20.(重庆市重庆一中2010届高三上学期第一次月考) , please try your best to solve the problem in time. A. Ought you get into trouble B. Must you get into trouble C. Can you get into trouble D. Should you get into trouble 答案 D 查看更多



Dear Aunty,
I work at a supermarket, and another girl and I share tasks we must finish before leaving. But she takes half an hour to do something I can do in ten minutes. She always has a story to tell me and stops working when she does. My boss is angry at both of us, but It’s not my fault. I don’t want to rat on her, but what else can I do?
Dear Flustered,
Let me propose a better way. Make a log of all the tasks you share, then suggest to your boss that for efficiency your duties could be divided into two separate checklists. If he’s reluctant, go to plan B: the next time this girl starts telling you a story, stop working to listen and call your boss over to hear what a great storyteller she is. I’m sure he’ll take it from here.
Dear Aunty,
I’m a college student in the Philippines who wants to be wise with money. I’m not an economics or business major student and I don’t know anything about stocks. But I really want to buy assets and invest. I receive about 15,000 pesos(比索)every school term from my education plan. I don’t have any idea how I should spend it. I don’t want to just buy new clothes, or hang out with my friends because it would not be wise. I want my money to grow. Please enlighten me.
Dear Fastbreakplay,
Being wise with money is the No. 1 thing to learn. Start with a disciplined and systematic savings plan. When your savings reach a sizeable amount, then you may start investing. In the meantime, invest in yourself by reading up on stock markets and capital markets. Follow the news. Before I started investing during my senior high school years, I had already studied stock market data of the past century as I believe markets tend to repeat themselves. If you master this skill, you will master your reading of the markets.
【小题1】When Flustered’s boss isn’t willing to separate their work, Flustered can _____.

A.follow the second adviceB.invite the boss to listen to the girl
C.stop working or do other thingsD.report to the boss on time
【小题2】Fastbreakplay writes a letter to Aunty in order to _____.
A.buy some pesosB.become an expert on stocks
C.get ways to grow moneyD.study economics as his major
【小题3】In Aunty’s opinion, one should _____ at the beginning to be wise with money.
A.start investingB.have a saving plan
C.study stock marketsD.master market reading
【小题4】From letters above, we know Aunty should be ________.
A.an elder kind womanB.a lady in the community
C.a famous singerD.a name of a columnist


The clock struck eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly before me at a huge pile of that troublesome stuff(东西) they call “books”.
I was going to have my examination the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked myself. I
didn’t answer, In fact I dared not.
The clock struck twelve. “Oh, dear! ” I cried. “Ten more books to read before I can go to bed!” We pupils are the most unhappy creatures in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.
The clock struck one. I was quite desperate(绝望的) now. I forgot all I had learned. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed, “Oh, God, please help me pass the exam tomorrow. I do promise to work hard afterwards, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the desk, I fell asleep.
64. When the author was going over his lessons, all the others in the house were ________ .
A. asleep           B. outside       C. working in bed    D. quietly laughing at him
65. Reviewing his lessons didn’t help him because   ____  .
A. it was too late at night                   B. he was very tired
C. his eyes lids were so heavy that he couldn’t keep them open
D. he hadn’t studied hard before the examination
66. What do you suppose happened to the author the second day?
A. He went to a church to pray again      B. He got an A in the exam
C. He failed in the exam                D. He was punished by his teacher
67. The best title for the passage would be _________ .
A. The Night Before the Examination        B. Working Far into the Night
C. A Slow Student                        D. Going Over My Lessons


On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. Many people put some money into the   36  of the young man.
The next day, the young artist came again, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. 37  from the day before, he took out a large piece of   38  and laid it on the ground. Then he began  39 .
Before long, the young violinist was   40  with people, who were all attracted by the   41  on that paper, which said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put something important into my hat  42 . Please come to claim(认领) it soon."
After half an hour, a middle-aged man ran there in a hurry and 43 through the crowd to the violinist and said, "Yes, it’s you. You did come here. I knew that you’re an honest man and would   44  come here."
"Are you Mr. George Sang?"
The man nodded.
"Did you   45 something?"
"Lottery (彩票). It’s lottery," said the man.
The violinist  46  a lottery ticket on which George Sang’ s name was seen. "Is it?" he asked.
George nodded, seized the lottery ticket and   47  it; then he danced with joy.
George bought a lottery ticket which   48  him a prize of $ 500,000. He was so happy after work and felt the violinist playing so wonderfully that he put 50 dollars in the hat.  49  , the lottery ticket was also thrown in.
When asked why he didn’t keep the lottery ticket   50  himself, the violinist said,"  51  I don’t have much money, I live happily; but if I lose honesty, I won’t be happy forever."
We can gain and lose so much in our life. But being honest should   52 be with us. If we bear ourselves in a dishonest way, we  53 succeed temporarily (暂时). However, from the long-term view, we’11 be a loser. Such a person is just like the   54  on the mountain. It’s high above at first, but gradually it falls and loses the 55 of going up.

A.on purposeB.in a hurryC.in advanceD.by mistake
A.handed outB.gave outC.sent outD.took out
A.beatB.sold C.tookD.won
A.FortunatelyB.HoweverC.Otherwise D.Generally
A.Unless B.Whenever C.AlthoughD.Until


How do you get a man to do his share of the housework? If you are like most women, you’ve faced this question the hard way.
A man will enjoy a clean, orderly house, but he usually won’t make the effort to clean or organize it. This doesn’t mean that a woman has to do all the housework; she may have to manage many of the household duties, and request her partner’s joining. A woman can often say that men and women should take equal responsibility for housework.
Very few men are raised to be fully responsible for housework, and many men look on housework as women’s work. On the other hand, most men will readily work around the yard, make repairs and complete projects on weekends or evenings, and it’s important that you give your man appreciation(欣赏) for those things, too. Most men will take on a little housework around the house if asked politely. They are even more likely to do housework if they can choose what they want to do , and do it without being monitored(监视).
Here is the key: men want to feel that they are doing housework either because they want to do a task, or they simply want to please their women. Men are less likely to take on household tasks they consider uninteresting and unimportant. In other words, men are likely to do a housework task just for the good of the house.
【小题1】The passage is mainly about how to ________.

A.get men to do some houseworkB.get men to serve their families
C.praise men’s houseworkD.get men to do all the housework
【小题2】According to a passage, a man _______ .
A.is willing to do housework
B.likes to be told to do housework
C.is taught to be responsible for housework from childhood
D.likes a clean house but doesn’t make effort to clean it.
【小题3】In order to get men to do housework, women should often ________ .
A.order them to do their shareB.ask them to do some housework politely
C.blame men’s lazinessD.monitor men’s work
【小题4】According to the passage, the underlined sentence in the last paragraph means that men won’t __________ .
A. work without any paymentB.do unimportant housework tasks
C.do housework with women’s praisesD.please their wives
【小题5】According to the passage, which of the following would a husband most probably like to ?
A.Cleaning the tableB.Doing some washing
C.Painting the fenceD.Asking his wife to work on the yard.


  What comes as a shock to many Westerners may be the unfriendly way that some Chinese treat waiters and waitresses in restaurants and bars. Over the last few years,as many in Beijing have made fortunes,I and many of my foreign friends have noticed a downturn in the treatment of those who work all hours and often live in terrible conditions to bring us our food,guard our homes and sell us clothes.It's not the common citizens,but the young nouveau riches(暴发户) Chinese in Beijing who are mostly guilty of this both social and human misbehavior.
  It is not unusual to see and hear these people,especially the young women among their ranks,speaking rudely to the waiters and waitresses,as they sit there in the misguided belief that the latest mobile phone,a new car and designer clothes give them the right to talk to people like dirt.In one recent incident(事件) in an expensive restaurant near where I live ,I overheard the table next to me,two guys and a girl,tell the waitress "You really are stupid ",because she had brought them two glasses instead of three.They all burst into loud laughter as the young girl ran away to fetch another.In anther incident I saw a waitress reduced to tears as four well-dressed girls criticized everything from her accent to her looks.
  Lately I have noticed that this rather unpleasant aspect of the nouveau riches has been taken up by many of their foreign peers(同类人).So I ask Beijing's bright young things to set a good example,and treat all people with equal respect.And I urge foreigners to follow the good examples of their Chinese language teachers and textbooks while adding some of the pleasantries of their own cultures,so that cultural interpenetration(相互渗透) has a positive influence and not a negative one.
  Here I'd like to leave you with the words from Confucius:"What you do not wish for yourself, do not "do to others."
  64.The writer has noticed that less respect is shown to _______ in Beijing in recent years.
   A.common citizens          B.waiters and the like
   C.young nouveau riches      D.some foreigners
  65.The two incidents mentioned in Paragraph 2 are used to show ______.
   A.waiters and waitresses can make excusable mistakes
   B.waitresses are usually too shy to be laughed at
   C.some Beijingers are too particular about restaurant service
   D.what's being talked about is not rare
  66.The young Beijingers are asked to set a good example in order to ______
   A.have good influence over foreigners
   B.leave a good impression on foreigners
   C.educate younger Chinese
   D.develop traditional Chinese culture
  67.The origial title of the article is most likely to be _______.
   A.One Dark Side of the Bright Chinese Capital
   B.Beijing's Young Nouveau Riches,Watch Out
   C.Dno't Throw Away Good Manners,Please
   D.People Like Waiters Live at Bottom of Society

