rains when you forget your   41 , you are listening to an observational comedian. Prop comedians use things, called   42 , to tell their jokes. The jokes are not funny if you cannot see the prop. It is a type of visual humor. If a comedian points to a   43   tennis game and says, “I’ve been playing tennis   44  for a month. I don’t understand why I am not losing   45 !”, he or she is using the computer as a prop. Physical comedians use their bodies to make jokes. They have been   46  chairs, walking into doors, and falling down on stage for years. The last style is called   47 . These comedians act or speak like a well-known person. This is called doing an impression of the person.
36. A. prop           B. comedy       C. stand-up            D. comedian
37. A. because of               B. because         C. although          D. as if
38. A. in honor of         B. in order to     C. in case of           D. in response to
39. A. watch           B. observe        C. see                D. find
40. A. /                   B. in that          C. how               D. which
41. A. coat                B. wallet          C. umbrella           D. sunglasses
42. A. queues            B. humor        C. impression        D. props
43. A. funny           B. boring        C. computer                D. new
44. A. every day       B. everyday      C. some times        D. sometimes
45. A. weigh         B. weight          C. overweight         D. weight-loss
46. A. running after          B. fighting against C. competing with      D. tripping over
47. A. impressionist      B. prop               C. physical            D. observational


If you’re training for a marathon , a proper plan for water intake (摄入) is important. Of course, there’s the risk of dehydration (脱水). But athletes now know they can also get into trouble by drinking too much. Too much water intake can lower levels of sodium (钠) in the blood . The death of a 28-year-old woman following the Boston Marathon caught the attention of many runners and led to new research.

Experts advise long distance runners to replace the liquids they sweat out. Their goal is to try to keep someone from not getting dehydrated by more than 2 percent of their body weight.

One technique for deciding how much water you need is to get the exact numbers. Runners have to weight themselves before and after a run to determine how much water they’ve lost. If their weight drops by more than 2 percent, they have not drunk enough water.

Hyponatremia occurs when runners drink so much water that blood salt levels drop off. A study published last year tested 488 runners who completed the Boston Marathon and found 13 percent of them had dangerously low blood salt levels. The first sign that runners may notice is slightly swelling in the hands. They can’t get their rings off, and then they might feel sick. They may not remember where they are. In fact, most runners get enough salt to get back to normal levels by eating just one meal after a run. Contrary to the old advice that runners should drink as much as they can to prevent dehydration , the new research has shown that the body is a remarkable machine that actually tells you via thirst when you need water .

56. The author of this passage is primarily concerned with            .

 A. the signs and treatment for dehydration

 B. the long distance runners who need help

 C. how to manage water intake during a marathon

 D. a 28-year-old woman who died after a Boston Marathon

57. Why do runners have to weigh themselves before and after a run ?

 A. They can improve their performance in a run.

 B. They can learn how much salt there is in the blood.

 C. They can know the quantity of water they’ve lost during a run.

 D. They can decide what kind of water they should take during a run.

58. What conclusion can we draw from the passage ?

 A. Taking much salt during a run can avoid selling in the body.

 B. Either too much or too little of water intake is harmful.

 C. A rich meal is helpful to our performance in a run.

 D. We should take enough salt during a run.

59.According the passage, which of the following statements is correct ?

 A. Too much water intake→blood sodium levels ↓→dehydration.

 B. Too much water intake→blood salt levels ↓→hyponatremia .

 C. No water intake→blood sodium levels↑→hyponatremia .

 D. No water intake →blood salt levels ↓→hyponatrenmia .


In jokes, the chicken only crosses the road. In Australia, cane toads (蔗蟾) use roads to travel.

A new study finds that Cane toads are using roads to spread across the continent.   They take shelter overnight close to the open corridors (走廊), and then hit the road each evening in their damaging way.

Cane toads were brought into Australia from Hawaii in 1935 to control the spread of beetles (甲虫) that were destroying Australia's sugar cane crop. They are now moving into new places at the speed of 30 miles a year.

Toads can grow as large as dinner plates and can weigh up to 4.5 pounds. Their heads and backsides are covered with rows of warts (疣). They are known to kill snakes, lizards and other animals, including pet dogs. They have no natural enemy in Australia.

According to a research, toads make slower progress through thick plants than along open spaces and they hop (跳) alongside roads and fences whenever possible. Toads use long corridors that are well-suited for them to travel long distances.

Another study recently found that toads have evolved (进化形成) longer legs in recent years and that this is also helping them in their spread.

Efforts to kill toads have been largely unsuccessful, although scientists tried their best.  

Another new finding suggests ways to slow down its population.  For example, roadside borders can be changed to make them less attractive to toads, or allowing thick plants to grow along the sides of highways, thus forcing toads onto the road of themselves.

1. Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Ways to kill cane toads in Australia.

B. Cane toads have evolved a lot in Australia.

C. Australian cane toads hit the road.

D. Worse environment forces toads to travel.

2. At first, cane toads were brought to Australia to_______.

A. kill snakes, lizards and other animals

B. stop pet dogs from spreading

C. protect the sugar cane crop

D. hate a scientific research

3.According to the passage, the ways to slow down the population of toads are based on the fact that cane toads_________.

A. move slower through thick plants

B. have no natural enemy in Australia

C. mainly live near the roadside

D. like traveling at night

4.The underlined word "They" in Paragraph 3 refers to “________”.

A. Beetles                         B. Cane toads

C. Australia's sugar cane crop          D. New places


