This passage is mainly about . A. pollution in the oceans B. the amounts of oil in the sea C. the amounts of poison in shell fish D. oil pollution in the waters 查看更多



Unless action is taken immediately, there is a good chance that all the oceans of the world will be dead by the year 2010.How can this possibly happen??

We have already seen that people allow all sorts of waste products to flow into the sea. It is almost impossible to measure how much waste water and industrial waste end up in our oceans, but we can find out how much oil is poured into them legally and illegally. It is illegal to pour oil into the sea close to the shore, but when a ship is many miles out to sea there are no such rules. Scientists have different ideas as to the amount of oil put into the sea, but the lowest figure for oil poured in European waters alone is nearly 200 000 tons every year. Some people say the figure could be ten times as high.?

It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution. Among other things, many shell fish(creatures which live in water),and have a hard shell—oysters and mussels, for example—now have high amounts of poisonous substances. Next time you have shell fish to eat, how can you be sure that they are free from oil pollution? You cannot see the effects and you cannot taste them, either. It is really quite a problem.?

This passage is mainly about_______.?

A. pollution in the oceans

B. the amounts of oil in the sea?

C. the amounts of poison in shell fish

D. oil pollution in the waters?

According to the passage, what is the main cause of oil pollution??

A. Oil ships which meet and strike each other.?

B. Oil poured at sea when the oil tanks are cleaned out.?

C. Oil coming out of the bottom of the sea.?

D. Oil from waste water and industrial waste.?

Which of the following is illegal?

A. Pouring oil into the sea from land, especially when there is no other choice.

B. Allowing waste materials to flow into the waters.?

C. Pouring oil at seaside.?

D. Going fishing when the water is polluted by oil.?

What does the underlined word European waters' mean?

A. The seas around Europe and Africa.

B. The Atlantic Ocean.?

C. The Arctic Ocean.

D. The Black Sea and the Mediterranean mainly.?


Unless action is taken immediately, there is a good chance that all the oceans of the world will be dead by the year 2010.How can this possibly happen??

We have already seen that people allow all sorts of waste products to flow into the sea. It is almost impossible to measure how much waste water and industrial waste end up in our oceans, but we can find out how much oil is poured into them legally and illegally. It is illegal to pour oil into the sea close to the shore, but when a ship is many miles out to sea there are no such rules. Scientists have different ideas as to the amount of oil put into the sea, but the lowest figure for oil poured in European waters alone is nearly 200 000 tons every year. Some people say the figure could be ten times as high.?

It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution. Among other things, many shell fish(creatures which live in water),and have a hard shell—oysters and mussels, for example—now have high amounts of poisonous substances. Next time you have shell fish to eat, how can you be sure that they are free from oil pollution? You cannot see the effects and you cannot taste them, either. It is really quite a problem.?

This passage is mainly about_______.?

A. pollution in the oceans

B. the amounts of oil in the sea?

C. the amounts of poison in shell fish

D. oil pollution in the waters?

According to the passage, what is the main cause of oil pollution??

A. Oil ships which meet and strike each other.?

B. Oil poured at sea when the oil tanks are cleaned out.?

C. Oil coming out of the bottom of the sea.?

D. Oil from waste water and industrial waste.?

Which of the following is illegal?

A. Pouring oil into the sea from land, especially when there is no other choice.

B. Allowing waste materials to flow into the waters.?

C. Pouring oil at seaside.?

D. Going fishing when the water is polluted by oil.?


Unless action is taken immediately, there is a chance that all the oceans of the world will be dead by the year 2010. How can this possibly happen?

We have already seen that people allow all sorts of waste products to flow into the sea. It is almost impossible to measure how much waste water and industrial waste end up in our oceans, but we can find out how much oil is poured into them legally and illegally. It is illegal to pour oil into the sea close to the shore, but when a ship is many miles out to sea there are no such rules. Scientists have different ideas as to the amount of oil put into the sea, but the lowest figure for oil poured in European waters alone is about 200,000 tons every year. Some people say the figure could be ten times as high.

It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution. Among other things, many shellfish - oysters (牡蛎) and mussels(贻贝), for example - now have high amounts of poisonous substances. Next time you have shellfish to eat, how can you be sure that they are free from oil pollution? You cannot see the effects and you cannot taste them, either. It is really quite a problem.

1.This passage is mainly about_________.

     A.pollution in the air                       B.the amount of the oil in the sea

     C.the amount of poison in shellfish         D.oil pollution in the waters.

2.According to the passage, what is the main cause of oil pollution?

       A.Oil ships which meet and strike each other.

       B.Oil poured on land when the oil tanks are cleaned out.

       C.Oil coming out of the bottom of the sea.

       D.Oil from waste water and industrial waste.

3.According to the passage, which of the following is illegal?

       A.Pouring oil into the sea close to the shore.

       B.Allowing clean materials to flow into the waters.


       D.Going fishing when the water is polluted by oil.

4.The figure for oil poured in European waters alone is          . more than 2,010,000 tons every month

       B.1,000,000 tons every year

       C.more than 200,000 tons every month

       D.more than 200,000 tons every year

5.Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

       A.All the oceans in the world are polluted by oil.

       B.The water body of the earth may be dead by the year 2010.

       C.It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution.

       D.Some kinds of the living things in the waters have been poisoned and we must be careful of them.


All the oceans of the world will be dead in the future unless action is taken at once. How can this happen?

We have already seen that people allow all sorts of waste products to flow into the sea. It is almost impossible to measure how much waste water and industrial waste in our oceans, but we can find out how much oil is poured into them legally and illegally. It is illegal to pour oil into the sea close to the shore, but when a ship is many miles out to sea, there are no such rules. Scientists have different ideas as to the amount of oil putting into the sea, but the lowest figure for oil poured in European waters alone is nearly 200 000 tons every year. Some people say the figure could be ten times as high.

It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution. Many shell fish, for example, now have high amounts of poisonous substances(物质). Next time you have shell fish to eat, how can you be sure that they are free from oil pollution? You cannot see the effects and you cannot taste them, either. It is really quite a problem.

51. This passage is mainly about_________________.

A. pollution in the oceans                          B. oil pollution in the waters

C. the amounts of poison in shell fish            D. the amounts of oil in the sea

52. According to the passage, what is the main cause of oil pollution?

A. Oil ships which meet and strike each other.

B. Oil poured at sea when the oil tanks are cleaned out.

C. Oil from waste water and industrial waste.

D. Oil coming out of the bottom of the sea.

53. Which of the following is illegal according to the passage?

A. Pouring oil into the sea from land, especially when there is no other choice.

B. Pouring oil at seaside.

C. Allowing waste materials to flow into the waters.

D. Going fishing when the water is polluted by oil.

54. According to the passage, which one is TRUE?

A. The amount of oil put into the sea is nearly 2000 000 tons in the globe.

B. Every year, the figure for oil poured in the ocean is 1000 000 tons in Europe.      

C. Some people think the figure for oil poured is estimated too low.

D. The highest amount of oil put into the oceans reaches 1000 000 tons in globe.

55. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?        

A. The water body of the earth will be dead by the year 2010 without any effective measure.

B. All the Oceans in the world are polluted by oil.

C. It's possible that all the creatures in the sea will die out if no action is taken.

D. Some kinds of the living things in waters have been poisoned and we must be careful of them.



  Unless action is taken immediately,there is a good chance that all the oceans of the world will be dead by the year 2010. How can this possibly happen?

  We have already seen that people allow all sorts of waste products to flow into the sea. It is almost impossible to measure how much waste water and industrial waste end up in our oceans, but we can find out how much oil is poured into them legally(合法地) and illegally. It is illegal to pour oil into the sea close to the shore, but when a ship is many miles out to sea there are no such rules. Scientists have different ideas as to the amount of oil put into the sea,but the lowest figure for oil poured in European waters alone is nearly 200000 tons every year. Some people say the figure could be ten times as high.

  It is not only our coasts that suffer from oil pollution. Among other things,many shell fish(creatures which live in water, and have a hard shell(壳)--oysters and mussels, for example--now have high amounts of poisonous substances. Next time you have shell fish to eat, how can you be sure that they are free from oil pollution? You cannot see the effects and you cannot taste them, either. It is really quite a problem.

1.This passage is mainly about _____.

[  ]

A.pollution in the oceans

B.the amounts of oil in the sea

C.the amounts of poison in shell fish

D.oil pollution in the waters

2.According to the passage,what is the main cause of oil pollution?

[  ]

A.Oil ships which meet and strike each other.

B.Oil poured at sea when the oil tanks are cleaned out.

C.Oil coming out of the bottom of the sea.

D.Oil from waste water and industrial waste.

3.Which of the following is illegal?

[  ]

A.Pouring oil into the sea from land, especially when there is no other choice.

B.Allowing waste materials to flow into the waters.

C.Pouring oil at seaside.

D.Going fishing when the water is polluted by oil.

4.What does the underlined words“European waters”mean?

[  ]

A.The seas around Europe and Africa.

B.The Atlantic Ocean.

C.The Arctic Ocean.

D.The Black Sea and the Mediterranean mainly.

5.Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

[  ]

A.All the Oceans in the world are polluted by oil.

B.The water body of the earth will be dead by the year 2010.

C.It's possible that all the creatures in the sea will die out if no action is taken.

D.Some kinds of the living things in the waters have been poisoned and we must be careful of them.

