2.(湖南省衡阳市八中2010届高三上学期第一次月考) - That boy enjoys drawing very much. - , I have never seen anyone else who is as enthusiastic about drawing as he is. A. As long as I have traveled B. Traveled so much as I have C. As I have traveled so much D. Much as I have traveled 答案 D 查看更多



—Tom’s mistakes in the exam are almost as ______ as Jack’s.
—I know that boy. He’s ______ than Jack.

A.much; no more carefulB.much; not more careful
C.many; no more carefulD.many; not more careful



A girl used to turn her cell phone off and put it by her photo on the desk every night before going to bed. This habit has been with her ever since she the cellphone.

The girl had a boyfriend .When they couldn’t ,they would either call or send messages to each other.They both liked the type of.

One night the boy really the girl. When he called her, however ,the girl’s cell phone was off because she was already. The next day , the boy asked the girl to her cell- phone on at night, because when he needed to reach her and could not, he would be

 From that day on ,the girl began a new. Her cell phone was never at night. Because she was afraid that she might not be able tothe phone ring in her sleep, she tried to very alert. As days went on, she became thinner and thinner. Slowly, a gap began tobetween them.

 The girl wanted to revive their relationship. One night, she called the boy. However , what she got was a sweet female : ”Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off.” The girl knew that her had just been turned off.

 After a long time, the girl had a new love. No matter how well they got along, the girl to get married . In the girl’s heart ,she always that boy’s words and the nightthat phone was power off.

One night, the girl fell ill. calling her parents, she dialed the new boy’s cell phone.The boy was already asleep but his cell phone was still .

Later the girl asked the boy, ”Why don’t you turn your cell phone off at night?”

 The boy answered “I’m afraid that if you need anything at night and aren’t able to find me, you will be worried ”.The girl finally the boy.

A.bought      B.used            C.had          D.left

A. meet       B.work           C.eat           D.rest

A.style       B.communication   C.emotion       D.habit

liked        B.missed           C.hated         D.needed

A.sleepy      B.tired             C.asleep        D.alone

A.remain     B.expose           C.leave         D.take

A.delighted   B.relieved          C.scared        D.worried

A.friend      B.habit             C.career        D.hobby

A.shut down  B.slowed down      C.broke  down  D.stepped down

A.see        B.feel             C.smell          D.hear

A.leave       B.take             C.stay          D.hold

A.form      B.fill              C.work          D.discount

A.person     B.voice            C.image         D.photo

A.phone     B.power           C.love           D.fan

A.pretended  B.agreed           C.decided        D.refused

A. realized   B.understood        C.remembered    D.appreciated

A.when      B.why             C.where         D.which

A.Apart from   B.As a result of     C.In place of      D.Instead of

A.on        B.off              C.away          D.in

A.left       B.married          C.visited         D.received


A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. Out of the nearly fifty men who come to apply, the man selected one and dismissed the others.
“I should like to know,” said a friend, “the reason you preferred that boy, who brought not a single letter—not a recommendation (介绍信),”
“You are wrong” said the gentleman. He had a great man. He wiped his feet at the door and closed the door after him, indicating that he was careful. He gave his seat immediately to that old man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful. He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questions, showing that he was polite and gentlemanly.
“ All the rest stepped over the book which I had purposely put on the floor.” He picked it up and placed it on the table; and he waited quietly for his turn instead of pushing and crowding.
When I asked to him, I noticed his tidy clothing, his neatly brushed hair, and his clean fingernails. “ Can’t you see that these things are excellent recommendations? I consider them more significant than letters.”
【小题1】A gentleman put an advertisement in a newspaper___________

A.in order to hire an office boy
B.so as to dismiss the others
C.in order to select one among the fifty applicants
D.so as to select one and dismiss the others
【小题2】The underlined word “indicating” probably means ________.
A.that isB.and of courseC.soD.suggesting
【小题3】___________ was the very person the gentleman preferred.
A.He who has a great many letters
B.He who had no letters
C.He who wiped his feet before entering the room
D.he who was careful, kind , polite and thoughtful
【小题4】The gentleman dismissed the other boys because_________.
A.they didn’t pick up the book lying on the floor
B.they pushed and crowded
C.they were impolite
D.all the above
【小题5】According to the passage, we know that the gentleman hired the boy______.
A.not by his letters but by his good manners
B.by the relationship between them
C.by the feelings
D.by his letters


Shay asked, “Do you think they’ll let me play?” Shay’s father knew that most of the boys would not want someone like Shay on their team, but the father also understood that if his son, mentally and physically disabled, were allowed to play, it would give him a much-needed sense of belonging and some confidence.

Shay’s father approached one of the boys on the field and asked if Shay could play, not expecting much. The boy looked around and said, “We’re losing by six runs (分) and the game is in the eighth inning (局).I guess he can be on our team and we’ll try to put him in to bat in the final inning.

Shay struggled over to the team’s bench and put on a team shirt with a broad smile and his father had a small tear in his eye and warmth in heart. The boys saw the father’s joy at his son being accepted.

In the bottom of the eighth inning, Shay’s team scored a few runs but was still behind by three. In the top of the final inning, Shay put on a glove and played in the field. Even though no hits came his way, he was obviously joyful just to be in the game and on the field. In the bottom of the final inning, Shay’s team scored again. Now, Shay was scheduled to be next at bat. Would they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?

Surprisingly, Shay was given the bat. Everyone knew that a hit was almost impossible. The first pitch (投) came and Shay missed. The pitcher again took a few steps forward to throw the ball softly towards Shay. As the pitch came in, Shay swung at the ball and hit a slow ground ball right back to the pitcher.

The pitcher could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman and Shay would have been out and that would have been the end of the game .Instead, the pitcher threw the ball right over the head of the first baseman, beyond the reach of all teammates, The audience and the players from both teams started screaming, “Shay, run to first! ” Never in his life had Shay ever run that far but made it to first base, wide-eyed and shocked..

Everyone should, “Run to second!” Catching his breath, Shay awkwardly ran towards second. By the time Shay rounded towards second base, the smallest guy on their team, who had a chance to be the hero for his team for the first time, could have thrown the ball to the second baseman, but he understood the pitcher’s intentions and he too intentionally threw the ball high and far over the third baseman’s head.

All were screaming,“Shay,Shay,Shay,all the way Shay.” Shay reached third base when one opposing player ran to help him and shouted, “Shay, run to third.” As Shay rounded third, all were on their feet, crying, “Shay, run home!”Shay ran to home, stepped on the home base and was cheered as the hero who the who won the game for his team.

That day, the boys from both teams helped bring a piece true love and humanity into this world. Shay didn’t make it to another summer and died that winter, having never forgotten being the hero and making his father so happy and coming home and seeing his mother tearfully hug her little hero of the day!


1.Not expecting much, Shay’s father still asked the boy if Shay could play, mainly because the father _________.

A. noticed some of the boys on the field were tired  

B. guessed his presence would affect the boy’s decision

C. learned some of the boys on the field knew Shay well

D. understood Shay did need a feeling of being accepted

2. In the bottom of the final inning Shay was given the bat because the boys _________.

A. believed they were sure to win the game     B. would like to help Shay enjoy the game

C. found Shay was so eager to be a winner      D. fell forced to give Shay another chance

3.The smallest boy threw the ball high and far over the third baseman’s head, probably because that boy ________.

A. was obviously aware of the pitcher’s purpose    

B. looked forward to winning the game for his team

C. failed to throw the ball to the second baseman     

D. saw that Shay already reached second base

4.Which of the following has nothing to do with Shay’s becoming the hero for his team?

A. The pitcher did not throw the ball to the first baseman.

B. The audience and the players from both teams cheered for him.

C. The opposing players failed to stop his running to home.

D. One of the opposing players ran to help him.

5.What to you think is the theme of the story?

A. True human nature could be realized in the way we treat each other.

B. Everyone has his own strength even if mentally or physically disabled.

C. Everyone can develop his team spirit in sports and please his parents.

D. The results of the game should not be the only concern of the players.



It is generally accepted that ________ boy must learn to stand up and fight like ________ man.????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? (2011·新课标全国,33)

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