29.(辽宁省大连24中2010届高三上学期期中考试) -When did the couple die? -It was on May 12 the earthquake hit WenChuan County. A.that B.which C.when D.what 答案 C 查看更多



Scientists in Canada say big ocean fish have almost disappeared from the world since the start of industrial fishing in the nineteen-fifties. The scientists found that population of large fish like tuna; swordfish and cod have dropped by ninety percent in the past fifty years.
The study took ten years. The researchers gathered records from fishing businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature published the findings.
The scientists say the common method called longline fishing is especially damaging to populations of large fish. This method involves many fishing lines connected to one boat. These wires can be close to one-hundred kilometers long. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks to catch fish.
Longline fishing is especially common in the Japanese fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish for every one-hundred hooks. The study says longline fishing boats now might catch one fish per hundred hooks.
The scientists say industrial fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the past. The study suggests that whole populations can disappear almost completely from new fishing areas within ten to fifteen years.
Ransom Myers of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia led the study with Boris Worm of Dalhousie and the University of Kiel in Germany. Mister Worm says the destruction could lead to a complete re-organization of ocean life systems. Mister Meyers says the decreased number of large fish is not the only worry. He says even populations that are able to reproduce do not get the chance to live long enough to grow as big as their ancestors(祖先). He says not only are there fewer big fish, they are smaller than those of the past.
American government scientists say even with the best efforts to protect fish populations, decreases are to be expected.
【小题1】Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.A story book.
B.A business magazine.
C.An environment report.
D.An economic survey.
【小题2】Big fish have gradually been disappearing especially because ________.
A.longline fishing method is used
B.sea water is getting polluted
C.mankind destroys the environment
D.governments don’t make the best efforts
【小题3】Which of the following shows the fact that the populations of large fish have dropped?
A.Today’s “large”fish are smaller than those of the past.
B.Longline boats now might catch fewer fish every one-hundred hooks.
C.Fish even able to reproduce don’t have the chance to live longer.
D.Japanese boats could catch about ten fish for every 100 hooks.
【小题4】What can be the best title?
A.Discoveries Canadian Scientists Have Made
B.Japanese Fishing Industry
C.Losses of Big Fish
D.Modern Fishing Methods
【小题5】When did the researchers begin to survey the decreasing of large fish?
A.In the 1960s.B.In the 1970s.C.In the 1980s.D.In the 1990s.


Vincent Willem van Gogh (30 March, 1853---29 July, 1890) was a Dutch Post-Impressionist artist. He is considered one of the greatest artists with great influence on the greatest artists with great influence on the 20th-century art.
Van Gogh spent his early adult life working for a firm of art dealers. After a brief period as a teacher, he became a missionary (传教士) in a very poor mining region. He did not begin his career as an artist until 1880; however, during the last ten years of his life, he produced more than 2,000 pieces, including around 900 paintings and 1,100 drawing and sketches (素描). He worked only with somber colours until he met Impressionism and Neo-Impressionism in Paris. Van Gogh used their bright colours and style of painting in a uniquely recognizable style. Most of his best-known works were produced during his final two years, when he was suffering from serious mental illness.
In 1890, at the age of 37, van Gogh shot himself in the chest. He died two days later, with Theo, his brother and his best friend, at his side, who reported his last words as “The sadness will last forever”. It would not take long before his fame grew higher and higher.
Van Gogh’s mother threw away quite a number of his paintings. The only painting he sold during his lifetime, The Red Vineyard, was created in 1888. It is now on display in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia. Several paintings by van Gogh rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. On March 30, 1987 van Gogh’s painting Irises was sold for a record of $53.9 million at Southby’s, New York. On May 15, 1990 his Portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold for $83.5 million at Christie’s, thus setting a new price record.
【小题1】When did van Gogh begin his career as an artist?

A.At the age of 17.
B.At the age of 27.
C.In his early adult adult life.
D.In his early childhood.
【小题2】The underlined word “somber” in Para. 2 means         .
【小题3】What’s the right order of van Gogh’s life experience?
a. worked as a teacher
b. took up drawing
c. worked in an art firm
d. worked as a missionary
A.c, a, b, dB.c, a, d, bC.b, c, a, dD.b, a, c, d
【小题4】Which of the following can best describe van Gogh’s final two years?
A.Sand and boring.B.Normal and peaceful.
C.Happy but fruitless.D.Painful but productive.
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.Van Gogh didn’t become famous until he dies.
B.Van Gogh sold many paintings in his life.
C.Van Gogh had become famous as an artist when he was alive.
D.Irises was the most expensive among van Gogh’s paintings.


I first visited hutong as part of a tourist group several years ago. We rode on a trishaw(脚踏三轮车) with a guide explaining the history, architecture and lifestyle of the local inhabitants.
Having visited the "must-sees" of Beijing, like the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Drum Tower and the Summer Palace, going into the hutong home of some famous ancient families gave the “Beijing experience” a human element.
My curiosity has sharpened over the years from reading about them at every opportunity. During the preparation for the Olympics I was eager to learn that some siheyuan courtyards in hutong were turned into accommodations(食宿) for visitors. I wished to stay in one someday.
Preparing for a recent trip to the capital, I eagerly sought one out. On my limited teacher’s salary, I settled on an affordable option, though I looked longingly at the more upscale courtyard accommodations.
As usual, I ended up having something closer to a true experience. A real family still lives in the courtyard, which is closer to the original. The rooms all opened into the central courtyard. Flowers were blooming, beans and peas were climbing up the bamboo fence, and the cat was napping in the sun. Every day after exploring the city, I'd hurry back to the hutong, take a quick shower and join the cat – snoozing(小睡) in a bamboo-made chair with a book ready nearby.
As the other guests came back we’d greet one another. There was a mother and young daughter from France, a guy from Canada, a mother and teenage daughter from the Netherlands, a teacher from England and several guests from various parts of China.
Coming and going through the narrow alleys(小巷) of the hutong, the residents would smile and give cheery “ni hao” (hello). Laughing children were playing under the watchful eyes of the neighbors. I felt right at home in this friendly neighborhood.
【小题1】 The main idea of the passage is about ______________.

A.hutong days realize my desires to live local life
B.Trishaw is the only way to visit the hutong
C.living in the hutong with other visitors
D.exploring the deeper of Beijing
【小题2】 When did the author have the idea to visit Beijing hutong?
A.As early as he was a little child
B.when he was reading the text books at school
C.during the preparation for the Olympics
D.the author doesn’t mention it specifically
【小题3】 The underlined word “upscale” in the fourth paragraph means _________.
【小题4】 What is the impression of the author about the people in hutong?
A.They came from all over the world.
B.They all wanted to enjoy the old life of Beijing.
C.They are living together in harmony.
D.They are living in a heavenly peace life.


Scientists in Canada say big ocean fish have almost disappeared from the world since the start of industrial fishing in the 1950s. The scientists found the populations of large fish like tuna(金枪鱼), swordfish and cod(鳕鱼) have dropped by ninety percent in the past fifty years.
The study took ten years. The researchers gathered records from fishing businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature published the findings.
The scientists say the common method called long line fishing is especially damaging to populations of large fish. This method involves many fishing lines connected to one boat. These wires can be nearly one hundred kilometers long. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks to catch fish.
Long line fishing is especially common in the Japanese fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish for every one hundred hooks. But long line fishing boats now might only catch one fish per hundred hooks.
The scientists say industrial fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the past. The study suggests that whole populations can disappear almost completely from new fishing areas within ten to fifteen years.
Ransom Myers and Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia led the study with the University of Kiel in Germany. Worm says the destruction could lead to a complete reorganization of ocean life systems. Meyers says the decreased numbers of large fish are not the only worry. He says even populations that are able to reproduce do not get the chance to live long enough to grow as big as their ancestors. He says not only are there fewer big fish, but also they are smaller than those of the past.
American government scientists say even with the best efforts to protect fish populations, decreases are to be expected.
56. Which one can be the best title for the passage?
A. Discoveries Canadian scientists have made      B. Japan fishing industry
C. Losses of big fish                          D. Modern fishing methods
57. When did the researchers begin to survey the decrease of large fish?
A. in the 1960s      B. in the 1970s       C. in the 1980s              D. in the 1990s
58. The underlined word “sharp” in Para 3 means _________.
A. having a fine edge or point that can cut or make a hole in something
B. sudden or rapid change in something
C. quick to react or to understand things
D. loud, sudden and often high in tone
59. Which of the following statements can show the fact that the populations of large fish have dropped?
A. Today’s “large” fish are smaller than those of the past.
B. Long line fishing boats now might catch ten fish for every one hundred hooks.
C. Fish able to reproduce don’t have the chance to live longer.
D. Long line fishing boats now might catch one fish for every one hundred hooks
60. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A. A story book      B. A business magazine         C. An environmental report      D. An economic survey


Standing in the driveway, I watched my grown children drive off into the distance. I looked down the road until I could no longer see their 36 _____ .

“They live too far away from me,” I said to myself. “When did they 37 _____ and become parents of small children? 38 _____ that be me?”

I slipped back inside the house and just walked through the rooms for no reason 39  _____.1 was just missing them already and looking for 40 _____ of their having been here. There were pillows on the floor and a few stuffed (填充)animals 41 _____ around where the children had been playing.

I walked into the 42 _____ and there on the back of the sink was a bottle brush that had been left behind. “Ah,even Tessa left something behind,” I 43  _____ Well, I suppose she had help 44 _____ she was just four months old.

As I walked around the house, I picked up a few more 45 _____ on the floor — Tegan’S tooth, a pie pan, and the inside of a turkey fryer.

ttHmmm, things left behind ...’’I thought to myself. It seems there is one thing left behind on every 46 _____ . Memories are always left behind, I reasoned, and what a(n) 47 _____ thing good memories are to us. I thought how each item left behind 48 _____ me of the person it belonged to and the story 49 _____ it.

Memories happen even if we aren’t 50 _____ of it. The stressful and difficult moments often become memories that we 51 _____ later with laughter and joy. The memories of past hurts, bitterness, and anger, 52 . should be left behind 53  _____These are the things that we should never 54 _____ until the next time they come, mail back, or bring with us to 55_____next visit.

As Elizabeth Stone said, “To have a child is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.

1.A. smiles         B. vehicles         C. pains     D. bicycles

2.A. drop out    B. break away   C. set off   D. grow up

3.A. Wouldn’t    B. Shouldn’t       C. Can’t     D. Needn’t

4.A. in particular        B. with anger     C. with joy          D. in return

5.A. signals        B. atmosphere  C. signs      D. information

6.A. lying  B. jumping         C. moving D. looking

7.A. house         B. distance         C. kitchen D. driveway

8.A. announced         B. explained      C. complained   D. replied

9.A. when B. unless   C. until      D. since

10.A. toys B. items     C. memories      D. treasures

11.A. table         B. course  C. occasion        D. comer

12.A. funny       B. private  C. ordinary        D. precious

13.A. reminded         B. informed       C. warned D. convinced

14.A. promoting        B. surrounding  C. acknowledging      D. exposing

15.A. proud       B.ashamed         C. aware   D. afraid

16.A. attach importance to        B. throw doubt on     C. look forward to     D. look back upon

17.A. besides    B.therefore       C. otherwise      D. though

18.A. partly       B. sometimes    C. forever D. unwillingly

19.A. present    B. keep     C. overlook        D. experience

20.A. our  B. their      C. its D. your


