lose 减肥 查看更多




Losing weight
Dear Health Expert,
I have got a problem and I need to ask for your help._______________________________________
On the one hand, I want to lose some weight; on the other hand, I don’t want to risk my health. I don’t
know what I should do. Could you be kind enough to give me some good advice?
Best wishes!
Xiao Ming












Losing weight

Dear Health Expert,

I have got a problem and I need to ask for your help._______________________________________







On the one hand, I want to lose some weight; on the other hand, I don’t want to risk my health. I don’t

know what I should do. Could you be kind enough to give me some good advice?

Best wishes!

Xiao Ming



From:   Xiaoming@yaohoo.com
To:     Healthexpert@163.com
Subject:  Losing weight
Dear Health Expert, I have got a problem and I need to ask for your help.
     On the one hand, I want to lose some weight; on the other hand, I don’t want to risk my health. I don’t
know what I should do. Could you be kind enough to give me some good advice?
      Best wishes!
                                                                                                                                           Xiao Ming



Jenny loves office work but it’s hard on her figure. All those sandwich lunches and her sweet tooth added up to extrapounds till Jenny started slimming (减肥) with Bisks.

Every lunchtime she’d have a Bisks chocolate bar with a glass of milk. It filled her up and satisfied her longing for sweet things. And it was all so convenient. She watched what she ate at her other meals and soon she was losing weight. Now Jenny’s feeling and looking so good even her boss notice the difference.

That was her proof that Bisks work.


A lively little girl and a hungry husband meant Elizabeth always cooked big, filling meals. And when she cooked them, she couldn’t resist eating them, which led to her weight out of hand. So Elizabeth tried slimming with Bisks.

Bisks offered her 24 different flavours of biscuits and chocolate, some sweet and some savoury(咸辣的). When she ate them instead of a meal they were really filling and satisfying. She hardly ever felt hungry and soon she began to lose weight.

Now Elizabeth’s back to what she weighed at her wedding.

And she knows that Bisks work.


Sue’s first year at college was her first opportunity to cook for herself. Only she didn’t. She ate whatever the dining room had to offer. Pretty soon, Sue had a weight problem. A problem she worked out with Bisks.

Sue had Bisks instead of a meal—easy because there was nothing to cook. The Bisks flavours were so delicious. She really enjoyed them. And she ate more sensibly at her other meals.

In a few weeks Sue had lost her extra weight. Now she’s even taking a class in cooking!

That’s proof that Bisks work.

1. What is the passage?

A. A story.                         B. A book review.

C. An advertisement.                   D. A scientific article.

2. Bisks suit Jenny because _______.

A. they filled her up and satisfied her sweet tooth

B. they were easy to eat

C. they were cheap

D. they satisfied her boss

3. When did Sue start going to cooking lesson?

A. When she entered college.

B. When she had a weight problem.

C. When she didn’t enjoy Bisks.

D. When she’d lost her extra weight.

4. The main purpose of the passage is to_______.

A. give proof that Bisks work in slimming

B. ask people to pay attention to their figures while working

C. show people how many different flavours of biscuits and chocolate Bisks can offer

D. ask people not to cook by themselves

5. From the passage, we can infer that the writer clearly aims at _______.

A. young readers       B. women readers     C. men readers           D. old readers




Jenny loves office work but it’s hard on her figure. All those sandwich lunches and her sweet tooth added up to extrapounds till Jenny started slimming (减肥) with Bisks.

Every lunchtime she’d have a Bisks chocolate bar with a glass of milk. It filled her up and satisfied her longing for sweet things. And it was all so convenient. She watched what she ate at her other meals and soon she was losing weight. Now Jenny’s feeling and looking so good even her boss notice the difference.

That was her proof that Bisks work.


A lively little girl and a hungry husband meant Elizabeth always cooked big, filling meals. And when she cooked them, she couldn’t resist eating them, which led to her weight out of hand. So Elizabeth tried slimming with Bisks.

Bisks offered her 24 different flavours of biscuits and chocolate, some sweet and some savoury(咸辣的). When she ate them instead of a meal they were really filling and satisfying. She hardly ever felt hungry and soon she began to lose weight.

Now Elizabeth’s back to what she weighed at her wedding.

And she knows that Bisks work.


Sue’s first year at college was her first opportunity to cook for herself. Only she didn’t. She ate whatever the dining room had to offer. Pretty soon, Sue had a weight problem. A problem she worked out with Bisks.

Sue had Bisks instead of a meal—easy because there was nothing to cook. The Bisks flavours were so delicious. She really enjoyed them. And she ate more sensibly at her other meals.

In a few weeks Sue had lost her extra weight. Now she’s even taking a class in cooking!

That’s proof that Bisks work.

1. What is the passage?

A. A story.                         B. A book review.

C. An advertisement.                   D. A scientific article.

2. Bisks suit Jenny because _______.

A. they filled her up and satisfied her sweet tooth

B. they were easy to eat

C. they were cheap

D. they satisfied her boss

3. When did Sue start going to cooking lesson?

A. When she entered college.

B. When she had a weight problem.

C. When she didn’t enjoy Bisks.

D. When she’d lost her extra weight.

4. The main purpose of the passage is to_______.

A. give proof that Bisks work in slimming

B. ask people to pay attention to their figures while working

C. show people how many different flavours of biscuits and chocolate Bisks can offer

D. ask people not to cook by themselves

5. From the passage, we can infer that the writer clearly aims at _______.

A. young readers       B. women readers     C. men readers           D. old readers


