interest n. 兴趣 查看更多



On my birthday this year, I decided to do something very different. I had been   31   so much and I wanted to reach out to bring happiness to someone else. So, that   32  , I bought some flowers and went to a hospital. I had no   33   who I was going to present the flowers to, but I would find someone who needed   34  .

I asked the nurses in the hospital, who thought it   35   that I didn’t have anyone in particular to see.   36  , they gave me the room number of a(n)   37   lady, who needed some comfort.

I entered the room with the flowers. The elderly woman looked up, staring at me   38  . She was greatly moved when I told her about my   39   in being there. She was an amputee(被截肢者) and she explained to me that she was very worried   40   they were going to fit her with prosthetic leg(假肢). She knew that as she was getting used to the “  41 ”leg, she would be in  42  .

Later, in the following two hours, we  43  a lot and both felt very happy. I  44   until it was dark. I will always remember how   45   she was the moment she received the flowers from me—a   46  . She called me her angel and said she had no more   47  .

I   48   that story with my neighbor and she   49  that she was going to do the same thing on her birthday. And I hope that she will   50  others to be kind and do the same thing. You never know you might be considered someone’s angel one day.

A. shown            B. told                  C. given                D. bought

A. week             B. afternoon          C. hour                 D. night

A. belief            B. sense                C. message            D. idea

A. paying attention to              B. cheering up

          C. looking after                  D. looking down upon

A. strange        B. lucky              C. difficult         D. true

A. Instead        B. Still               C. Besides          D. Therefore

A. young         B. old                C. happy           D. strong

A. angrily        B. suddenly        C. quickly          D. confusedly

A. purpose       B. experience      C. failure            D. trouble

A. unless         B. but                     C. because         D. until

A. thin          B. long                    C. short            D. new

A. surprise       B. pain                    C. need            D. sight

A. talked         B. asked             C. imagined        D. smiled

A. worked        B. stood             C. stayed          D. rested

A. busy          B. shy               C. disappointed   D. moved

A. stranger     B. friend             C. relative       D. doctor

A. fun             B. interest              C. fear                  D. challenge

A. repeated     B. shared            C. learned       D. changed

A. agreed         B. forgot            C. joked         D. promised

A. force          B. warm                   C. allow         D. encourage


   Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do; once or twice she had looked into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, “and what is the use of the book,” thought Alice, “without pictures and conversations?”

So she was considering in her own mind whether the pleasure of making a daisy-chain(雏菊花环) would be worth the trouble of getting up and picking the daisies, when suddenly a white rabbit with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so very remarkable in that; but when the rabbit actually took a watch out of its waistcoat-pocket, and looked at it, and then hurried on, Alice started to her feet, for it flashed across her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of it, and burning with curiosity, she ran across the field after it, and fortunately was just in time to see it pop down a large rabbit- hole under the bush.

The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.

Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end? “I wonder how many miles I’ve fallen by this time?” she said aloud. “I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think. I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it’ll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think—but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. ‘Please, Ma’am, is this New Zealand or Australia?’ And what an ignorant little girl she’ll think me for asking! No, it’ll never do to ask.”

Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, when suddenly, thump! thump! Down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.

1.What kind of books do you think will interest Alice most?

A.Books that her sister was reading.

B.Books without pictures or conversations.

C.Books about white rabbits.

D.Books with pictures and conversations.

2.Which of the following is true?

A.Alice suddenly saw a white rabbit with a strange umbrella.

B.Alice managed to fall right through the earth.

C.Alice ran after the white rabbit across the field out of curiosity.

D.The people on the opposite side of the earth walk with their heads downward.

3.Which is the right order of the story?

a. Alice jumped into a large hole.

b. A white rabbit ran close by her.

c. Alice sat by her sister, doing nothing.

d. She fell upon some sticks and dry leaves.



C.a-b -c-d

D.d-c-a -b

4. From the passage, we can see Alice is a(n)________girl.

A.helpful and friendly

B.curious and imaginative

C.brave and curious

D.ignorant and pretty

5. The following paragraph “In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again.” can be put between_________.

A.Paragraphs 1 and 2

B.Paragraphs 2 and 3

C.Paragraphs 3 and 4

D.Paragraph 4 and 5




                               One of the most popular American singers of the twentieth century was Elvis Presley. He made the rock ”n” roll music popular all over the world, He sold millions of records and made many successful films, and he helped change the direction of popular music in the 1960s.

         Elvis Presley was born in a poor family in 1935, His parents were simple country people who often took him to church, where he learned to sing, and he never forgot the kind of songs that he used to sing in church as a child.

         When he was young, Elvis moved from Toledo to Memphis in Tennessee, where he attended high school, but he was not a good student, His only real interest was singing. He began to sing in the style that is called “country and western”.

         In 1955 he recorded some songs for his mother’s birthday. The people at the recording studio liked his singing and his music. It was country and western music, but it also sounded a little like the music which black people used to sing in the American South. It was called “blues”.

         Shortly after that, Elvis met Tom Parker, who became his manager and arranged (安排) concerts for him across the United States and new recordings as well. Soon Elvis became famous around the country. Later Elvis went to Hollywood and began to appear in films such as Love Me Tender and King Creole.

         But Elvis found it difficult to live with success. Like many other famous people, He began to take drugs and his health started to suffer. When he died at an early age of 42 in 1977,his many millions of fans were shocked, “The King Is Dead!” the newspaper said, But today his memory and his music live on and will always be remembered as the King of Rock “n” roll.

66. From the passage, we can see________________.

         A. the church songs didn’t help Elvis develop his own style

         B. Elvis forgot his church music at a later age

         C. Elvis didn’t get any help from his parents

         D. the church songs helped Elvis’ development in his singing

67. Who was Tom Parker?

         A. A manager of a bank                                        B. A famous singer

         C. Elvis’ manager                                                   D. Elvis’ best friend since childhood

68. What caused Elvis’ death?

         A. His singing too much                                        B. His taking the drugs

         C. His parent’s death                                            D. Tom Parker’s help

69. What was Elvis’ music style like most?

         A. Only country and western

         B. Only country and blues

         C. Both western and church music

         D. Not only country and western but also a bit “blues”

70. Which is the right order of Elvis’ life?

         a. Elvis learned to sing at church

         b. Elvis gave concerts all across America

         c. Elvis recorded some songs for his mother’s birthday

         d. Tom Parker became his manager

         e. Elvis went to high school in Memphis

         f. Elvis was born in Toledo

         A. f; a; e; c; d; b                                                       B. f; a; c; e; d; b

         C. f; e; a; d; b; c                                                       D. f; e; a; c; d; b



 With parents who taught at school, Sophia received a fairly good education. She would have achieved   36    in a career, but she   37    to spend most of her marriage in the   38    role of wife and mother,   39    herself to her husband and her three children.

At the beginning of their family life, Sophia took on the   40   for running the house in order for her husband to   41    his personal interest: writing novels. However, things weren’t going as   42    as expected. Nate’s writing failed to     43   the whole housekeeping. He had to take a position in the government to    44    for his family. Sophia tried to persuade Nate to give up his    45    for full-time writing, but he didn’t listen to her. He took his job   46     because it promised the family would be prevented from being   47  . That accounted for the shocking   48   he suffered when he lost his job. That day, he said to Sophia in a    49   , “I got fired. I am a    50    failure.” “Now you can focus your mind   51  your writing.” she responded. To make Nate believe money was no longer the major   52   , Sophia took out a box that was full of   53   . She explained that she got the money for their hand-painted lampshades.

The unemployed husband did   54    a book that was a(n)   55   hit and is a long-lasting literary masterpiece. The story of Sophia’s turning her husband into a world famous writer has been widely talked about ever since then.

1.A. only a little        B. quite a lot        C. quite a few        D. a great number

2.A. proved           B. required       C. selected       D. preferred

3.A. central          B. false          C. traditional    D. additional

4.A. devoting         B. supporting     C. deciding       D. forcing

5.A. responsibility   B. approach       C. amusement      D.occupation

6. A. observe         B. reduce         C. change         D. follow

7. A. generally       B. satisfactorily C. unfortunately  D. quickly

8. A. preserve        B. cover          C. include        D. overcome

9.A. support          B. search         C. provide        D. comfort

10. A. aid            B. interest       C. job            D. share

11. A. strictly       B. truly          C. carefully      D. seriously

12. A. well off       B. badly off      C. straight away  D. right now

13. A. cut            B. loss           C. disease        D. defeat

14.A. whisper         B. voice          C. sense          D. manner 

15.A. free            B. close          C. complete       D. necessary

16. A. on             B. for            C. in             D. to

17. A. connection     B. discovery      C. task           D.concern

18. A. gold           B. cash           C. jewelry        D. silver

19.A. pick out        B. react to       C. turn out       D. build up

20. A. ordinary       B. instant        C. short          D. humorous



I became lame(瘸的)in both legs in my childhood. I can’t stand   36  the support of two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “   37  ”.

I still remember the first day at   38 . When I appeared at the door, 39   in the classroom stared(凝视)at me in   40 . My face turned   41 . I couldn’t help  42 back. It was the    43  and sympathy(同情)in their eyes that   44  me doing so. I went shyly towards an unoccupied (空的) seat.

Being lame, I didn’t dare (敢) to   45  in front of my classmates. I was afraid that I might be   46  at. In those days I was very sad to see others walking   47 .

One day, a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really   48 . They encouraged me with a(n)   49  smile and   50  me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was   51  to them for giving me a chance to see the   52  of our lovely school with my own eyes.

After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are always   53   to help me. It made me   54  I am handicapped (残疾的).

Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation (犹豫) I said, “It is the   55 . ”

1.                A.with           B.without         C.under    D.on


2.                A.walk             C.sit   D.stand


3.               B.wheelchair      C.home


4.                A.he             B.she            C.everyone D.nobody


5.                A.thought         B.interest         C.anger    D.surprise


6.                  B.brown          C.white


7.                A.entering        B.hiding          C.coming   D.turning


8.                A.feeling         B.kindness        C.sorrow   D.pain


9.                A.made          B.stopped        C.kept D.let


10.               A.walk           C.practice   D.speak


11.               A.laughed        B.smiled         C.stared D.looked


12.               A.sadly           B.slowly          C.happily    D.shyly


13.               A.brave          B.sad            C.hurt  D.excited


14.               A.honest         B.friendly         C.luckily D.handsome


15.               A.pushed         B.placed         C.drew D.pulled


16.               A.satisfied        B.sorry          C.loyal D.thankful


17.               A.signs           B.sights          C.labs  D.students


18.               A.ready          C.wise  D.unwilling


19.               A.forget          B.remember      C.imagine   D.think


20.               A.teachers        B.schoolyard      C.classmates D.friendship



