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Researchers have just offered evidence in a study that says obesity appears to spread through social ties, much like a virus. When one person gains weight, their close friends often follow. But the findings might also offer hope.

If friends help make obesity acceptable, then they might also be influential in losing the fat. The researchers note that support groups are already an effective tool in dealing with other socially influenced problems, like alcoholism.

The findings appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers used information collected from? 12 000 people. It was collected between 1971 and 2003 as part of the Framingham Heart Study.

The information was highly detailed. There was even contact information for close friends of the people in the study.

The researchers examined more than 40 000 social ties. They found that a person’s chances of becoming severely overweight increased by 57% if a friend had become obese.

A sister or brother of a person who became obese had a 40% increased chance of becoming obese. The risk for a wife or husband was a little less than that.

Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School was a lead investigator in the study. He says there is a direct causal relationship between a person getting fat and being followed in weight gain by a friend.

The study found that the sex of the friends was also an influence. In same—sex friendships, a person had a 71% increased risk of becoming obese. Men had a 44% increased risk of becoming obese after weight gain in a brother. In sisters, it was 67%.

The researchers also considered the effect of where people lived in  relation to each other. James Fowler of the University of California,San Diego, was the other lead investigator. He says a friend who lives a few hundred kilometers away has as much influence as one in the same neighborhood. He says the study demonstrates the need to consider that a major part of people’s health is tied to their social connections.

Both investigators say their research shows that obesity is not just a private medical issue, but a public health problem.

59.What does the underlined sentence in Para. 2 mean?

A.Obesity has a negative influence on a close friend.

B.Friends might also play a part in losing weight.

C.One might have a positive influence on one’s friend.

D.Friends usually don’t follow each other to lose weight.

60.Who is mostly likely to gain weight?

A.A man who has a fat brother.        B.A husband who has a fat wife.

C.A wife who has a fat husband.        D.A woman who a fat female friend.

61.Which of the following statements doesn’t the passage agree with?

A.You are sure to lose weight if you have a skinny friend.

B.If one gains weight, one’s friends are likely to get fat.

C.A person’s health is closely linked with his/her social relationship.

D.Even if the friend lives far away, the influence still remains.

62.The reason why the study involves both family members and friends is that_______

A.researchers fail to find a more different sample

B.researchers have different ideas for family members and friends

C.researchers can meet these people regularly

D.researchers can compare the results



Nothing is more important than health, so it is unwise to build up our business ________ our health.

    A. at the mercy of                     B. at the expense of

    C. in face of                          D. in relation to



Nowadays, many people walk to work ________ Copenhagen Conference calling for living a low-carbon lifestyle to deal with global warming. relation response addition opposition to


Researchers have just offered evidence in a study that says obesity appears to spread through social ties, much like a virus. When one person gains weight, their close friends often follow. But the findings might also offer hope.
If friends help make obesity acceptable, then they might also be influential in losing the fat. The researchers note that support groups are already an effective tool in dealing with other socially influenced problems, like alcoholism.
The findings appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers used information collected from? 12 000 people. It was collected between 1971 and 2003 as part of the Framingham Heart Study.
The information was highly detailed. There was even contact information for close friends of the people in the study.
The researchers examined more than 40 000 social ties. They found that a person’s chances of becoming severely overweight increased by 57% if a friend had become obese.
A sister or brother of a person who became obese had a 40% increased chance of becoming obese. The risk for a wife or husband was a little less than that.
Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School was a lead investigator in the study. He says there is a direct causal relationship between a person getting fat and being followed in weight gain by a friend.
The study found that the sex of the friends was also an influence. In same—sex friendships, a person had a 71% increased risk of becoming obese. Men had a 44% increased risk of becoming obese after weight gain in a brother. In sisters, it was 67%.
The researchers also considered the effect of where people lived in  relation to each other. James Fowler of the University of California,San Diego, was the other lead investigator. He says a friend who lives a few hundred kilometers away has as much influence as one in the same neighborhood. He says the study demonstrates the need to consider that a major part of people’s health is tied to their social connections.
Both investigators say their research shows that obesity is not just a private medical issue, but a public health problem.
59.What does the underlined sentence in Para. 2 mean?
A.Obesity has a negative influence on a close friend.
B.Friends might also play a part in losing weight.
C.One might have a positive influence on one’s friend.
D.Friends usually don’t follow each other to lose weight.
60.Who is mostly likely to gain weight?
A.A man who has a fat brother.        B.A husband who has a fat wife.
C.A wife who has a fat husband.        D.A woman who a fat female friend.
61.Which of the following statements doesn’t the passage agree with?
A.You are sure to lose weight if you have a skinny friend.
B.If one gains weight, one’s friends are likely to get fat.
C.A person’s health is closely linked with his/her social relationship.
D.Even if the friend lives far away, the influence still remains.
62.The reason why the study involves both family members and friends is that_______
A.researchers fail to find a more different sample
B.researchers have different ideas for family members and friends
C.researchers can meet these people regularly
D.researchers can compare the results


New genetic analysis has revealed that many Amazon tree species are likely to survive human-made climate warming in the coming century, contrary to previous findings that temperature increases would cause them to die out. A study,   1  in the latest edition of Ecology and Evolution, reveals the   2  age of some Amazonian tree species -- more than 8 million years -- and   3  shows that they have survived previous periods as warm as many of the global warming imagined periods   4  for the year 2100.

The authors write that, having survived warm periods in the past, the trees will   5  survive future warming, provided there are no other major environmental changes.   6  extreme droughts and forest fires will impact Amazonia as temperatures   7 , the trees will stand the direct impact of higher temperatures. The authors   8  that as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimize the risk of drought and fire, conservation policy should remain   9  on preventing deforestation(采伐森林)for agriculture and mining.

The study disagrees with other recent researches which predicted tree species’ extinctions   10  relatively small increases in global average air temperatures.

Study co-author Dr Simon Lewis (UCL Geography) said the   11  were good news for Amazon tree species, but warned that drought and over-exploitation of the forest remained major   12  to the Amazon’s future.

Dr Lewis said: “The past cannot be compared directly with the future. while tree species seem likely to   13  higher air temperatures than today, the Amazon forest is being transformed for agriculture and   14 , and what remains is being degraded by logging, and increasingly split up by fields and roads.

“Species will not move as freely in today’s Amazon as they did in previous warm periods, when there was no human   15 . Similarly, today’s climate change is extremely fast, making comparisons with slower changes in the past   16 .”

“With a clearer   17  of the relative risks to the Amazon forest, we   18  that direct human impacts -- such as forest clearances for agriculture or mining -- should remain a key point of conservation policy. We also need more aggressive   19  to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to make minimum the risk of drought and fire impacts and   20  the future of most Amazon tree species.”

1.                A.advertised      B.described       C.published D.presented


2.                A.frightening      B.surprising       C.exciting   D.interesting


3.                A.still            B.nevertheless     C.however  D.therefore


4.                A.assess          B.confirm         C.forecast  D.promise


5.                A.particularly      B.probably        C.merely   D.possibly


6.                A.Since          B.Although        C.When    D.If


7.                A.rise            B.change         C.drop D.end


8.                A.consider        B.decide         C.guarantee D.recommend


9.                A.based          B.built           C.focused  D.made


10.      relation to response to reply to reference to


11.               A.findings        B.thoughts        C.inventions D.writings


12.               A.threats         B.disadvantages    C.embarrassments D.instructions


13.               A.accept         B.tolerate        C.permit    D.Require


14.               A.farming        B.planting   D.mining


15.               A.power         B.influence       C.desire D.violence


16.               A.difficult        B.clear           C.easy  D.important


17.               A.belief          B.direction       C.understanding  D.suggestion


18.               A.doubt          B.conclude       C.calculate  D.prefer


19.               A.thought        B.guidance D.action


20.              B.advance        C.sacrifice   D.evaluate



