Mozart’s birthplace and the house he composed `The Magic Flute’ are both museums now. A. where B. when C. there D. which 答案 A 查看更多





Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students to begin at an earlier age. Robby said that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him on as a student.

Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions. But he just did not have any inborn ability.

I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in.  Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.

I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part in it. I agreed, but I made him perform last in the program, so I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.

I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.

I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby! How could you do it?”

“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf, so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”

That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.

Why might Robby have stopped coming to piano lessons suddenly?

A. He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.

B. His mother might have been seriously ill.

C. He thought that his teacher disliked him.

D. His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.

We can know from the passage that __________.

A. the writer thought students shouldn’t begin playing the piano too early

B. the writer thought that Robby had given up his piano lessons

C. only by practicing at home did Robby learn to play well

D. no one else could play the piece of Mozart’s as well as Robby

From the underlined sentence, we can infer that _________.

A. the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him

B. the writer thought Robby was a bad advertisement for her teaching

C. with Robby in the recital, the other children couldn’t play well

D. the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time

The writer made Robby perform last because _________.

A. the one who performs last always performs very well

B. Robby asked the writer to do so

C. she wanted to do something to save a poor performance

D. Robby thought his mother would come at last


If music makes you smarter and exercise helps you to think, surely exercising to music can turn you into an intelligent person.
A team of scientists from Ohio State University did experiments on 33 volunteers who were getting better from heart disease following operation. They found that people who exercised while listening to Italian musician Antonio Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons” did much better on language ability tests than without music.
“Facts suggest that exercise improves the learning ability of people with heart disease,” said the psychologist Charles Emery, who led the study. “And listening to music is thought to enhance understanding. We just wanted to put the two results together,” he added.
The volunteers said they felt better emotionally and physically after working out with or without the music. But their improvement on the test doubled after listening to music during exercise. Scientists have proved that music can be good for health, education and well-being. It helps reduce stress, sadness and nervousness; encourages relaxation or sleep; wakes up the body and improves memory and thoughts.
In medical fields, music is used widely for patients who have had head hurts before and after operation. “The Four Seasons” was used because of its moderate tempo(舒缓的节拍)and positive results in earlier research. “Exercise seems to cause positive changes in the nervous system(神经系统) and these changes may have a direct result on learning ability,” Emery said.
Scientists have been studying the results of music on understanding since the early 1950s. By 2000, psychologists were using Mozart’s music, especially his violin pieces, to help children with speech disorders. Mozart was chosen because his music is not overexciting and has clear structures. A study showed students who listened to Mozart went on to score higher marks in an intelligence test. With important exams drawing near, your parents will not probably allow you to listen to music. But perhaps now you have good reasons to argue with them.
【小题1】The underlined word enhance can be replaced by ______.

【小题2】The text mainly tells us that _____. and exercise lead to relaxation or sleep
B.33 volunteers work on music in medical fields
C.exercising to music makes people healthy and bright
D.scientists give suggestions on choosing music to exercise to
【小题3】It can be learned from the last paragraph that ______. are supposed to follow your parents’ words
B.students should not listen to music before exams have some good reasons to exercise to music might help you to get higher grades in tests
【小题4】Which of the following statements is true?
A.Exercise seems to cause negative changes without music.
B.Exercise reminds people with head hurts of what they’ve learned.
C.Scientists often use Mozart’s music, for it is not too exciting.
D.“The Four Seasons” is used to help children with speech disorders.




Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students to begin at an earlier age. Robby said that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him on as a student.

Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions. But he just did not have any inborn ability.

I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in.  Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.

I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part in it. I agreed, but I made him perform last in the program, so I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.

I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.

I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby! How could you do it?”

“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf, so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”

That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.

1.Why might Robby have stopped coming to piano lessons suddenly?

A. He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.

B. His mother might have been seriously ill.

C. He thought that his teacher disliked him.

D. His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.

2. We can know from the passage that __________.

A. the writer thought students shouldn’t begin playing the piano too early

B. the writer thought that Robby had given up his piano lessons

C. only by practicing at home did Robby learn to play well

D. no one else could play the piece of Mozart’s as well as Robby

3.From the underlined sentence, we can infer that _________.

A. the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him

B. the writer thought Robby was a bad advertisement for her teaching

C. with Robby in the recital, the other children couldn’t play well

D. the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time

4. The writer made Robby perform last because _________.

A. the one who performs last always performs very well

B. Robby asked the writer to do so

C. she wanted to do something to save a poor performance

D. Robby thought his mother would come at last



Robby was 11 years old when his mother (a single mom) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby.   21  Robby said that it had always been his mother’s   22  to hear him play the piano. So I took him as a student.
Hard as Robby tried, he lacked the   23  of music. However, he persisted and at the end of each weekly   24  he’d always say, “My mom’s going to hear me play someday.” But it seemed   25 . I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her aged car to   26  him up. She always   27  and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby   28  coming to our lessons. He telephoned me and said his mother was   29 .
A few weeks after that, I was   30  my students for the upcoming recital when Robby came and asked me   31 he could be in the recital. “Miss Hondorf… I’ll just go to play!” he insisted.
The night for the recital came. The high school gym was   32 with parents, friends and relatives. The recital   33  well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was   34  when he announced that he had chosen Mozart’s Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I had heard   35  his fingers were light on the keys. They even   36  on the keys… He played so well that everyone was on their   37 in wild applause (鼓掌). In tears I ran up on stage. “Oh Robby! How   38  you do it?”
“Well Miss Hondorf… I   39 on practicing at home. Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well,   40  she had cancer and passed away this morning. She was born deaf so tonight was the first time she ever heard me play…”

A.went onB.turned onC.carried onD.kept on




Robby was 11 years old when his mother (a single mom) dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students begin at an earlier age, which I explained to Robby.   21   Robby said that it had always been his mother’s   22   to hear him play the piano. So I took him as a student.

Hard as Robby tried, he lacked the   23   of music. However, he persisted and at the end of each weekly   24   he’d always say, “My mom’s going to hear me play someday.” But it seemed   25  . I only knew his mother from a distance as she dropped Robby off or waited in her aged car to   26   him up. She always   27   and smiled but never visited my class. Then one day Robby   28   coming to our lessons. He telephoned me and said his mother was   29  .

A few weeks after that, I was   30   my students for the upcoming recital when Robby came and asked me   31  he could be in the recital. “Miss Hondorf… I’ll just go to play!” he insisted.

The night for the recital came. The high school gym was   32  with parents, friends and relatives. The recital   33   well. Then Robby came up on stage. I was   34   when he announced that he had chosen Mozart’s Concerto No. 21 in C Major. I was not prepared for what I had heard   35   his fingers were light on the keys. They even   36   on the keys… He played so well that everyone was on their   37  in wild applause (鼓掌). In tears I ran up on stage. “Oh Robby! How   38   you do it?”

“Well Miss Hondorf… I   39  on practicing at home. Remember I told you my mom was sick? Well,   40   she had cancer and passed away this morning. She was born deaf so tonight was the first time she ever heard me play…”

1..A.Although       B.Because        C.But            D.Thus

2..A.idea           B.dream          C.desire         D.imagination

3..A.feeling        B.knowledge      D.sense

4..A.trial          B.attempt        C.performance    D.lesson

5..A.helpless       B.hopeless       C.senseless      D.worthless

6.A.put              B.take           C.make           D.pick

7.A.waved            B.listened       C.stared         D.watched

8.A.escaped          B.avoided        C.stopped        D.refused

9.A.deaf             B.lonely         C.away           D.sick

10.A.preparing       B.arranging      C.persuading     D.taking

11.A.that            B.whether        C.when 

12.A.filled          B.covered        C.crowded        D.connected

13.A.went on         B.turned on      C.carried on     D.kept on

14.A.delighted       B.proud          C.confused       D.surprised

15.A.until           B.while          C.before         D.since

16.A.danced          B.tapped         C.hit            D.flew

17.A.heads           B.feet           C.ears           D.eyes

18.A.should          B.would          C.could          D.might

19..A.went          B.kept           C.continued      D.stuck

20..A.unfortunately B.suddenly       C.strangely      D.actually



