for example; such as (1) for example“例如 .用来举例说明某一论点或情况.一般只举同类人或物中的“一个 为例.作插入语.可位于句首.句中或句末.可用for instance替换.For example, air is invisible. / His spelling is terrible! Look at this word, for example. (2) such as “例如 .用来列举事物.一般列举同类人或事物中的几个例子.插在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间.as后面不可有逗号.Some of the European Languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish. [注意]如把前面所述情况全部举出.用that is或namely. ☆短语归纳☆ 查看更多




     71     Many Americans make a promise that they will find a new or better job in the new year. And many businesses decide to fill empty positions this time of year. There are many ways to find a job. It can be as easy as walking into a neighborhood store to look at its announcement board. Local stores often have areas where people can put small signs telling what kind of service they need or can provide.  72   Or, job searchers can look in the newspaper. Local newspapers have employment announcements placed by companies seeking workers.   73   Now, people in 450 cities around the world are using the Web to meet people or find a job. It is estimated that two million new job listings are offered each month.  74   It is because almost every one of them has the Career Exploration center for people to get help in finding a job.

   Of course, looking for a job requires knowing what kind of work you want to do. For example, there is a book called What Color is Your Parachhute? by Richard Bolles. This book has been helping people choose a career since it was first published in 1970.   75   They can help people find jobs by first helping them understand their strengths, goals and interests. And then they provide them with methods and resources to help people find the right job.

A. It is easy to find a good job at that time.

B. Such services include caring for children or cleaning houses.

C. Also, some experts help people find jobs.

D. Another popular tool for finding jobs is the Internet.

E. January is the top month for getting a new job.

F. Jobs can often be offered to men.

G. Besides, people can find a job through a college or university.


Health food is a general term applied to all kinds of food that is considered more healthy than the types of food sold in supermarkets.For example,whole grains,dried beans,and corn oil are health foods.A narrower classification of health food is natural food.This term is used to distinguish between types of the same food.Raw honey is a natural sweetener,while refined(提炼的)sugar is not.The most exact term of all and the narrowest classification within health food is organic food,used to describe food that has been grown on a particular kind of farm.Fruits and vegetables that are grown in gardens,that are treated only with organic fertilizers,that are not sprayed with poisonous insecticides(杀虫剂),and that are not refined after harvest,are organic food.

In choosing the type of food you eat,then you have basically two choices:inorganic,processed(加工)food or organic,unprocessed food.A wise decision should include study of the reason why processed food contains chemicals,some of which are proved to be poisonous and that vitamin content is greatly reduced in processed food.

Bread is typically used by health food supporters as an example of a processed food. First, the seeds from which the grain is grown are treated with a chemical which is extremely harmful. Later, the grain is sprayed with a number of very deadly insecticides. After the grain has been made into flour, it is made white with another chemical which is also poisonous. Next, a dough conditioner is added along with a softener. The conditioner and softener are poisons,and in fact, the softener has sickened and killed experimental animals.

A very poisonous antifungal compound is added to keep the bread from getting moldy(发霉的).

Other food from the supermarket would show a similar pattern of processing and preserving. You see, we buy our food on the basis of smell, color, and texture, instead of vitamin content, and manufacturers give us what we want, even if it is poisonous. The alternative? Eat health foods,preferably the organic variety.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Health food.         B.The processing of bread.

C.Processed food.       D.Poisons.

2.What do all of the additives in bread have in common?

A.They are all used to keep the bread from getting moldy.

B.They are all poisonous.

C.They are all organic.

D.They have all killed laboratory animals.

3.What happens to food when it is processed?

A.The basic content remains the same.

B.Vitamin is not available after processing.

C.The vitamin content increases a bit.

D.The vitamin content is greatly reduced.

4.We normally buy food on the basis of________.

A. organic variety        B. beauty

C. refined contents        D. smell, color and texture



More and more students want to study in“hot”majors. 1 a result, many students want to 2 their interests and study in these 3 such as foreign languages, international business and law, etc.

Fewer and fewer students choose scientific majors, 4 maths, physics and biology, and art majors, 5 history, Chinese and philosophy.

 6 students can study in these“hot”majors, because the number of these“hot”majors 7 limited.

If one 8 interest in his work or study, 9 can he do well? I 10 this from one of my classmates.He is 11 the countryside.His parents are farmers.Though he 12 biology, he chose“international business”.He 13 to live a life which is different 14 of his parents.  

In the end, he found he 15 in doing business.He found all the subjects to be 16 . 17 this wouldn't have happened if he had chosen his major according to his own interests.

Choosing a major in university 18 decide one's whole life.Majors 19 are not“hot”today may become the“hot”major of tomorrow.

Choosing your major according to your own 20 is the bestway to succeed.

1.A.Being B.For    C.Having D.As

2.A.give up    B.appear  C.give     D.master   C.areas

4.A.for example     B.much as      C.and so on a result

5.A.even      C.just      D.or

6.A.Only a few      B.Quite a few C.Perhaps       D.Many      B.are       C.would be     D.have been

8.A.had no     B.had      C.has no  D.has

9.A.why  B.and what     D.and how

10.A.suggested       B.guessed       C.searched      D.learned

11.A.out of D.from

12.A.studied   B.likes    C.learns   D.succeeds to study

13.A.wants     B.doesn’t want       C.enjoys  D.doesn’t like

14.A.from which    B.from that     C.for which    D.for that

15.A.was interested       B.was clever         C.was not interested D.was not clever

16.A.lovely    B.rare     C.obvious       D.tiresome

17.A.So B.Then    C.Just then     D.Maybe

18.A.can B.does not      C.probably     D.perhaps       not to

19.A.on which which      C.which  D.——

20.A.interests  B.experience   C.mind    D.heartCloze



People can be addicted to different things, for example, alcohol, drug, certain

foods, or e      television. People who have such an addiction are being     1.          

forced, because they have a very   (强大的) psychological need that they feel 2.             

they must be s     . According to psychologists, many people are forced    3.         

spenders. They feel that they must spend money. This    (力量), like most          4.           

others, is impossible to explain in a r      way. For forced spenders who           5.          

buy on credit, charge accounts are more e         than money                   6.           

In other       , forced spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything.         7.          

Their pleasure in     (花费) large amounts is actually greater than the      8.          

pleasure that they get    the things they buy. They often spend money        9.          

(with credit) in an unplanned     , and the things they buy are not         10.         

always useful to them.


Today, we complete our story about the influential English writer William Shakespeare. He wrote plays and poems during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries, which remain very popular today.

During earlier times, people would probably have learned several ancient Roman and Greek plays. It was not unusual for writers to produce more current versions of these works. For example, in Shakespeare's play "The Comedy of Errors" Shakespeare borrowed certain details from the ancient Roman writer Plautus. For his play "Macbeth", Shakespeare most likely used a work on Scottish history by Raphael Holinshed for information. Shakespeare might have borrowed from other writers, but the intensity(强度)of his imagination and language made the plays his own. While many plays by other writers of his time have been forgotten, Shakespeare and his art live on.

Shakespeare was also influenced by the world around him. He described the sights and sounds of London in his plays. His works include observations about political struggles, the fear of diseases, and the popular language of the city’s tradesmen. Shakespeare's knowledge of the English countryside is also clear. His works include descriptions of deep forests, local flowers, and the ancient popular traditions of rural people.

It would be impossible to list all of the ways in which Shakespeare’s works have influenced the world culture. But the first and greatest example would be his great influence on the English language. During his time, the English language was changing. Many new words from other languages were being added. Shakespeare used his sharp mind and poetic inventiveness to create hundreds of new words and rework old ones. For example, he created the noun forms of "critic", "mountaineer” and "eyeball". Many common expressions in English come from his plays, including "pomp and circumstance(装腔作势)"from "Othello", "full circle(绕圈子地)" from "King Lear", etc. The list of cultural creations influenced by Shakespeare is almost endless. From paintings to television to music and dance, Shakespeare was well represented. Shakespeare's plays have been translated into every major language in the world.

Shakespeare became a well??known writer during a golden age of theater. His years of hard work paid off.

What can we infer from the passage?

       A.Many of Shakespeare's works were influenced by earlier writings.

       B.Shakespeare was hard??working when he was a student.

       C.The experience of living in London helped a lot with Shakespeare's works.

       D.Shakespeare became rich later because of the popularity of his works.

Shakespeare might have learnt some information from ancient Roman works in    .

       A."King Lear"     B."The Comedy of Errors"   C. "Macbeth"    D."Othello"

Why could Shakespeare's works survive his time?

       A.Because there were so few people writing plays in his time.

       B.Because he produced too many works that nobody else could do.

       C.Because he was a rich and influential person of his time.

       D.Because his works were rich in imagination and language.

Shakespeare's greatest influence should be on    .

       A.the English language  B.paintings       C.television and dance

The passage is mainly about     . introduction to Shakespeare’s life and his works

       B.the main features and styles of Shakespeare's plays culture influenced Shakespeare and he influenced culture.

       D.Shakespeare’s greatest influence on the world culture.

