There is a chance that I will be in Shanghai in I visit you for a few days. A.might B.must C.would rather D.have to 答案 A 查看更多




1.Professor Holloway, an eye____________(专家), organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.

2.Someone in another car started making             (手势) and pointing at our tires.

3.There is a c             between pollution and the death of trees.

4.He was a little boy, but he b             as if he were an adult.

5.It was            (令人吃惊的)to everyone that the court had made such a decision.

6.               (不幸地)he won’t be here tomorrow evening.

7.The National Day was celebrated              (遍及) the country.

8.A museum should aim to e            as well as educate.

9.The novel describes the way of life of the o           people there.

10.She’s s            to bring up a family alone.



【小题1】Professor Holloway, an eye____________(专家), organized a national survey of eye diseases in children.
【小题2】Someone in another car started making             (手势) and pointing at our tires.
【小题3】There is a c            between pollution and the death of trees.
【小题4】He was a little boy, but he b            as if he were an adult.
【小题5】It was            (令人吃惊的)to everyone that the court had made such a decision.
【小题6】              (不幸地)he won’t be here tomorrow evening.
【小题7】The National Day was celebrated              (遍及) the country.
【小题8】A museum should aim to e           as well as educate.
【小题9】The novel describes the way of life of the o          people there.
【小题10】She’s s           to bring up a family alone.


 根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。(每空1分,满分 10分)

 1. He has t  (1)   his own novels into French from English.

2. People are _(2)__(迷惑的)about all the different labels on food these days.

 3. He could mime and act the fool doing _(3)_(平常的) tasks and his subtle acting made everything e  (4 )  .

 4. The children were   (5)   (争辩) over how to spend the money.

 5. He has broken two world records on the same day, which is quite an a  (6)  .

 6. There is a c (7)   between pollution and the death of trees.

 7. She __(8)__(观察) a man walking on the opposite side of the way.

 8. He needs a high income to s  (9) such a big family.

 9. There are four __(10)__(紧急情况) exits in the department store.



1.I don’t think there is a c__________________ (never changing) view on beauty.

2.She’s been in the hospital for a week because she has a s____________ (serious) case of the flu.

3.With these r______________ (limits) on her power she had to leave the political field.

4.His explanation was simple and s_________________ (easy to understand).

5.I need a pair of w ____________ (made of wool) gloves.

6.He had speaking problems in his childhood.That is why he talks very d__________ (carefully and slowly).

7.I could tell p___________(only) by the look on his face that he was disappointed.

8.The rain was pouring down so we s_____________ (quickly) ran inside.

9.Being o__________(fat) is considered to be attractive in some cultural groups.

10.All this singer’s songs are d________________(sung) with energy.


    第四节. 根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词的正确形式。(每空1分,满分 10分)

 1. He has t  (1)   his own novels into French from English.

2. People are _(2)__(迷惑的)about all the different labels on food these days.

 3. He could mime and act the fool doing _(3)_(平常的) tasks and his subtle acting made everything e  (4 )  .

 4. The children were   (5)   (争辩) over how to spend the money.

 5. He has broken two world records on the same day, which is quite an a  (6)  .

 6. There is a c (7)   between pollution and the death of trees.

 7. She __(8)__(观察) a man walking on the opposite side of the way.

 8. He needs a high income to s  (9) such a big family.

 9. There are four __(10)__(紧急情况) exits in the department store.

