25.(09福建省厦门市高三一模) You late for yesterday’S class meeting.as it was so important. A.couldn’t be B.shouldn’t be C.mustn’t have been D.oughtn’t to have been 答案 D 查看更多



It’s the fifth time ______ late this term.

  A. that you ’ve arrived   B. that you arrived

  C. when you ’ve arrived   D. when you arrived



Australian Taboos(禁忌)

  Lots of international students experienced cultural shock in Australia.Undoubtedly, knowing more about Australia is of importance for a pleasant school life there.The following are some common taboos, or habits that are seen as offensive or rude by most Australians.If you want to make a good impression, it is best to avoid these habits.

  ·  1   In Australia it is common to see people using handkerchiefs to blow their noses.This is not considered unclean as it is in some cultures.

  ·Making a noise when eating is thought to be rude.Eating in a public places should be done quietly.  2  

  ·As in many countries, dropping rubbish or leaving it behind is considered impolite and is punishable with a fine.

  ·Other social taboos includes opening someone's door without knocking first and going through a door without holding it open for the person behind you.  3  

    4   You should find out about accommodation and language training.Reading books about Australia will give you an idea of the different cultural environment.  5   If you are prepared for differences, are ready to enjoy the experience as a whole and keep a sense of humor and optimism,, then it should all turn out to be a pleasant learning and life adventure.

A.These two are the habits anyone should avoid for ever.

B.Arriving late for an appointment is not appreciated.

C.However, the best preparation is a positive, realistic attitude.

D.Besides, constant clearing of the throat at table is thought to be rude.

E.Sniffing instead of blowing your nose is considered unacceptable.

F.Blowing your nose instead of sniffing is considered unacceptable.

G.Also, by planning ahead you will be better prepared for the study in Australia.




It is not polite to arrive at a dinner party more than 15 to 20 minutes late. The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before __21__ the meal. If someone is late, the food may be spoiled, and so might the host or hostess’s __22__. If you have to be late, call and tell them to __23__ you.

It’s even __24__to be early! The host or hostess will probably not be__25__. If you are early, drive or walk around the block a few times, or just sit in your car __26__the right time.

Though it is often important to arrive on time, yet__27__, for open houses, the host or hostess invites guests to arrive and leave __28__a certain time. You can arrive at any time __29__the time he or she gives you.

It’s polite to bring an empty stomach, but it’s even nicer to bring a small present. The present should not cost__30__, or you might embarrass the host or hostess. Flowers, wine, or a box of candy will __31__. Never bring money as a present.

In an introduction, the order of a name: (1) the given name, (2) the family name. In other words the given name comes __32__. It’s important not only to learn and remember names, but to__33__them often in conversation. After the __34__we usually call friends by their given names. __35__may want you to call them by their titles and__36__, such as “Mr. Jones” “Mrs. Johnson” or “Dr. Brown”.

A maiden name is a woman’s family name __37__. In the United States and Canada, after a woman marries, she __38__the family name of her husband__39__her maiden name. It is now becoming __40__, however, for women to keep their maiden names after getting married.

21. A. making                              B. serving                            C. doing                               D. cooling

22. A. soul                                    B. spirits                              C. thought                           D. idea

23. A. have with                    B. have without                 C. start with                 D. start without

24. A. nice                              B. nicer                       C. worse                        D. bad

25. A. back                            B. in                             C. up                               D. ready

26. A. until                                    B. after                                C. before                          D. by

27. A. in the other hand  B. on the other hand        C. in another hand   D. on another hand

28. A. between                     B. among                   C. for                                    D. at

29. A. within                                B. by                                     C. on                                     D. in

30. A. many                                  B. a little                              C. a lot                                 D. a few

31. A. be well                               B. be right                           C. do well                            D. do fine

32. A. after                                   B. before                             C. first                                  D. later

33. A. recall                                  B. respect                           C. speak                             D. retell

34. A. meeting                            B. conversation              C. introduction                   D. dinner

35. A. Older people                   B. Young people                 C. Gentlemen                   D. Doctors

36. A. given names                    B. first names                   C. family names                 D. nick names

37. A. on birth                    B. from birth            C. with birth                 D. at birth

38. A. gives                                  B. brings                        C. carries                   D. takes

39. A. instead                              B. in place of                       C. takes place                   D. in place

40. A. important                         B. necessary                       C. special                   D. common



You will be late ______ you leave immediately.

  A. unless   B. until  C. if   D. or


The aims of the Illustrators’(插图画家的)Exhibition, staged as part of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, organized by BolognaFiere and held from 23to 26 December 2011,are to bring illustrators and publishers together and to promote illustrators and their works among publishers.


?Individual illustrators or groups of illustrators of any nationality, if they were born before 31st December 1992, whose artwork is intended for use in children’s books, are qualified to enter the Exhibition, either directly or through publishing houses or schools.

?Please state in the application form whether you are entering work for the Fiction or Nonfiction CategoryIllustrators may only enter one category.

  ?Artwork previously presented to the Exhibition may not be re-entered.

?The confirmation(确认)form must be filled in and a photograph attached, then presented together with illustrations no later than 15 October 2011.


Entries may be delivered by post, express delivery service or by handFrom abroad, please use the following forms: Form “A” for registered mail or post by air; Form “B” if using an international forwarding agent or airlineTo avoid delays, material should not be sent by normal postMaterial should be sent “carriage paid”, including any customs and delivery costs.

BolognaFiere may not be held responsible for the non-arrival or late arrival of artworkall published works must be accompanied by a declaration bearing the ISBN number, publisher’s name and address.


  The illustrations(i.e. the size of the sheet)must not exceed(超过) the following dimensions:

  Fiction: 32×42 cm (or 42 × 32 cm)

  Non-fiction: 50 ×70 cm (70 × 50cm)

Illustrations in larger formats will not be considered, nor will they be returned by BolognaFiereThe illustrations must be on paper or flexible board, maximum thickness 2mm ( for scanner separation purposes).


All artwork received by the stated deadline and meeting the specified requirements will be examined and selected by an international group (whose decision is final), including five members (from publishing house and art schools) appointed each year by BolognaFiere.


After the Bologna event, the Illustrators Exhibition will travel to Japan under the supervision of JBBY. The Illustrators Exhibition may afterwards be transferred to other venues(场馆) in other countries. The exhibitions of illustrations held abroad follow the same rules and regulations as the Illustrators Exhibition, and the provisions (条款) of the regulations are extended to the organizers of the exhibitions held abroad.


All the works will be returned to their owners by BolognaFiere or directly by the organizers of the exhibitions and held abroad by the end of July 2013.

1.Which of the following of the Illustrators’ Exhibition is true?

A. It will last five days in all in July every other year.

B. It is intended for college students who are good at painting.

C. It is held by the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in BolognaFiere.

D. It can strengthen the relationship between illustrators and publishers.

2.The illustrators of the Illustrators Exhibition __________

A. should be at least 16 and no more than 25

B. may re-enter their artwork after it is returned

C. should state the category of their artwork clearly

D. may choose to attach a photo to the application form

3.Which of the following is unacceptable for delivering entries?

A. Normal post????????????? B. Airline post????????????? C. Registered mail????????????? D. Express delivery

4.What is BolognaFiere responsible for?

A. Paying for the delivery costs ????????????? B. Late arrival of artwork

C. Confirmation of ISBN number ????????????? D. Returning the illustrators’ works

5.The illustrators’ works will not be considered if they ????? .

A. are received after the day of 15 October 2011

B. are smaller than the required size

C. have already been published abroad before

D. don’t meet the demands of the international experts


