17.(湖南省岳阳市一中2010届高三第二次月考) --- Can I pay the bill by cheque? --- Sorry, sir. But it is the management rules of our school that payment be made in cash. A. shall B. need C. will D. can 答案 A 查看更多



He left the monastery and s_____________ lived as a hermit (隐居士) for six years.

1.The color scheme (方案)  for this room was determined by an i_____________ decorator.

2.Hong Kong teenagers i_____________ some pop stars more than their own parents, according to a university survey.

3.It was reported that radiation had been found in d_____________ vegetables after the ministry in China ordered radiation tests on food and water at the end of March in 14 mainland regions.

4.Exports to China are an e_____________ part of the US economy because China is their third-largest export market and is growing faster than many other major destinations for American manufactured goods and farm products.

5.When dealing with the writing in SAT, sometimes students are in a dilemma whether they should just mention the merits of their own country or be more c_____________.

6.When you are wandering alongside the narrow streets with some traditional structures on both sides in Wuzhen, you can still p_____________ the cultural profundity (底蕴) of this entire ancient town..

7.It remains a crucial task for the Chinese government to g_____________ the public security in the coming period due to the country's fast-changing social structure.

8.Enjoying a wild climate and four d_____________ seasons, the environment of Luohe, a city in Henan Province is peaceful and elegant.

9.Funerals are becoming a financial burden for many families across the nation, as they seek to provide eternal s_____________ for their dearly departed loved ones.



After my dad died on Aug.30, 2001, my mother made sure we marked each anniversary. At first, my brothers and sister and I would travel hours to get home, but eventually we got to the point where just one or two of us would make it back to go to Mass with her and spend the day together.
The great love of her life, the man who broke up with her right before her college graduation, only to return two years later claiming he’d traveled the world and hadn’t found anyone to compare with her, remained a daily presence in her life. She spoke about him so often and kept his memory so alive that people were sometimes surprised to learn that he was gone. She took over the garden where he’d planted and made it her own.
When the 10th anniversary of his death approached, my mom began talking about it and planning for it weeks in advance. The date on her kitchen calendar was circled and marked R.I.P. (Rest in Peace). Of course she wanted all of us there and settled the dates for our coming back.
On Monday — the day before the anniversary — she went to morning Mass and walked downtown for lunch with friends, and later told my sister on the phone that she felt Dad still so close that as she was walking back home, she heard someone yell and thought, “Oh, there’s Dick.”
That evening she went out to water flowers, just as my father, 10 years before, had gone out to the garden to pick vegetables before he died. A neighbor heard the tin watering can strike the ground as she fell and hit her head. My mother died within hours, on Aug.30, 2011, the 10thanniversary. She needed to mark that anniversary, she wanted us all home and my dad had waited long enough.
【小题1】From the second paragraph we know that the author’s father______.

A.traveled around the world and left her mother
B.left her mother first but returned two years later
C.had a quarrel with her before her graduation
D.was not the right man her mother wanted at that time
【小题2】We can infer from the passage that the author’s mother _____.
A.knew her last day was coming on Aug.30
B.kept everything of her father’s home
C.missed Father though he had passed away
D.remained a daily presence in his life
【小题3】Which of the following statements is true EXCEPT that _____.
A.Mother died the day before the anniversary of Father’s death
B.Mother died in the garden as Father did ten years ago
C.Mother died because she fell to the ground accidentally
D.Mother died on the same date when Father did ten years ago
【小题4】What does the writer imply in the underlined part of the last sentence?
A.She wanted us to stay at home.B.Mother missed us very much.
C.Mother expected us to get back.D.That day was her last day.



P:Peter       J:Jimmy

Peter is talking with Jimmy about the just finished match between L.A Lakers and Miami Heats on Christmas Eve, in 2010

P: Hey, Jimmy, watched the game between Lakers and Heats?

J: Certainly. It was really an a_____ fantastic game. My Heats beat L.A.

P: Your Heats? I remembered you were a fan of the Cavaliers.

J: To be exact, a fan of Lebron James. Since James joined the Heats, I also changed my range, which is undoubtedly logical. By the way, which team do you p_____ will win the title of c_____ this season?

P: I think the Lakers will do

J:I don’t a_____ of you. I strongly believe the title must go to the Heats. As you can see, the present Heats possesses the super “BIG THREE”, James is good at scoring. Wade is an expert in penetration(带球突破) and Chris Bosh can d______ backboard(篮板)

P:Maybe you are right. But I am afraid you l_____ out the e______ element(因素) in winning a basketball game---- team work. After all, basketball is not an i_____ game.

J:Apart from the “BIG Three”, there are quantities of excellent bench players available such as Dampier, Arios Arroyo, Eddie House and so on. I see no reason why the Heats can’t p_____ the NBA

P: I still have a preference for the Lakes. Compared to the Heats, the Lakers has a more mature(成熟的) play. And as long as there is Kobe, there is victory. On the other hand, we should not forget that other teams are making rapid progress like the Thunder led by Kelvin Durant,the Celtics and the Magics. They all have the p____ to challenge our teams.






D="Doctor," P=Patient

D: Hello, w  (76)  can I do for you?                                          76     

P: Well, I’ve been getting lots of headaches I  (77)  .                               77     

The problem is that I’m busy p  (78)  for the College Entrance Exam.             78     

D: I see. Are you sleeping well?                 

P: No, not really.

D: Well, don’t get u  (79)  . I will do you some tests.                                79      

P: How I hope you will help me recover from my i  (80)  !                      80     

D: Ok, nothing s  (81)  . Your problem is that you feel too stressed.                     81       

P: Stress! Really?  

D: How much time do you take to r  (82)  yourself as well as to study per day?    82        

P: None at all. I don’t have any spare time.

D: I think you’ll do better if you c   (83)  your study with some relaxation.     83     

P: That’ll be great! Thanks.

D: Not at all. And in the meanwhile, you’d better t  (84)  regular exercise        84       

and have a balanced d  (85)  every day.                                      85     

P: I’ll try. Thank you! See you.



He left the monastery and s_____________ lived as a hermit (隐居士) for six years.
【小题1】The color scheme (方案)  for this room was determined by an i_____________ decorator.
【小题2】Hong Kong teenagers i_____________ some pop stars more than their own parents, according to a university survey.
【小题3】It was reported that radiation had been found in d_____________ vegetables after the ministry in China ordered radiation tests on food and water at the end of March in 14 mainland regions.
【小题4】Exports to China are an e_____________ part of the US economy because China is their third-largest export market and is growing faster than many other major destinations for American manufactured goods and farm products.
【小题5】When dealing with the writing in SAT, sometimes students are in a dilemma whether they should just mention the merits of their own country or be more c_____________.
【小题6】When you are wandering alongside the narrow streets with some traditional structures on both sides in Wuzhen, you can still p_____________ the cultural profundity (底蕴) of this entire ancient town..
【小题7】It remains a crucial task for the Chinese government to g_____________ the public security in the coming period due to the country's fast-changing social structure.
【小题8】Enjoying a wild climate and four d_____________ seasons, the environment of Luohe, a city in Henan Province is peaceful and elegant.
【小题9】Funerals are becoming a financial burden for many families across the nation, as they seek to provide eternal s_____________ for their dearly departed loved ones.

