diet 2 . known 3. choose 4. to 5. vitamins 查看更多



We've all had the experience of running into an old friend-someone of our own age-who looks 10 to 15 years younger than he / she really is. While we admire our friend's apparent (外表上的)lack of aging, we can't help but think that he / she is "doing something", like having a few "nips and tucks" to avoid outward signs of aging. In some cases, that may be true. Cosmetic surgery (整容手术)is a choice that many people choose to help them regain or maintain a youthful appearance. What about those people who don't visit a plastic surgeon (整形外科医生)? How is it that they can look 10 to 15 years younger than they really are?

The answer to that question can be found in some little-known natural "anti-aging" secrets used by many top models and actors. These people have found that certain factors, such as diet, weight, exercise, exposure to sunlight, stress, and bad habits can have an important effect on the aging process. The good news is that you can also use these secrets to wipe years off your appearance. These anti-aging secrets all involve common sense changes in lifestyle and habits. They're safe, simple and inexpensive. Best of all, used properly, they can work for you and help you look years younger than your real age.

Here are 6 little-known "antiaging" secrets that can help you look younger.

1. Get plenty of vitamins A and C in your diet.

2. Exercise for total fitness.

3. Get out of the sun.

4. Kick the habit of smoking.

5. Say no to alcohol (酒精) and drug abuse.

6. Relax.

9. The "anti-aging" secrets given in the passage benefit ________.

A. people who don't visit a plastic surgeon

B. top models and actors

C. people who want to maintain a youthful appearance

D. elders

10. What does "Get out of the sun" in the passage probably mean?

A. Protect your skin by using a sunscreen, a hat or light clothing.

B. Don't work in the sun.

C. Avoid overexposure to the sun.

D. Stay at home when it is sunny.

