He can't tell right wrong. A. with B. for C. from D. after 查看更多




You are from a middle-class family, and live in a normal-size home without any showy possessions, but you are surrounded by surprising consumption (消费). This contrast is beginning to bother your 6-year-old son. You are worried that he will want to live as they do, and wonder if you should move.

Sometimes big pocket money, joyful birthday parties, special playrooms and super-big houses tell you that your neighbors probably have more money than you do, and that they’re not as careful as you are with money, but you may find that they cook and dig in the garden with their children just as often as you do, talk with them as freely and read to them every night.

Or you may find that some of these parents stay in one wing of their big house while their child plays by himself, way off in a wing of his own. In that unfortunate case, he is basically growing up alone without being looked after properly, but this can happen to a child who lives in a normal-size horse, too, if he has a TV, a computer and a few video games in his room. Even the most caring parent doesn’t walk in and out of it to see what show her child is watching, what Internet site he has found and if he’s still playing that video game.

Too much uncontrolled screen time may lead to a certain loss of innocence (天真), but mostly this child will lose the sense of unity and satisfaction that comes from being in a family.

A neighborhood should also provide you with a sense of unity and satisfaction, and if it doesn’t, you might decide to move. Don’t judge your neighborhood too harshly (严厉地), though. There are some things that are right with almost any neighborhood and some things that are wrong with the best of them — like those super-big houses. The wealth of their owners — and the way they throw money around — may make your son feel sorry for himself, unless you help him understand that you and his dad save some of the money, give some to people who don’t have enough and use the rest to pay for whatever the family needs.

Children want — should be provided with — explanations when their patents don’t give them what they want .

1.What is the problem with the worried parent in the text?

A. Her house isn’t as big as her rich neighbors’.

B. Her son is left alone without anyone in charge.

C. She cannot provide her son with a special playroom.

D. She worries about the effect of her neighbors on her son.

2.In paragraphs 2 and 3, the author seems to agree that parents should      .

A. spend more time with their children.

B. give their children more freedom.

C. work hard to lead a richer life.

D. set an example for their children to follow

3.By saying “throw money around” (paragraph 5), the author means that rich people      .

A.spend money carelessly              B.save money for their children

C.help the poor people willingly         D.leave money all round the house

4.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

A. Children are unfortunate to have poor parents.

B. Children should enjoy their comfortable life.

C.Children need proper guidance from their parents.

D.Children feel ashamed of themselves in a rich neighborhood.



You are from a middle- class family, and live in a normal-size home without any showy possessions, but you are surrounded by surprising consumption(消费).This contrast is beginning to bother your 6-year-old son.You are worried that he will want to live as they do, and wonder if you should move.

Sometimes big pocket money, joyful birthday parties, special playrooms and super-big houses tell you that your neighbors probably have more money than you do, and that they’re not as careful as you are with money, but you may find that they cook and dig in the garden with their children just as often as you do, talk with them as freely and read to them every night.

Or you may find that some of these parents stay in one wing of their big house while their child plays by himself, way off in a wing of his own.In that unfortunate case, he is basically growing up alone without being looked after properly, but this can happen to a child who lives in a normal-size house, too, if he has a TV, a computer and a few video games in his room.Even the most caring parent doesn’t walk in and out of it to see what show her child is watching, what Internet site he has found and if he’s still playing that video game.

Too much uncontrolled screen time may lead to a certain loss of innocence(天真),but mostly this child will lose the sense of unity and satisfaction, and if it doesn’t , you might decide to move.Don’t judge your neighborhood too harshly(严厉地),though.There are some things that are right with almost any neighborhood and some things that are wrong with the best of them—like those super-big houses.The wealth of their owners—and the way they throw money around—may make your son feel sorry for himself, unless you help him understand that you and his dad save some of the money, give some to people who don’t have enough and use the rest to pay for whatever the family needs.

Children want—should be provided with—explanations when their parents don’t give them what they want.

1.What is the problem with the worried parent in the text?

A.Her house isn’t as big as her rich neighbors’

B.Her son is left alone without anyone in charge.

C.She cannot provide her son with a special playroom.

D.She worries about the effect of her neighbors on her son.

2.In Paragraphs 2and 3, the author seems to agree that parents should____.

A.spend more time with their children

B.give their children more freedom

C.work hard to lead a richer life

D.set an example for their children to follow

3. By saying “throw money around”(Paragraph 4),the author means that rich people___.

A.spend money carelessly  

B.save money for their children

C.help the poor people willingly

D.leave money all round the house

4.What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?

A.Children are unfortunate to have poor parents.

B.Children should enjoy their comfortable life.

C.Children need proper guidance from their parents.

D.Children feel ashamed of themselves in a rich neighborhood.


Have you ever received a gift that was so clearly , not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite “Why, thank you,” but you knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong? And what do your choices (good and had) reflect about your personal qualities?
Choosing the right is an art, I believe. It calls for empathy-the ability to put yourself into someone else’s head and heart. We’re all able to do this; in fact, we’re born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be reinforced(加强)-by our parents, teachers, friends. When it isn’t, we’re not able to understand other people’s feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional qualities.
Think back to the presents you’ve given over the past year, the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know.
We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication. Ignoring the tradition won’t make it go away. If you really dislike such a tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.
60. The underlined expression “you had missed the mark” means “you had failed to_________ ”.
A. make her feel better                       B. keep your friendship
C. receive a present in return               D. get the expected effect
61. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.
B. Emotional changes influence one’s choice of gifts.
C. Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.
D. Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.
62. In the third paragraph, the author tells us that _____________.            .
A. attention should be paid to the receivers’ responses
B. one learns from what he did in the past
C. the choice of girls reflects one’s emotional qualities
D. one should spend more time choosing gifts
63. The best possible title for this passage is “___________”.
A. Ways of Choosing Gifts                  B. An Important Tradition
C. Exchanging Presents                       D. Message in a Gift


      Have you ever received a gift that was so clearly not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had
been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as
though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite "Why, thank you," but you
knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong? And what do your choices reflect about your personal qualities?
      Choosing the right gift is an art, I think. It calls for empathy---the ability to put yourself into someone
else's head and heart. We're all able to do this; in fact, we're born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be strengthened----by our parents, teachers, friends.
When it isn't, we're not able to understand other people's feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, so can many other emotional qualities.
      Think back to the presents you've given over the past years, the time and effort you put in your
selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the
receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. Of course,
you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know.
       We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication. Ignoring the
tradition won't make it go away. If you really dislike the tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.

1. The underlined expression "you had missed the mark" means you had failed to__                  .

A. make her feel better  
B. keep your friendship  
C. receive a present in return
D. get the expected effect

2. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?                      

A. Natural empathy needs to be strengthened.
B. Emotional changes influence one's choice of gifts.
C. Selecting the right gifts is an ability people are born with.
D. Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.

3. In the third paragraph, the author tells us that____________.

A. attention should be paid to the receivers' responses
B. one learns from what he did in the past
C. the choice of gifts reflects one's emotional qualities
D. one should spend more time choosing gifts

4. The best title for this passage is "____________".

A. Ways of Choosing Gifts      
B. An Important Tradition
C. Exchanging Presents        
D. Message in a Gift


Have you ever received a gift that was so clearly not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake?Worse,have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite “Why, thank you,” but you knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong?And what do your choices(good and bad)reflect about your personal qualities?

Choosing the right gift is an art,I believe. It calls for empathy---the ability to put yourself into someone else’s head and heart. We’re all able to do this;in fact,we’re born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood,however,it needs to be reinforced(加强)by our parents, teachers, friends. When it isn’t, we’re not able to understand other people’s feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional(情感的)qualities.

Think back to the presents you’ve given over the past year,the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent,your thoughts while you were shopping,and your feelings when the receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends,relatives,and other people you know.

We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication. Ignoring the tradition won’t make it go away. If you really dislike such a tradition,tell your friends ahead of time.

1.The underlined expression “you had missed the mark" means “you had failed to______”.

  A.make her feel better                  B.keep your friendship

  C.receive a present in return             D.get the expected effect

2.Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?

  A.Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.

  B.Emotional changes influence one’s choice of gifts.

   C.Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.

  D.Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.

3.In the third paragraph,the author tells us that_______.

  A.attention should be paid to the receivers’ responses

  B.one learns from what he did in the past

  C.the choice of gifts reflects one’s emotional qualities

  D.one should spend more time choosing gifts

4.The best possible title for this passage is“______”.

   A.Ways of Choosing Gifts                 B.An Important Tradition

  C.Exchanging Presents                     D.Gift showing feelings.

