25.(山东省烟台市开发区高中2010届高三10月月考) 一I expected him to be nervous before his interview, but he was as cool as a cucumber 一He it seriously. A.should have prepared B.might have prepared C.must have prepared D.can’t have prepared 答案 C 查看更多



一I expected him to be nervous before his interview, but he was as cool as a cucumber

一He       it seriously.

      A.should have prepared                               B.might have prepared

      C.must have prepared                                 D.can’t have prepared


One day I hurried home for lunch after school because of there would be an exam in the afternoon. I expected get back early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunches was not ready yet. I am unhappy. When the dishes were served, I found none what I liked. I ran out of the house angry, and then walking in the street for a while. When I got into the room, I saw the lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me my mother had brought them for me. Before opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes quickly filled with tears.


Jade means a lot in Chinese culture and is highy valued by the Chinese people.
Many people begin to wear one when they are young till they die, believing that it
will bring them good luck.
Every time I stop to think about which possession of mine means the most to me,
I find myself looking at my left wrist, around which is a simple jade bracelet. And this bracelet will always remind me of my culture and the individual that I am.
I remember very clearly the night my parents gave me the bracelet. It was in mysophomore (二年级)  year of high school, and I had stayed out at midnight. When Ifinally got home, my parents gave me a lecture on responsibility. I expected to beplaced on restriction, but instead they gave me a jade bracelet. I was totally
shocked...but when I went to bed that night I was supremely happy.
The next morning my father told me that because they had gone shopping for the
bracelet, he had not gone to the racetrack(赛马场), and had missed out on winning
$20,000 because of me. However, he said that I was worth it.
The bracelet will always remind me of those two days and the love that exists in my relationship with my parents, even though nothing is ever said. I know that no matter what I may do, my parents will always love me and accept me the way I am.
Since I got the bracelet, I have not taken it off--mostly because I don't want to. My bracelet means so much to me that if it should ever break, I would be enormously
upset, But then. I could always save the pieces for good luck.







One day I hurried home for lunch after school because of there would be an exam in the afternoon. I expected get back early to prepare for the exam. But when I got home, the lunches was not ready yet. I am unhappy. When the dishes were served, I found none what I liked. I ran out of the house angry, and then walking in the street for a while. When I got into the room, I saw the lunch box on my desk. One classmate told me my mother had brought them for me. Before opening the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes quickly filled with tears.



VI. 短文改错

找出下面一段文章中的错处并改正。如该行缺一词,在文中缺词处标上“  ”  ,并在相应的横线上写上正确的词语;如该行多一词,在文中用斜线划掉多余的词,并在相应的横线上写上该词,用斜线划去;如该行错一词,在文中用横线标出,再在相应的横线上写上正确的词语。如该行无错,在相应的横线上打上“  ” 。


Betty wants to be  nurse and works with sick people        a       

who need her helps.                                 help     

Last summer Betty  had  broke her leg.                had     

The pain was very great and she couldn’t walk.                    

  The telephone rang and I picked out the receiver(话筒). “Hello,”   69.____________

I said.  “Hello,” said the voice. “Bill here, is Betty there?”         70.____________

“I’m sorry,” I said, “You have got the wrong number.”             71.____________

A few seconds late, the telephone rang again. Just                 72.____________

as I expected he was Bill, “You have made a mistake again.”        73.____________

I explained. The telephone rang a third time. This made I           74.____________

angry. I speak in a big voice, “Hello, Bill, Betty here.”             75._____________

For a moment there was a dead silent. Then someone said,         76._____________

“What’s the wrong with you, Tom?” It was my mother.            77._____________

I could do anything but say sorry to my mother.                  78_____________


