(08东北三校高三第一次联合模拟考试) rapid progress has he made that we all admire him. A.Very B.So C.Such D.Too 答案 C 查看更多



 ____his great love for the works of J. K. Rowling, he has a broad range of interest in other English writers as well.   

A. In addition      B. As a consequence of       C. Except for         D. Apart from







  Chinese cigarette packs will have skulls(骷髅),blackened teeth or diseased lungs printed on them in the latest effort to deal with smoking,but one expert said the images may actually attract younger people to take up the habit.

  The images would have to take up at least 30 percent of the pack's surface area under rrules that would come into force from January 2009.It was part of a plan that would also see tobacco advertising banned in China by 2011.Similar images are already printed on packs in countries including Singapore,Thailand and Canada.

  Chinese are the world's most enthusiastic smokers,with a growing market of more than 300 million making it a magnet for cigarette companies and a focus of international health concern.China has banned smoking on public transport,but it is still allwed in many public places such as restaurants,and it is not uncommon to see people smoking in hospitals.

  The average age people take up smoking in some parts of the country had hallen to as low as just over 10.And the new measures could make the problem worse,according to Zhao Cuiping,a youth expert."In analysis over the past decade(十年) on what young people like,they far prefer skulls and other scary images to cats or dogs,"she said.

  Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world and a packet can cost as little as eight US. cents.

  The country needs to take effective measures to cut down smoking or the habit could end up killing 2.2 million Chinese a year by 2020,the World Health Organization said in May.

  56.The new designs will be adopted on cigarette packs ______.

   A.to attract young people     B.increase tobacco sales

   C.as trade mardks           D.as health warnings

  57.We can infer from the article that nobody is allowed to smoke while _____ in China now.

   A.staying in a hospital B.taking a bus ride C.eating outsede D.walking in the street

  58.Zhao Cuiping seemed to think that teenagers would ______.

   A.enjoy the new cigarette packs

   B.dislike the new measures

   C.be the last to give up their smoking habit

   D.prefer to have pet animals on the packs

  59.All the paragraphs support the idea that China's smoking problem is serious except ____.

   A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraphs 1 and 2 C.Paragraphs 1and 5 D.Paragraphs 2,5 and 6



All children in the United States have to receive an education, but not all children go to school. A number of parents  36 not to send their children to school. Such children are known  37  home-schoolers”. Some parents prefer teaching their children at home  38 they do not believe schools teach the correct religious (宗教的)  39 ; others believe they can provide a better educational  40 for their children by doing so.  41 , results show home-schooled children often do better than   42 on national tests in reading and math.
  David teaches his three children at home. He   43 that his children learn very differently from children in school. Learning starts with the children’s  44 and questions. For example, when there is snowfall on a winter day, it may  45 a discussion about climate, snow removal   46 , Alaska, etc. Or a spring evening when the family is out 47 the stars is a good time to ask questions about the sky. If the Brazilian rain forests are on TV, it 48  be a perfect time to talk about how rain forests influence the climate, how deserts are 49  and how the polar ice caps 50 ocean levels.
 Home schooling is often more interesting than  51 schools, but critics (批评家) say home-schoolers might be uncomfortable  52  with other people in adult life. Critics also say that most parents are not 53 to teach their children. However, most parents don’t have the time or the  54 to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be  55  most children get their formal education.

A.considerB.prefer    C.provideD.suggest
A.for    B.toC.as      D.in
A.because  B.forC.thoughD.while
A.normalB.ordinaryC.common     D.average
A.believesB.saysC.offers      D.imagines
A.carryB.openC.lead      D.start
A.fit    B.adaptedC.availableD.good


Anna lived on the side of a valley.One summer, there was a very big       , and a lot of houses down below Anna's were washed away.Anna's house was     enough to escape the flood, so when the water had      and the other houses were      there with no roof and no walls and all covered with mud(泥), her house was just all right.

 Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children,     Anna took in one of the families that had lost     in the flood and she      her home with them until it was      for them to rebuild their house.

 Anna's friends were    when they saw Anna do this.They could not understand why Anna wanted to give   so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to     .

 “Well,” Anna       her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very      , because her husband had been killed in the        and she had a lot of children I have now.The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, ‘We won’t be able to have much for Christmas this year, so I’m going to        only one present to all of us.Now I’ll go and get it.’ She came back with a       who was even poorer than they, and who had no parents.‘Here’s our     ,she said to her children.

 The children were     and happy to get such a present.They     the little girl, and she grew up as their sister.Such was that Christmas present.”

1.A.accident    B.flood         C.fire            D.earthquake

2.A.below       B.big           C.high           D.small

3.A.reduced     B.come         C.disappeared      D.appeared 

4.A.rising       B.standing       C.flowing         D.falling    

5.A.so         B.for            C.but             D.since

6.A.nothing    B.anything       C.something        D.everything

7.A.gave       B.shared        C.found           D.built

8.A.necessary  B.important      C.obvious          D.possible

9.A.worried    B.disappointed   C.satisfied          D.puzzled

10.A.them      B.him          C.herself           D.us

11.A.supply     B.grow         C.support          D.educate

12.A.asked for  B.talked with     C.turned up         D.explained to

13.A.sad       B.rich           C.poor            D.happy

14.A.storm     B.rain           C.war            D.flood

15.A.because   B.which         C.that            D.as

16.A.get       B.make         C.send             D.buy          

17.A.boy      B.student        C.teacher          D.girl

18.A.child     B.daughter       C.present          D.sister        

19.A.angry     B.lovely         C.excited          D.sorry

20.A.disliked   B.gained         C.led             D.welcomed



The word “conservation” has a thrifty meaning. To conserve is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such a good condition that others may also share the enjoyment. Our forefathers had no idea that human population would increase faster than the supplies of raw materials: most of them, even until very recently, had the foolish idea that the treasures were “limitless” and could “last forever”. Most of the citizens of earlier generations knew little or nothing about the complicated and delicate system that runs all through nature, and which means that, as in a living body, an unhealthy condition of one part will sooner or later be harmful to all the others.

  Fifty years ago, nature study was not part of the school work; scientific forestry was a new idea; wood was still cheap because it could be brought in any quantity from distant woodlands; soil destruction and river floods were not national problems; nobody had yet studied long-term climatic cycles in relation to proper land use; even the word “conservation” had nothing of the meaning that it has for us today.

  For the sake of ourselves and those who will come after us, we must now set about correcting the mistakes of our forefathers. Conservation should be made part of everybody’s daily life. To know about the water table in ground is just as important to us as a knowledge of the basic math formulas. We need to know why all watersheds (上游集水区) need the protection of plant life and why the running current of streams and rivers must be made to give their full benefit to the soil before they finally escape to the sea. We need to be taught the duty of planting trees as well as of cutting them. We need to know the importance of big, grown trees, because living space for most of mans fellow creatures on this planet is figured not only in square measure of surface but also in cubic (立方体的) volume above the earth. In a word, it should be our goal to restore as much of the original beauty of nature as we can.

1.The author’s attitude towards the use of natural resources is _________.

A. positive         B. uninterested     C. optimistic           D. critical

2.According to the author, the greatest mistake of our forefathers was that _________.

  A. they had no idea about scientific forestry

  B. they had little or no sense of environmental protection

  C. they were not aware of the importance of nature study

  D. they had no idea of how to make good use of raw materials

3.To avoid repeating the mistakes of our forefathers, the author suggests that ______

  A. we plant more trees

  B. natural sciences be taught to everybody

  C. environmental education be directed toward everyone

  D. we return to nature

4.How can you understand the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

A. Our living space on the earth is getting smaller and smaller.

B. Our living space should be measured in cubic volume.[来源:Z。xx。k.Com]

C. We need to take some measures to protect space.

D. We must preserve good living conditions for both birds and animals.


