(北京市八一中学2010届高三月考) -Peter was so excited he received art invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing. A.where B.that C.why D.when 答案:D 查看更多



There’s a time to get angry, and it’s best for your child if you do. Let’s say your child hits a playmate with a toy hard enough to make the other child cry. How can you teach your child to feel sorry so he or she won’t do it again? Researchers say the best way for parents to react(反应)is to show their anger and to let the child know exactly why they are mad.

  Many parents believe that it is best to control their feelings and to wait until they’re calm before scolding their children. But the mother or father who explains reasonably to a child , “Peter was crying because you hit him,” is not likely to attract much attention. Young children need to be scolded immediately, and strongly, before they’ll take criticism (批评)to heart.

  When your young child does something wrong, scold him or her seriously at once. At the same time be sure to tell the child clearly what he or she has done wrong. An angry reaction without an immediate explanation does little good. Forbidding a child to play outside or not allowing him to watch TV as a punishment works well-but only when taken together with an explanation. Make sure your child understands that although his or her wrongdoing has made you angry, you still love him or her. Use simple, direct words such as, “You hurt peter. How would you feel if he hit you? You must never, never hurt people.” If your voice expresses strong feeling clearly, your message will carry enough weight.

1.According to researchers, how should parents react when their child did something wrong?

A.Ask the child not to do it again any time.

B.Show the child how angry they are and tell him why.

C.Teach the child why and how to say sorry to others.

D.Let the child know you still love hime or her.

2.What do many parents think they should do with the wrongdoer?

A.Calm themselves down before scolding him.

B.Hide their feelings when talking to him.

C.Explain immediately why he was wrong.

D.Speak strongly and angrily to him.

3.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Different Ways to Deal with Children’s Wrongdoings

B.Differences among Parents in Dealing with Children

C.Best Ways to Stop Children’s Wrongdoings

D.Research on Preventing Children from Hurting Others






第一节  短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Peter was a warm-hearted boy. He is always ready to help others.      

On the morning of last Friday, Peter went to school as u­­­­­­­­­­________.     76.________

He was walking along the road _______ he saw a well uncovered.     77._____________

He thought it was ________ (危险的) for passers-by, so he decided to         78._____________

cover the well. The cover was ______ heavy that he took great trouble       79._____________

to remove it. At last he m______ to cover the well. Hardly had he turned    80._____________

his back and gone when he heard a cry “help” c______ from the well. 81._____________

So he turned back and moved the cover away. To his ______ (惊奇), a 82._____________

worker was inside the well. Peter tried his best to ______ (拉)the worker   83._____________

out of the well. After that, Peter covered the well again properly.    

As he was walking away, he thought to h_______ , “No matter             84._____________

______ I do later, I should always remember to have a double check.”         85.__________




1.        Tommy has the basic knowledge of American literature. He wants to take a course which can help him read more famous works about American literature.

2.        Kate likes to read literature works and she has many opinions after reading, but she doesn’t know how to express her idea properly.

3.        Jerry wants to write some articles to show the significance of researching literature today. He is looking for a course which can help him.

4.         Helen wants to become a famous writer in the future. She is eager to take a course which can help her realize her dream.

5.        Peter was ill last term and missed a lot of lessons in American literature. He wants to take a course which can give him an outline of it.

A.American Comments

The course is a study of how to write literature comments through some vivid examples. We believe that practice makes perfect. Only by following our examples can you acquire your ability on literature comments.

B.Works of Some Famous American Writers

Works of Some Famous American Writers show us the introductions to eleven famous writers and their works and also give us some comments on the works.

C.Detailed Reading of American Literature

Detailed Reading of American Literature is a course which focuses on some important and moving details in the works of American literature. It will analyse the details.

D.Story and Plot

It is a course which analyses the setting of the main plots in some famous stories. The aim of this course is to help those who want to become writers in the future.

E.Characters and Life

As you know, literature comes from our life, but it is more than our life. This course will analyse the personalities of some important characters in the world literature, and combine the analysis with our life. It will help us gain wisdom from the characters.

F.A Look at American Literature

A Look at American Literature is a course which gives us a brief outline of American Literature. Our classes are organized in small size and given by professors who are expert in American literature.



Peter was so excited________he received an invitation from his friend to visit 


A.where            B.that              C.why              D.when



A. A Look at American Literature
A Look at American Literature is a course which gives us a brief outline of American Literature.
B. Works of Some Famous American Writers
Works of Some Famous American Writers show us the introductions to eleven famous writers and their works and also give us some comments on the works.
C. Detailed Reading of American Literature
Detailed Reading of American Literature is a course which focuses on some important and moving details in the works of American literature. It will analyse the detail.
D. Story and Plot
It’s a course which analyses the setting of the main plots in some famous stories. The aim of this course is to help those who want to become writers in the future.
E. Characters and Life
As you know, literature comes from our life, but it’s more than our life. This course will analyze the personalities of some important characters in the world literature, and combine the analysis with our life. It will help us gain wisdom from the characters.
F. Literature Comments
The course is a study of how to write literature comments through some vivid examples.
Helen wants to become a famous writer in the future. She is eager to take a course which can help her realize her dream.
Peter was ill last term and missed a lot of lessons in American literature. He wants to take a course which can give him an outline of it.
Kate likes to read literature works and she has many opinions after reading, but she doesn’t know how to express her ideas properly.
Tommy has the basic knowledge of American literature. He wants to take a course which can help him read more famous works about American literature.
Jerry wants to write some articles to show the significance of researching literature today. He is looking for a course which can help him.
待选课程学生                        课程名称
【小题1】 Helen              A.  A Look at American Literature
【小题2】Peter               B.  Works of Some Famous American Writers
【小题3】 Kate               C.  Detailed Reading of American Literature
【小题4】 Tommy              D.  Story and Plot
【小题5】Jerry               E.  Characters and Life
F.  Literature Comments

