jommey, voyage, tour, travel, trip (1) journey n. “旅行.旅程 .指陆地的远程旅行. At first I was afraid the long joumey was too much for her. I wish you a good journey. 祝你一路平安. (2) tour n. 常指观光.考察等的环游旅行. They fire on a wedding tour. 他们正在新婚旅行. (3) trip n. “旅行 .指来往有定的短距离旅行. I enjoy our trip to the seaside. I can't afford a trip to Korea. (4) voyage n.“旅行 .指距离较长的漫长旅行.也可 指空中旅行. He made a long voyage t0 Africa. (5) travel泛指旅行各地.表示“旅行的路途远.时问 长 . He came home after years 0f foreign travel. 多年在旧外旅行之后他回来r. 查看更多




  It is unbelievable how popular English is in Venezuela(委内瑞拉).Now we have a kind of language mixture between English and Spanish.

  In the Venezuelans’ daily conversations, they often use English words with Spanish verb endings.For example, if they send a fax(传真), they use the word faxear, or if they have to click on the screen of their computer, they say clickear.

  Also, they use simple English words in some Spanish sentences.You might hear someone say, “Voy a comprar unos jeans in el mall”which means“I’m going to buy some jeans in the mall,”or“Okey, vamos”which means“OK, let’s go”.

  In addition, you see English names everywhere for restaurants, Crystal Ranch, stores, Area Company, gymnasiums, Sport Center, Athletic Center, malls, The Country, and night clubs, Studio Fifty Four.In Caracas(加拉加斯), there is a very fashionable neighborhood named Las Merce des, where each street has an American name like New York or Fifth Avenue.Therefore, when you go shopping, you can see signs in English in the windows of stores, such as On Sale.

  In some Latin American countries, the increasing influence(影响)of English is a question often argued about.But in Venezuela, however, this is not the case.Venezuelans are open to receiving different cultural influences such as European fashion(时装)and British music.Moreover, many Venezuelans don’t know where the words come from.They have been using them for years as a part of their language.


Which language do Venezuelans usually speak, judging from the information given in the article?

[  ]








We cannot know.


From the third paragraph we can know that ________.

[  ]


Venezuelans can’t speak English well


there’re no words for“jeans”or“mall”in Spanish


Spanish sentences are often based on English


English words are often heard in Venezuelans’ speech


The last sentence of the article seems to support the point that ________.

[  ]


Venezuelans care little about cultural influence


Venezuelans’ own language is going to die away


English words are popular in Venezuela because the users don’t know they are English


it’s time for Venezuelans to do something to keep their mother tongue alive



  It is unbelievable how popular English is in Venezuela (委内瑞拉). Now we have a kind of language mixture between English and Spanish.

  In the Venezuelans' daily conversations, they often use English words with Spanish verb endings. For example, if they send a fax, they use the word faxear, or if they have to click on the screen of their computer, they say clickear.

  Also, they use simple English words in some Spanish sentences. You might hear someone say,“Voy a comprar unos jeans in el mall”which means“I'm going to buy some jeans in the mall,”or“Okey, vamos”which means“OK, let's go.”

  In addition, you see English names everywhere for restaurants--Crystal Ranch, stores--Area Company, gymnasiums--Sport Center, Althletic Center, malls--The Country, and night clubs--Studio Fifty Four. In Caracas(加拉加斯), there is very fashionable neighborhood named Las Merce des, where each street has an American name like New York or Fifth Avenue. Therefore, when you go shopping, you can see signs in English in the windows of stores, such as On Sale.

  In some Latin American countries, the increasing influence of English is a question often argued about. But in Venzuela, however, this is not the case. Venezuelans are open to receiving different cultural influences such as European fashion (时装) and British music. Moreover, many Venezuelans don't know where the words come from: they have been using them for years as a part of their language.

1.Which language do Venezuelans usually speak, judging from the information given in the article?

[  ]

A.English.      B.Spanish.

C.Latin.       D.We cannot know.

2.In the second paragraph the writer is trying to make the point that _____.

[  ]

A.Venezuelans often use English words in a Spanish way

B.“fax”can be used both as a noun and a verb

C.“fax”and“click”are two of the English words most popularly used in Venezuela

D.“-ear”is a verb ending in Spanish

3.From the third paragraph we can know that _____.

[  ]

A.Venezuelans can't speak English well

B.there're no words for“jeans”or“mall”in Spanish

C.Spanish sentences are often based on English

D.English words are often heard in Venezuelans' speech

4.The last sentence of the article seems to support the point that _____.

[  ]

A.Venezuelans care little about cultural influence

B.Venezuelans' own language is going to die away

C.English words are popular in Venezuela because the users don't know they are English's time for Venezuelas to do something to keep their mother tongue alive

