I'm rather anxious her, for I haven't heard from her for a long time. A. towards B. about C. in D. over 查看更多



—How are you, Jack?
—_____, I'm rather sick.

A.In additionB.As a matter of factC.On the other hand D.On the contrary



1.He c_________ that we should come back before 9 o’clock.

2. An e___________ is a kind of machine for raising and lowering something.

3.If you want to read quickly and well, you should enlarge your v__________.

4.People aged from 13 to 19 are called t__________.

5. His friend has _________(遭受) from lung cancer for some years.

6.They carried out a s_________ of experiments to test the new drug.

7.The mother________(使平静) the little boy by telling him a story.

8.I’m rather _________(挂念的) about your health.

9.He made a long j_________ from Beijing to London.

10. The doctor p___________ him to give up smoking finally.



【小题1】He c_________ that we should come back before 9 o’clock.
【小题2】 An e___________ is a kind of machine for raising and lowering something.
【小题3】If you want to read quickly and well, you should enlarge your v__________.
【小题4】People aged from 13 to 19 are called t__________.
【小题5】 His friend has _________(遭受) from lung cancer for some years.
【小题6】They carried out a s_________ of experiments to test the new drug.
【小题7】The mother________(使平静) the little boy by telling him a story.
【小题8】I’m rather _________(挂念的) about your health.
【小题9】He made a long j_________ from Beijing to London.
【小题10】 The doctor p___________ him to give up smoking finally.



1.He got a job in a foreign company after g ___________(毕业) from university.

2.Two-thirds of people there died or were ___________ (受伤) during the earthquake

3.She felt the warm sand b__________ (在…下面 )her feet.

4.I like my sister but she has one serious ______________(缺点).

5.I like the way you o_________(组织) the information in the report.

6.India has a lot of f____________ English speakers.

7.I'm rather u___________ to hear that you didn't get the job you wanted.

8.When people use words and e____________ different from the “standard language”, it is called a dialect.

9.China is our motherland, and Chinese is our n__________ language.

10.According to the weather f__________ it will rain tomorrow.



I’m rather ___________(怀疑的) about their so-called sympathy for the poor.

