9.(湖南省株洲市二中2010届高三新高考模拟) It’s only when you lost something how much you value it. A. then you will realize B. will you realize C. which you will realize D. that you will realize 答案 D 查看更多





M: Excuse me.can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is ?

W:    61     

M: Where is the nearest restaurant, please?

W: Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant.   62    

M: I’m…er…I’m afraid I don’t quite…you see,    63    

W: I see.Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead.  64     

M: Can I take a bus?

W: Of course you can,but   65    It’s only a few minutes’ walk.

M: Thank you very much.

W: Not at all.

A.What did you say?

B.I’m a total stranger here.

C.You can’t miss it

D.I beg your pardon?

E.It’s just opposite the No.5 Deparment Store.

F.I don’t think it is necessary

G.It’s not very far.





M: Excuse me.can you tell me where the nearest restaurant is ?

W:     61      

M: Where is the nearest restaurant, please?

W: Oh, the restaurant? The nearest one is the City Restaurant.   62     

M: I’m…er…I’m afraid I don’t quite…you see,    63     

W: I see.Simply walk two blocks straight ahead, then turn left, and the City Restaurant is about 10 metres ahead.   64      

M: Can I take a bus?

W: Of course you can,but    65     It’s only a few minutes’ walk.

M: Thank you very much.

W: Not at all.

A.What did you say?

B.I’m a total stranger here.

C.You can’t miss it

D.I beg your pardon?

E.It’s just opposite the No.5 Deparment Store.

F.I don’t think it is necessary

G.It’s not very far.




第一节  对话填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


W: Are you busy tomorrow night? I’m going over to the Workers Club to play volleyball if you’d like to come (76) a____.

M : Isn’t that far away?

W : Not (77) r____. It’s only half an hour’s (78) w____. If you drive, you can get there in five minutes. And if volleyball doesn’t (79) i____you, they have got a huge indoor swimming pool, a weight room, and an indoor track. It’s a great place to meet people. I guess it’s (80) w____a visit.

M : Now that you mentioned it, it would be nice to get away (81) f____the computer center for a (82) c____,and I really should get some more exercise. Look, I’ve got so fat. In height school I had a lot more time to do sports activities. Now the little (83) s____time I have must be used in doing exercise. Did you say you’re going tomorrow night.

W : Yeah.

M : Ok, I’ll come, too. (84) H____about meeting me in front of the cinema at eight, and we’ll catch the bus there.

W : (85) S____, see you then.



Sophie: Have you ever watched the film. E.T. made by Steven Spielberg? It is one of the (1) b       money-making films in history. I think it's a great film.


Alan: I don't think so. But the story is good in some ways. The (2)i    of a friendly alien living in our world and (3) m        friends with a group of teenagers is OK.



Sophie: The film is more than twenty years old now and people still love the (4) s       .


Alan: I just think it is a good film but not a great one. I think that Steven Spielberg made the film because he wanted to make everyone (5) m____     to cry. I also think the film is too long.


Sophie: It's only one hour and forty-five (6) m         long!


Alan: I mean that it feels too long. I (7) a        it's extremely exciting at the beginning. But at the end...


Sophie: But can you remember the part (8) w        E.T. is dying and one of the children is so attached to E.T. that he becomes (9)s       ill too?

Alan: Yes, I think I fell (10) a        at that point.







Sophie: Have you ever watched the film. E.T. made by Steven Spielberg? It is one of the (1) b       money-making films in history. I think it's a great film.                               1.           

Alan: I don't think so. But the story is good in some ways. The (2)i    of     2.           

a friendly alien living in our world and (3) m        friends with a group of teenagers is OK.


Sophie: The film is more than twenty years old now and people still love the (4) s       .


Alan: I just think it is a good film but not a great one. I think that Steven Spielberg made the film because he wanted to make everyone (5) m____     to cry. I also think the film is too long.


Sophie: It's only one hour and forty-five (6) m         long!                      6.           

Alan: I mean that it feels too long. I (7) a        it's extremely exciting at the beginning. But at the end...  7.           

Sophie: But can you remember the part (8) w                                         8.            

E.T. is dying and one of the children is so attached to E.T. that he becomes (9)s       ill too?


Alan: Yes, I think I fell (10) a        at that point.                                     10.           

