come to terms with 甘心忍受.妥协 查看更多






1.When is it now?




2.What did the woman buy for her son?

A.A tie


C.A wallet.

3.What can we know about Mike?

A.He has finished his homework.

B.He is cleaning the park.

C.He is playing in his bedroom.

4.Why isn't the woman satisfied with the fish?

A.It's served too late.

B.It doesn't taste good.

C.It's too cold.

5.What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Complete a form.

B.Help her carry a bag.

C.Act in a film.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At the booking office.

B.In the post office.

C.At the entrance to the cinema.

7.Why does the man accept the woman's request?

A.The dog is actually very clever.

B.The woman has a ticket for the dog.

C.There’re few people in the cinema.


8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee.

B.Boss and secretary.

C.Doctor and nurse.

9.What was the woman a year ago?

A.A nurse.

B.A bank clerk.

C.A secretary.

10.When did the woman come to London?

A.Last December.

B.Last November.

C.Last September.


11.Where is the man asked to make a stop?

A.At the 16th street.

B.At Battery Park.

C.At Union Square.

12.Who is waiting for the woman?

A.The woman's husband.

B.The woman's friend.

C.The woman's mother.

13.What can we know about the man?

A.He turned left at the next corner.

B.He likes driving the taxi fast.

C.He got to the bookshop in ten minutes.


14.What was the purpose of the man's visit to the garden?

A.To learn more about plants.

B.To write an article on gardens.

C.To take some photos of flowers.

15.What do we know about Mrs.White?

A.She grows most of ter planst from seeds.

B.She gets most of her plants from her friends.

C.She buys most of her plants from a market.

16.When did Mrs.White become interested in gardening?

A.In 1985

B.In 1990

C.In 1995


17.Where did the story happen?

A.In America.

B.In England.

C.In Australia.

18.Why did Jack stop his car?

A.The road was too narrow for both cars to pass at the same time.

B.There was something wrong with his car.

C.He wanted to see who the driver was.

19.What did Jack do when he had read the newspaper again?

A.Drive to the City Bank.

B.Make a telephone call.

C.Hurry to the police station.

20.What do we know from the text?

A.Jack helped the police catch the wanted man.

B.The wanted man was still at large now.

C.The man in the red car looked much like the wanted one.


完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Once upon a time, there were two men. One was hard-working and had a lot of   31   and perseverance (坚定不移), while the other was   32   and never did any work. One night, they decided to have a competition between them. The contest was simple: the   33  person to see daylight would be the winner, and the winner would  34   a prize. Both men agree to do it, and the competition started.
The hard-working man immediately  35  and ran towards the west after the sun, while the lazy man just sat there and   36 . The hard-working man, looking at the competitor,  37  at his foolishness and kept going at his quick pace. Running through the jungles, swimming  38   the rivers and seas, and he kept running and running,  39  that he would reach his goal sooner or later. Meanwhile, the lazy man was still sleeping.
The hard-working man had been   40  for 6 hours already, and he was surprised that he still had not   41   daylight. Thinking it would be just around the corner, he  42  on running until he finally came back to where he started, 24 hours   43  . Upon arriving, he saw the lazy man seated there, smiling and waiting for him, holding the  44  he earned.
The hard-working man was   45   how this lazy man could earn it ---he hadn't done anything at all! Then the lazy man said," You are   46  a persevering and patient man, but you were running towards the   47  , running after the sun that kept moving away from your  48   whereas I just waited for the sun to come to me. You were lucky. If I had decided to  49   you and not to tell you, you would be continuing this pursuit (追赶) till your death." The hard-working man knew in his heart that the lazy man was right.
Sometimes, perseverance can   50  you from the truth that what you are doing is wrong.
31. A. hobbies            B. ideas                      C. patience               D. money
32. A. lazy                B. patient                 C. kind-hearted             D. hard-working
33. A. last                B. first                         C. second                D. only
34. A. accept                B. keep                       C. win                   D. defeat
35. A. set in               B. set aside               C. set up                 D. set out
36. A. worked              B. drank                      C. slept                  D. played
37. A. laughed               B. glared                    C. stared                D. looked
38. A. across               B. through                 C. over                   D. past
39. A. representing         B. believing                C. emphasizing            D. complaining
40. A. swimming            B. jumping                 C. resting                 D. running
41. A. admired             B. invented                C. found                  D. realized
42. A. commented          B. carried                            C. figured                 D. depended
43. A. before               B. later                       C. next                  D. further
44. A. money             B. medal                     C. prize                  D. gold
45. A. believing             B. recognizing           C. discussing               D. wondering
46. A. true                B. indeed                    C. certain                 D. hardly
47. A. west                  B. east                        C. north                 D. south
48. A. ears                   B. hands         C. sight                           D. mind     
49. A. hide from             B. learn from      C. keep from              D. come from   
50. A. make                  B. let             C. blind                          D. protect  


I would appreciate _______if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say “Hello” to her.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


He didn’t tell me ______ he would come to my party.

A.if B.whereC.whatD.that


We are going on a long train journey. Out of the windows, we can see cars running on nearby highways, children waving at a crossing, cattle grazing(吃草) on a distant hillside, smoke pouring from factories, village houses and city skylines.
But   36  in our minds is the final destination(目的地). On a certain day at a certain hour, we will  37  into the station. Bands will be playing and flags   38  . Once we get there, so many wonderful dreams will   39  and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a(n)   40   jigsaw(拼图) puzzle. How restlessly we pace the aisles(过道), damning(诅咒) the minutes for waiting, waiting for the station.
“When we reach the  41  , that will be it!” We cry “When I am 18.” “When I  42  a new 450SL Mercedes Benz!” “When I put the   43  kid through college.” “When I have   44  off the debts!” “When I get a promotion(提升).” “When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live   45  ever after!”
  46  , we come to realize that there is no such station as we arrive at once and for all. The  47  joy of life is the trip. The station is only a dream. It   48  leaves us behind.
“Cherish(珍视) the moment” is a good   49  . It is the burdens(负担) of today that drive us to keep on   50  . And it is the regrets over yesterday that motivate(激发) us to overcome the   51  and look forward to the future.
So   52  pacing the aisles and counting the miles.   53  , climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot(赤脚) more   54  , swim more rivers, watch more sunsets, laugh more and cry less. Life must be lived   55  we go along. The station will come soon enough.
【小题1】A hidden      B faint      C deep      D buried
【小题2】A pull      B get      C approach      D arrive
【小题3】 A floating      B waving      C raising      D shaking
【小题4】A come up      B come around      C come out      D come true
【小题5】A divided      B separated      C completed      D united
【小题6】A station     B age      C target      D point
【小题7】A borrow      B buy      C order      D rent
【小题8】A first      B best      C last      D eldest
【小题9】A cut      B left      C taken      D paid
【小题10】A happily      B fully      C anxiously      D freely
【小题11】A Believe it or not      B Sooner or later      C Once again      D All at once
【小题12】A simple      B basic      C true      D final
【小题13】A eventually(最后)      B accidentally      C instantly      D constantly
【小题14】A motto(箴言)      B sentence      C concept     D slogan(标语)
【小题15】A pushing      B trying      C working      D sticking
【小题16】A effort      B mistake      C challenge      D fault
【小题17】A consider      B stop      C go on      D plan on
【小题18】A Besides      B Thus      C However      D Instead
【小题19】A often      B gently      C quickly      D slowly
【小题20】A if      B unless      C as      D once

