champion n. 冠军,得胜者 查看更多



Some people call her innovative, others say she’s simply a copycat--- a Chinese version of US singer Lady Gaga---or just an attention seeker who tries too hard. But whatever labels fans and critics pin on her, Shang Wenjie, whose English name is Laure, keeps herself cool.

As she sings in her song The way I am: “Whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with me.”

Shang, 30, first rose to fame in 2006 as the champion of Hunan TV’s talent contest Supergirls. However, she didn’t enjoy much popularity until she changed her girl-next–door image into a more shocking style four years later. 

While her fashion taste caught public attention, criticism came just as quickly, with many saying her rebellious look was only meant to get more media exposure.

“My styling goes with the music,” Shang told Yancheng Evening News. “I don’t need to be known as the Chinese Lady Gaga. I just want to be known as Laure Shang.”

She’s recently made that a reality thanks to I’m a Singer, another talent show produced by Hunan TV, which gathers famous singers to compete and an audience of 500 to decide who goes to the next round,

The show gave Shang an opportunity to display her musical abilities. She tried out a wide range of styles including pop, hip-hop, rock’n’roll, punk and electro. The highlights of her time on the show were when she chose tunes which are lesser-known than other contestants’ choices. For example, she sang her own versions of American pop star Michael Jackson’s Man in the “Shang has shown an international flavor which is just as inspiring as her fashion sense,” commented “She has become a trail blazer on the Mandopop scene, creating a music style bearing her own mark.”

Shang was eliminated (淘汰) on March 8, but “thanks to the show, her popularity has grown rapidly,” People’s Daily wrote.

“I love Shang, the youngest singer on the show,” said 16-year-old Guo Chen, a Senior 1 student from Daqing Shiyan High School in Heilongjiang. “Shang is quite international. She not only introduces European and US fashion, but also creatively combines Western music with Mandopop.”

Shang owes her international style to her educational background. She graduated from Fudan University as a French major. “The advantage of learning foreign languages is intangible. For example, it helps me communicate well with foreign musicians and broaden my horizons of music styles,” she said.

Topic: Shang Wenjie


She first rose to 2. _______in 2006 as the champion of Hunan TV’s Supergirls; After she changed her girl-next-door image into a 3. _____style, she started to enjoy 4. ______; She wanted to be known as Laure Shang and made it a reality thanks to I’m a singer 5._______she was eliminated on March 8.

Others’ comments about her

Some say she’s simply a copycat, others consider her a(n) 6. _______seeker---her rebellious look was only 7.________to get more media exposure; Supporters say she is international and introduces European and US fashion and 8. _________ combines Western music with Mandopop.

Her responses

She keeps herself cool no matter how fans and critics comment on her; she thinks her styling 9.________ with her music; She owes her international style to her educational background because learning a foreign language helps her 10. ________ well with foreign musicians and broaden her horizons of music styles.





No matter how many boos (嘘声) or abuses you get, they shouldn’t stop you from being the champion you are.

When I was in primary school, I was 36 asked by my teachers to sit at the 37 of the class because I was not clever. I was the butt (对象) of class jokes. I was all alone, friendless and 38. I hated school, but my dad would have none of it. He 39 telling me that I was a champion, if I 40 it.

A turnaround 41 one day when I remembered the spelling of the word “cognoscenti”, a word all the other “42” students had forgotten how to spell because they spent their free time 43 me. I raised my hand 44 I wasn’t asked to spell. I stood up and went to the front of the class, with 23 pairs of eyes 45 on me. My teacher grabbed her cane (藤条), ready to beat me if I’d 46. I spelt the word and became a(n) 47 champion. I represented and won for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

Secondary school had its own share of 48. I was tall but wasn’t good at any 49. I loved basketball and lawn tennis. The first day I held a racket, I was disgraced (使丢脸) by my opponent (对手). He 50 six straight sets without sweat and there I was sweating 51 as if I’d run a marathon, while I hadn’t even made a single point.

My dad’s 52 kept playing in my ears, “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.” I did. Finally, I was not only 53 at lawn tennis and basketball. I was an all-round athlete and 54 won both athletic and academic scholarships to college.

Now, staring at this old racket of defeat that once brought me 55, I can’t help but say to it, “You made me a champion when I believed.”

A. seldom   B. never        C. once        D. always

A. back     B. front        C. outside      D. middle

A. shocked B. satisfied     C. depressed   D. surprised

A. avoided B. preferred   C. forgot       D. kept

A. started    B. imagined   C. liked     D. believed

A. came      B. followed    C. worked      D. paid

A. poor       B. bright        C. dull        D. active

A. picking out    B. getting along with     C. looking after     D. making fun of

A. only if    B. just as     C. as if       D. even though

A. fixed    B. closed       C. held       D. called

A. delay    B. fail        C. fight     D. offend

A. permanent B. frequent        C. instant       D. temporary

A. aims      B. targets     C. reasons      D. challenges

A. sport     B. subject      C. action        D. field

A. moved B. won       C. missed       D. found

A. slightly        B. weakly      C. heavily      D. openly

A. songs    B. voices     C. whispers    D. words

A. good     B. angry      C. strict     D. serious

A. still      B. even       C. yet         D. thus

A. pride    B. joy         C. shame       D. happiness




No matter how many boos (嘘声) or abuses you get, they shouldn’t stop you from being the champion you are.

When I was in primary school, I was 36 asked by my teachers to sit at the 37 of the class because I was not clever. I was the butt (对象) of class jokes. I was all alone, friendless and 38. I hated school, but my dad would have none of it. He 39 telling me that I was a champion, if I 40 it.

A turnaround 41 one day when I remembered the spelling of the word “cognoscenti”, a word all the other “42” students had forgotten how to spell because they spent their free time 43 me. I raised my hand 44 I wasn’t asked to spell. I stood up and went to the front of the class, with 23 pairs of eyes 45 on me. My teacher grabbed her cane (藤条), ready to beat me if I’d 46. I spelt the word and became a(n) 47 champion. I represented and won for my school, five Spelling Bee championships.

Secondary school had its own share of 48. I was tall but wasn’t good at any 49. I loved basketball and lawn tennis. The first day I held a racket, I was disgraced (使丢脸) by my opponent (对手). He 50 six straight sets without sweat and there I was sweating 51 as if I’d run a marathon, while I hadn’t even made a single point.

My dad’s 52 kept playing in my ears, “Stanley, you’re a champion if you believe it.” I did. Finally, I was not only 53 at lawn tennis and basketball. I was an all-round athlete and 54 won both athletic and academic scholarships to college.

Now, staring at this old racket of defeat that once brought me 55, I can’t help but say to it, “You made me a champion when I believed.”

36. A. seldom               B. never                      C. once                      D. always

37. A. back                 B. front                      C. outside                    D. middle

38. A. shocked             B. satisfied                   C. depressed                 D. surprised

39. A. avoided              B. preferred                 C. forgot                     D. kept

40. A. started               B. imagined                 C. liked                       D. believed

41. A. came                 B. followed                  C. worked                    D. paid

42. A. poor                  B. bright                      C. dull                         D. active

43. A. picking out         B. getting along with     C. looking after            D. making fun of

44. A. only if               B. just as                      C. as if                        D. even though

45. A. fixed                 B. closed                     C. held                        D. called

46. A. delay                 B. fail                         C. fight                       D. offend

47. A. permanent          B. frequent                  C. instant                     D. temporary

48. A. aims                   B. targets                      C. reasons                    D. challenges

49. A. sport                  B. subject                    C. action                      D. field

50. A. moved               B. won                        C. missed                     D. found

51. A. slightly              B. weakly                    C. heavily                    D. openly

52. A. songs                 B. voices                      C. whispers                  D. words

53. A. good                  B. angry                       C. strict                       D. serious

54. A. still                   B. even                        C. yet                          D. thus

55. A. pride                 B. joy                          C. shame                     D. happiness


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1~15各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Practice, practice, and practice! That’s how Tiger Woods became a champion golfer.

Tiger Woods   1   golf when he was very young.   2   with other children of his age, he showed special interest in golf. Finding that his son had a    3   for this game, Tiger’s father decided to train him on his own. To his father’s surprise, Tiger was a (n)   4   golfer even at the age of 6.

However, being a child, Tiger couldn’t focus all the time, but he never gave up. Tiger listened to soft music to improve his   5   . His father helped him learn to focus in spite of the   6   . Sometimes his father stood in front of Tiger and said, “I’m a tree in your way. ” He would have to hit the ball over his father. Sometimes his father would dance and sing when it was Tiger’s turn to hit and Tiger had to focus on the   7   .

The training helped him. Once a   8   made a loud noise while Tiger was playing. He said he never heard the broadcast because he was so  9  on the game. Tiger cannot stand losing. If he loses, he will go out and  10 

even harder in order not to make the same mistake.

In the year 2000, when he was 24 years old, he  11  four major golf competitions—the US Open, the US Amateur, the British Open and the British Amateur. But during the 2008 season it became clear that Tiger was  12   pain in his knee. In April his left knee was operated on and he  13  the PGA tour season. After an eight-month period of  14  he returned to play again in February 2009. He didn’t make his fans  15  . He won again.

He is so much better than the other golfers that some say he is the greatest golfer to ever play the game.

1. A. looked up

2. A. Dealt

3. A. trick

4. A. lucky

5. A. confidence

6. A. failure

7. A. music

8. A. teammate

9. A. curious

10. A. cry

11. A. judged

12. A. examining

13. A. missed

14. A. research

15. A. worried

B. set up

B. Compared

B. plan

B. common

B. strength

B. carelessness

B. ball

B. teacher

B. quick

B. practice

B. watched

B. avoiding

B. offered

B. traveling

B. troubled

C. took up

C. Living

C. skill

C. amazing

C. patience

C. determination

C. coach

C. radio

C. serious

C. think

C. conducted

C. suffering

C. escaped

C. learning

C. surprised

D. gave up

D. Competing

D. gift

D. careful

D. energy

D. disturbance

D. ground

D. fan

D. focused

D. argue

D. won

D. reducing

D. joined

D. rest

D. disappointed


The school was across the street from my home and I could watch the kids as they played during the 1  .A girl seemed so small that she pushed her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. She   2 from them all.   ’

I began to notice her at other times, basketball 3 , playing alone . She would practice dribbling(运球)and shooting over and over again, sometimes until dark. One day I asked her 4 she practiced so much. She looked 5  in my eyes and without a moment of  6  she said, ‘‘I want to go to college. The only way I can go is if I get a(an) 7  ,I am going to go to college to play basketball. My Daddy told me if the dream is big enough, the facts don’t  8 . ”

Well, I had to   9 to her.—she was determined. One day, I saw her sitting in the grass, head  10 in her arms. I walked toward her and quietly asked what was the matter. ‘‘Oh, nothing, "came a soft reply. ‘‘I am just too  11 . ”The coach told her that at her height it was   12 for her to get to play for a top ranked team much 13 offered a scholarship. So she should stop dreaming about college.

She was heartbroken and I  14 her disappointment. I asked her if she had talked to her dad about it yet. She told me that her father said those coaches were 15  .

They just did not understand the  16  of a dream. He told her that if she really wanted to play for a good college, if she really wanted a scholarship,  17 could stop her except one thing—her own  18 .

The next year, when she and her team went to the Northern California Championship game, she was seen by a college coach. She was indeed 19 _ with a scholarship. She was going to get the college education that she had dreamed of and worked   20  it for all those years.

1.   B. match     C. test      D. break

2. A. turned up B. stood out    C. made out    D. picked out

3. A. at hand  B. in hand     C n the hand   D. by hand

4. A. that    B. how      C. why      D. whether

5. A. impatiently          B. bitterly    C. casually  D. directly

6. A. hesitation          B. glance     C. fear  D. argument

7. A. job     B. reputation   C. scholarship    D. occupation

8. A. disappear          B. happen     C. matter      D. exist

9. A. give up   B. give in    C. give out    D.give away

10. A. showed  B. buried    C. turned     D nodded

11. A. short   B. flexible    C. unique     D. tall

12. A. important B. necessary   C. possible    D. impossible

13. A. too    B. more      C. less      D. as

14. A. imagined B. doubted    C. sensed     D. removed

15. A. incorrect B. cautious    C. strict     D. serious

16. A. nature  B. power     C. result     D. benefit

17. A. something          B. anything    C. nothing      D. everything                                                    

18. A. skill  B. thought    C. champion    D. award

19. A. provided B. requested   C. offered    D. gained

20. A. in     B. with      C. to       D. for


