11.(浙江省杭州高级中学2010届高三上学期第一次月考) The photo was taken stood the famous Bird’s Nest in Beijing during the Olympics. A. which B. in which C. where D. there 答案 C 查看更多



【小题1】The photo r____________ me of  France.
【小题2】John e______ his living by selling books when he was 10 years old
【小题3】The audience suddenly burst into l_____________ at the end of the funny story.
【小题4】To be h_______, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.
【小题5】___________(好奇心) drove Wang Peng inside.
【小题6】China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people ________ (欣赏) the moon and in China , enjoy mooncakes.
【小题7】You shouldn’t have had your son telling people______(谎言) here and there.
【小题8】He has lost lots of w_________ since he went on a diet .



1.The photo r____________ me of  France.

2.John e______ his living by selling books when he was 10 years old

3.The audience suddenly burst into l_____________ at the end of the funny story.

4.To be h_______, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.

5.___________(好奇心) drove Wang Peng inside.

6.China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people ________ (欣赏) the moon and in China , enjoy mooncakes.

7.You shouldn’t have had your son telling people______(谎言) here and there.

8.He has lost lots of w_________ since he went on a diet .



1. People with a poor memory often f________ things.

2. Spring is a s_________ when trees turn green and flowers open.

3. Don’t always d__________ on others. You should learn to rely on yourself.

4. George was born on June 1, so Children’s Day is also his b_____________.

5. With no adults around, it’s d__________ for children to swim in the river.

6. He caught a high f__________. His body temperature was as high as 40℃.

7. There are only five minutes left. We’ll have to walk q__________ to get there on time.

8. He is always happy and never w_________ about anything.

9. They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I a__________ it with delight.

10. The photo will r_______ me of the days when we were together.


1. People with a poor memory often f________ things.
2. Spring is a s_________ when trees turn green and flowers open.
3. Don't always d_________ on others. You should learn to rely on yourself.
4. George was born on June 1, so Children's Day is also his b_________.
5. With no adults around, it's d_________ for children to swim in the river.
6. He caught a high f________. His body temperature was as high as 40℃.
7. There are only five minutes left. We'll have to walk q________ to get there on time.
8. He is always happy and never w________ about anything.
9. They offered me a ticket for the concert, and I a________ it with delight.
10. The photo will r_______ me of the days when we were together.



It’s an image that might make Saddam Hussein proud.A frightened prisoner,head covered and dressed in rags,electrodes attached to the fingers of his out-strectched hands.He’s been forced to stand on a box and,if he falls off,his captors have told him that he’ll be electrocuted(触电致死).?

    The prisoner was an Iraqi and his torturers were American soldiers who were sent to the country to liberate the Iraqi people.This unpleasant image was one of a series of photographs leaked by a US soldier.He was working at a US Prisoner of War(POW) camp,which used to be Saddam’s punishment centre.Since the pictures were shown on the American news programmer “60 Minutes Ⅱ” on April 28,they have caused shock and anger in the US and abroad.Despite US President George W. Bush’s promise to punish the responsible soldiers,the country’s image in the Middle East could be damaged forever.?

   “The liberators are worse than the dictators,”said Abdel-Bari Atwan,editor of the Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi.“They have not just lost the hearts and minds of Iraqis but of people in all developing countries.”?

    UN secretary-General Kofi Annan said he was “deeply disturbed” by the pictures and hoped it was a single incident.However,similar photographs have appeared in British newspapers of British soldiers torturing Iraqis.?

Any kind of torture, or mistreatment of prisoners is forbidden under the Geneva Conventions.?

The first agreement was signed by 16 European countries in 1864 in Geneva,Switzerland.It was intended to protect wounded soldiers on land and limit human suffering in times of armed conflict.Further rules were added to cover the treatment of soldiers at sea,and prisoners of war.The entire set was accepted in 1949 and has since been accepted by nearly 200 countries.?

57.The passage is about________.?

A.how American soliders treated POWs?

B.America’s global image?

C.photos of POW mistreatment?

D.international reactions to the photos being released

58.Why might such photos make Saddam Hussein proud??

A.He could be crueler than the torturers in the photo.?

B.It showed the so-called liberators were worse than him.?

C.They were taken in his punishment centre.?

D.They could damage the image of the US in the Middle East forever.

59.According to the article,who had a hand in the mistreatments of Iraqi soldiers?

A.Saddam Hussein.            B.British soldiers.?

C.American soldiers.          D.Both B and C.?

60.Which of the following is wrong about the Geneva Conventions???

A.Over 200 countries have accepted the Conventions so far.?

B.They make sure wounded soldiers get proper treatment.?

C.They were named after the place where the first agreement was signed.?

D.The Conventions show that the US soldiers acted wrongly.

