18.(宁夏省银川一中2010届高三第二次月考) The lesson drawn from the coal mine accidents is that safety measures are so important that we take them too seriously. ’t B. should C .mustn’t D. shall 答案 A 查看更多



Now, it’s time for some brief news items.
Teens Go Online
Some 13 million European children under 18 use the Internet for schoolwork, games and music according to research done by Nielsen’s “Net-rating”. The study covered Britain, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Experts advesed parents to limit the time their kids on line and keep them away from chat rooms.
Chat to the magic Mum
British author J.K.Rowling, mother of magic boy Harry Potter, will do an Internet interview about her new bool”Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”on June 26. Before the event, children are invited to send their questions about Harry to the website. The book will hit stores in the US and UK on June 21 and will arrive in China in August.
School Soldiers
Russian school students will have to do basic military training in their final year of school, the government has decided.The lesson will include learning to fire guns, marching drills and how to deal with a chemical, nuclear or biological attack. The activity is seen as part of a drive toward the education of their love for their country.
Is it hard for you to get up early and get ready for classes? Some students at Winter Park High School just roll our of bed in their pajamas(睡衣) and go to class in their own bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and classmates do not see them because all their class work is on the computer. The Florida High School, the state’s only online school, had 250 students who are taking classed at home by computer. Students in this first online program take classed in algebra(代数), American government , chemistry, computer, economics, and web-page design. They also have to go to regular school to attend other classes.
66.In the first news item, which country is NOT covered in the research?
A.Britain.  B.France.  C.Sweden.        D.Spain.
67.Why will Russian school students have basic military training?
A.To get ready for a milirary parade.       B.To learn to protect themselves.
C.To gain some military knowledge.        D.To develop their love for the country.
68.About Florida High School, which of these facts is true?
A.Some of the students have to attend classed at home instead of in the school.
B.There are altogether 250 students who take classes in the classrooms.
C.As the state’s only online school, it has 250 students who take classes by computer.
D.Students can’t take classes in algebra, American government, chemistry, computer and so on.
69.The news from Florida can be given a title”        ” .
A.Get up Lage                  B.Online School 
C.Magical Computers           D.No Teachers
70.What is the second news item mainly about?
A.J.K.Rowling will have an Internet interview.
B.Children will meet Harry Potter’s mother.
C.The Harry Potter book will be available on the Internet.
D.The Harry Potter book will arrive in China in early June.


A. Arguments are pointless.
B. Your parents only want what's best for you.
C. Everyone's opinion matters only as much as you want them to.
D. You learn by doing.
E. Your emotions are under your control.
F. You aren't stuck in any situation
Life is the greatest teacher
There always comes a moment when I wonder where I will end up and this moment always serves as a strong motivation for me to learn life lesson. I've learned a great many things, but these are the lessons that I wish I'd learned earlier:
There was a time when everyone's opinion was mine as well. Whatever preferences I formerly held were dashed in the face of another's. This most likely came from a need to please others. Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's, whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you. Everyone's opinion holds the same weight.
Drama, chaos, and emotional unrest — these were what took up most of my time as a teenager. If I had heard someone said bad things behind my back, I'd be angry. Go crazy. Looking back on those tantrums now, I'm not too surprised. After all, when you have little self control, anything is possible. The lesson here is, remain aware of how you react.
Will one small argument among friends decide the fate of the entire universe? In my world it felt like it. I just wanted so much to be right and for them so much to be wrong. But in the end, it only resulted in me wasting my time and in the other person storming off in frustration. Is there really a point to arguing? Unless it's absolutely necessary, I've learned that it's better to hold your breath on things you can't control at all. Arguing to change someone's mind is one of them.
I'm not saying every parent wants what's best for you (there are outliers), but in general, parents do what they do for you in your best interest. My parents used to make me do the dishes, cook dinner, sweep the floors, mow the lawn, take out the garbage… the list goes on and on. And at every turn, I'd whine and complain. I'd eventually end up doing it. Now, I honestly see the value in having learned those skills. I can efficiently cook and clean up after myself.
Whenever I’d lose a friend, get an awful grade, or disappoint my parents, I stewed in my own muck. Waiting for the bad moments to go away seemed to be the only solution. Fortunately, I know now that you don’t have to be stuck in bad situations. You can go out and create better ones. It all depends on perspective; on how you see the situation. Viewing everything as a learning experience makes life more pleasurable, even during the hard times. You aren't stuck. You can move on.
I'm glad to have learned these lessons the way I did. Each experience helped shape me to become a better person. I don't know if any young people are reading this, but if they are, I'd like to say this: “Listen to life and its experiences. Everyone goes through mostly the same things.”




Whenever we meet with difficulty or failure, teachers, parents or others often say to us or perhaps we say to ourselves, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination. A person who believes in himself will keep trying to reach his goal no matter how many times he fails. In my opinion , the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. Therefore, I believe that we should never give up.

One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will rarely achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first attempt at something new, so we should not feel disappointed and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail , we will not be able to develop new skills and grow.

Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes so that we can not make the same ones. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted.

Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we will begin to doubt our abilities.

In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not , we will learn something , and what we learn will help us to become better and more confident. Furthermore, if we give up , we have no chance of attaining our goals any more , but if we keep making great efforts, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.

Topic: Never Give UP

Possible meanings and the author’s opinions:

1.The words “ Never give up” can__71__ others or oneself and express one’s determination.

2.A person who wants to ___72___ should have the quality . So we should never give up.

The ___73____ :

1.If we give up too easily, maybe we will achieve ____74___, so when we fail in our first attempt at something new, we should not___75____ ourselves but try again.

2.Always giving up means that we will not be able to ___76____ any progress.

3.Never giving up will make us learn from the mistakes we’ve made before and learn the ___77____ so as not to make the same mistakes.

4.To reach our goals and develop the confidence which can help us ___78____ourselves, we must not give up but challenge ourselves.


If you give up, you will have no__79____of reaching your goals. Never give up and you will attain your goals sooner or ___80____



One Sunday, a picture in the newspaper touched me. A young woman stood in front of a totally destroyed home. A little boy stood beside her with his head   36 . Holding her skirt tightly was a tiny girl, eyes wide with   37  and fear.

With growing   38  I noticed that their sizes of each family member closely   39  ours. This would be a good opportunity to   40  my children, so I explained their difficult  41  to my seven-year-old twins and three-year-old Meghan.

“We have so much, but these poor people now have nothing,” I said, “we’ll   42  what we have with them.”

I brought three large boxes and placed them on the living room floor. Meghan watched seriously   43  the boys and I filled one box with canned food.

While I   44__ our clothes, I encouraged the boys to go through their toys and   45  some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched   46  as the boys piled up useless toys in the box.

“I’ll help you find something for the little girl,” I said to her.

The boys placed the toys they had   47  to donate into one of the boxes while I filled the third box with clothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her worn, faded, much-loved doll  48  tightly to her chest. She   49  in front of the box, pressed her little face into Lucy’s face, gave her a   50  kiss, then, laid her gently on top of the other toys.

“Oh, honey,” I said. “You   51  to give away Lucy. You love her so much.”

Meghan nodded, eyes shining with tears. “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy.   52  she’ll make that little girl happy, too.”

I stared at Meghan for a long moment,   53  how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me.

It’s easy to give what we don’t want any more, but   54  to let go of things we cherish, isn’t it?   55 , the true spirit of giving is to give with your heart.

1.                A.off            B.up             C.down D.round


2.                A.smile          B.confusion       C.joy  D.anger


3.                A.happiness       B.friendship       C.puzzle    D.interest


4.                A.matched        B.equaled        C.compared D.suited


5.                A.help           B.complain        C.change   D.teach


6.                A.experience      B.problem        C.situation  D.process


7.                A.give           B.share          C.send D.spare


8.                A.as             B.since           C.though   D.because


9.                A.came through    B.broke through    C.sorted through D.got through


10.               A.donate         B.leave          C.keep D.sell


11.               A.hopefully       B.anxiously       C.depressingly    D.quietly


12.               A.separated       B.chosen         C.bought    D.confirmed


13.               A.hugged         B.tied           C.grasped   D.caught


14.               A.settled         B.regretted       C.paused    D.cried


15.               A.precious        B.final           C.hearty    D.lovely


16.               A.wouldn’t like   B.ought not       C.had better not  D.don’t have


17.               A.Also           B.Yet            C.Maybe    D.Though


18.               A.knowing        B.wondering      C.realizing   D.expecting


19.               A.available        B.necessary       C.important  D.hard


20.               A.However       B.Therefore       C.Otherwise D.Moreover




How to Study Smarter, Not Harder

Here are some of our favorite study tips that will help any student study smarter, not harder:

   Recite As You Study

   Reciting—saying things out loud should first take place as you read through each paragraph or section. Test yourself. This will help you to understand as well as learn faster because it is more active than reading or listening. It will also help you to notice your mistakes and the topics you have trouble understanding.

   Take Fuller Notes

   Notes should be in your own words, brief and clear. They should be tidy and easy to read. Writing notes will help you better than just underlining as you read, since it forces you to rewrite ideas in your own words.

    Study the Middle

    The best time to review is soon after you’ve learned something. You are more likely to remember the material at the beginning and the end of the lesson, so make sure you focus on the middle when you review.

    Sleep On It

    Study before going to bed, unless you are very tired. It’s easier to remember material you’ve just learned after sleeping than after an equal period of daytime activity, because your brain continues to think even after you’ve fallen asleep.

    Combine Memory and Understanding

    There are two ways to remember: by memorizing and by understanding. Multiplication tables, telephone numbers, and math formulas are better learned by rote. Ideas are best learned by understanding.

    The more ways you have to think about an idea, the more meaning it will have; the more meaningful the learning, the better you can remember it. Pay attention to similarities in ideas and concepts, and then try to understand how they fit in with things you already know. Never be satisfied with anything less than a completely clear understanding of what you are reading. If you are not able to follow the thought, go back to the place where you first got confused and try again.

1. You can notice your mistakes by _______.

A. saying things out aloud                        B. taking notes

C. studying the middle                                       D. sleeping on it

2.When taking notes, you should _______ to better help you with reading.

A. underline important notes

B. write notes in your own words

C. take down every detail

D. write as quickly as possible

3.The writer advises you to _______ as it is easier for you to remember material.

A. study after a period of activity

B. do some exercise after studying

C. study as soon as you get up

D. study before going to sleep

4.Which of the following is NOT helpful for your understanding?

A. Thinking about an idea in different ways.

B. Relating ideas and concepts with what you already know.

C. Reading from the beginning to the end without stop.

D. Going back to what first made you confused and start again.


